martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009
viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009
martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009
viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009
Lecturer in Biostatistics. Profesor en Bioestadística
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.Estan buscando un estadista con experiencia en análisis de datos en epidemiología, en particular de los marcadores biológicos y / o con la comprensión de enfoques de múltiples niveles de modelización o de la ecuación estructural.
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Más Información
martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009
Biostatistician position at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
The Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics has approximately 200 persons working at the department including 20 in the Biostatistics group.
The department is involved in a number of large research projects spanning many research fields. We make extensive use of data from national health registers, questionnaires, and an increasing proportion of projects also contain genetic and molecular data. The biostatisticians also conduct their own research in biostatistics and epidemiology .
The successful candidate will work under the guidance of a Professor of Biostatistics and will have access to two applied biostatisticians who also work on the same project.
Area of responsibilities/duties:
We are currently looking for a qualified statistician to work on a multidisciplinary project titled "Transmitted and Acquired Determinants of Health across the Life-Span", funded by Vetenskapsrådet under SIMSAM (Swedish Initiative for research on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences, ).
The biostatistician will be responsible for recognizing and applying appropriate statistical models to complex data analysis in several applications and for developing new approaches.
The project involves five distinct research themes, covering:
(1) early life exposure to antibiotics, family history and subsequent childhood health,
(2) effects of psychiatric disorders in parents on adolescent criminality in offspring,
(3) prenatal exposures and familial contribution to obesity in young adulthood and its influence on subsequent cardiovascular morbidity
(4) family history, transgenerational socioeconomic status and cardiovascular diseases
(5) familial cancer data for clinical counseling and cancer genetics.
The common focus of the SIMSAM projects is the use of Swedish register data to address the research objectives. An important component of the project is the development of statistical methods for valid and optimal use of data from population registers.
The position is for one year with the possibility of extension for another year.
Qualifications: You should have a PhD in biostatistics or statistics. Experience of medical research and/or epidemiology is valuable. We put great emphasis on communication skills, since a large part of our work is collaboration with non-statisticians. You should have good collaborative skills, and be eager to deepen your knowledge in epidemiology, biology or medicine as the need arises. Swedish and English are the working languages at the department. The position provides an ideal opportunity for a recent PhD graduate interested to develop a career in biostatistics.
Senior Biostatistician Marie Reilly
+46 (0)8 524 83982
PI for the SIMSAM project Weimin Ye
+46 (0)8 524 86184
Union representatives
Camilla Lagerberg, SACO
+46 (0)8 524 82375
Ann Almqvist, OFR/ST-ATF
+46 (0)8 524 86199
Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO
+46 (0)8 524 88075
Application procedure: Applications should include a letter of application,
current CV, and a "statement of purpose" (maximum one page, outlining your
research and career plans).
Application sent to:
Karolinska Institutet
Department of medical epidemiology and biostatistics
Jeanette Gruen
Box 281
171 77 Stockholm
Reference number: 5815/2009
Last date for applications: December 31 2009
The department is involved in a number of large research projects spanning many research fields. We make extensive use of data from national health registers, questionnaires, and an increasing proportion of projects also contain genetic and molecular data. The biostatisticians also conduct their own research in biostatistics and epidemiology .
The successful candidate will work under the guidance of a Professor of Biostatistics and will have access to two applied biostatisticians who also work on the same project.
Area of responsibilities/duties:
We are currently looking for a qualified statistician to work on a multidisciplinary project titled "Transmitted and Acquired Determinants of Health across the Life-Span", funded by Vetenskapsrådet under SIMSAM (Swedish Initiative for research on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences, ).
The biostatistician will be responsible for recognizing and applying appropriate statistical models to complex data analysis in several applications and for developing new approaches.
The project involves five distinct research themes, covering:
(1) early life exposure to antibiotics, family history and subsequent childhood health,
(2) effects of psychiatric disorders in parents on adolescent criminality in offspring,
(3) prenatal exposures and familial contribution to obesity in young adulthood and its influence on subsequent cardiovascular morbidity
(4) family history, transgenerational socioeconomic status and cardiovascular diseases
(5) familial cancer data for clinical counseling and cancer genetics.
The common focus of the SIMSAM projects is the use of Swedish register data to address the research objectives. An important component of the project is the development of statistical methods for valid and optimal use of data from population registers.
The position is for one year with the possibility of extension for another year.
Qualifications: You should have a PhD in biostatistics or statistics. Experience of medical research and/or epidemiology is valuable. We put great emphasis on communication skills, since a large part of our work is collaboration with non-statisticians. You should have good collaborative skills, and be eager to deepen your knowledge in epidemiology, biology or medicine as the need arises. Swedish and English are the working languages at the department. The position provides an ideal opportunity for a recent PhD graduate interested to develop a career in biostatistics.
Senior Biostatistician Marie Reilly
+46 (0)8 524 83982
PI for the SIMSAM project Weimin Ye
+46 (0)8 524 86184
Union representatives
Camilla Lagerberg, SACO
+46 (0)8 524 82375
Ann Almqvist, OFR/ST-ATF
+46 (0)8 524 86199
Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO
+46 (0)8 524 88075
Application procedure: Applications should include a letter of application,
current CV, and a "statement of purpose" (maximum one page, outlining your
research and career plans).
Application sent to:
Karolinska Institutet
Department of medical epidemiology and biostatistics
Jeanette Gruen
Box 281
171 77 Stockholm
Reference number: 5815/2009
Last date for applications: December 31 2009
lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009
Analista de datos. Barcelona
El Centre d’Investigació en Salut Laboral (CiSAL) de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra ofereix un contracte laboral per a un analista de bases de dades.
Descripció del centre de treball
El Centre d’Investigació en Salut Laboral vol ser un centre reconegut a nivell acadèmic, professional i social, per la producció i transferència de coneixement útil per millorar la salut dels treballadors. Per això el CiSAL es constitueix com un espai acadèmic singular d'interacció entre ciència i societat, que produeix i difon coneixement científic útil per a la presa de decisions, per tal de millorar la salut dels treballadors. Per a més informació es pot consultar
Resum del lloc de feina
Utilitzar eines per a l'anàlisi de dades, realitzar manipulació de dades per al suport de múltiples estudis de recerca. Realitzar anàlisis estadístiques relacionades amb els projectes d'investigació.
Responsabilitats principals
1. Responsable de la manipulació de dades de múltiples projectes.
2. Realitzar el manteniment i control de qualitat de bases de dades.
3. Generar resultats estadístics.
4. Comunicació i col·laboració amb informàtics, personal tècnic encarregat de servidors i investigadors.
Requeriments dels candidats
Diplomatura / Llicenciatura en informàtica, estadística o similar.
Coneixement i experiència en el maneig de bases de dades complexes.
Es valorarà l'experiència prèvia en programació SQL Server, llenguatge de programació web i R, recerca i anàlisi estadística.
Es valorarà coneixement d’anglès a nivell tècnic-científic.
Característiques de la plaça
Contracte d'1 any. Dedicació a temps complet. Sou brut anual 24.528€.
Incorporació a gener de 2010.
Documentació necessària
Els interessats han d'enviar un e-mail al professor Jordi Delclòs a l'adreça abans del 18 novembre 2009. S'ha de fer constar els interessos per a
treballar al CiSAL i cal adjuntar currículum vitae.
El Centre d’Investigació en Salut Laboral (CiSAL) de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra ofereix un contracte laboral per a un analista de bases de dades.
Descripció del centre de treball
El Centre d’Investigació en Salut Laboral vol ser un centre reconegut a nivell acadèmic, professional i social, per la producció i transferència de coneixement útil per millorar la salut dels treballadors. Per això el CiSAL es constitueix com un espai acadèmic singular d'interacció entre ciència i societat, que produeix i difon coneixement científic útil per a la presa de decisions, per tal de millorar la salut dels treballadors. Per a més informació es pot consultar
Resum del lloc de feina
Utilitzar eines per a l'anàlisi de dades, realitzar manipulació de dades per al suport de múltiples estudis de recerca. Realitzar anàlisis estadístiques relacionades amb els projectes d'investigació.
Responsabilitats principals
1. Responsable de la manipulació de dades de múltiples projectes.
2. Realitzar el manteniment i control de qualitat de bases de dades.
3. Generar resultats estadístics.
4. Comunicació i col·laboració amb informàtics, personal tècnic encarregat de servidors i investigadors.
Requeriments dels candidats
Diplomatura / Llicenciatura en informàtica, estadística o similar.
Coneixement i experiència en el maneig de bases de dades complexes.
Es valorarà l'experiència prèvia en programació SQL Server, llenguatge de programació web i R, recerca i anàlisi estadística.
Es valorarà coneixement d’anglès a nivell tècnic-científic.
Característiques de la plaça
Contracte d'1 any. Dedicació a temps complet. Sou brut anual 24.528€.
Incorporació a gener de 2010.
Documentació necessària
Els interessats han d'enviar un e-mail al professor Jordi Delclòs a l'adreça abans del 18 novembre 2009. S'ha de fer constar els interessos per a
treballar al CiSAL i cal adjuntar currículum vitae.
martes, 20 de octubre de 2009
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
martes, 13 de octubre de 2009
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009
jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009
viernes, 17 de julio de 2009
jueves, 16 de julio de 2009
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009
Solicitud de becas para la realización de prácticas profesionales de explotación y análisis de datos estadísticos en Educacion Comunidad Valenciana
Solicitud de becas para la realización de prácticas profesionales de explotación y análisis de datos estadísticos de las materias competencia de la Conselleria de EducaciónMás información
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
Entre todos podemos ayudarnos
Si conoces alguna oferta de trabajo puedes enviar para que la colguemos aquí. Todos saldremos ganando. Saludos
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
martes, 2 de junio de 2009
Convocatoria de una beca para la realización de prácticas profesionales de formación en apoyo a la investigación en Estadística
Convocatoria de una beca para la realización de prácticas profesionales de formación en apoyo a la investigación, a desempeñar en la Secretaría del Alto Consejo Consultivo en Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación(Estadística y/o Matemáticas).
Más noticias
Más noticias
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009
viernes, 3 de abril de 2009
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009
martes, 17 de marzo de 2009
Ofera de empleo para estadístico o economista en el IMIM
Tareas a desarrollar:
* Mantener el sistema deinformación asistencial y economica que alimenta el sistema deinformación economica.
* Desarrollar nuevos análisis de costes de atención sociosanitaria y salud mental.
* Participar en el análisis de estudios de investigación basados en los resultados del sistema de información económica.
Formación requerida: Diplomatura en Estadística. Se valoraran titulaciones superiores en Ciencias y Técnica de la Estadística o Economicas.
Necesaria experiencia previa en tratamiento de bases de datos con SPSS
Más información
* Mantener el sistema deinformación asistencial y economica que alimenta el sistema deinformación economica.
* Desarrollar nuevos análisis de costes de atención sociosanitaria y salud mental.
* Participar en el análisis de estudios de investigación basados en los resultados del sistema de información económica.
Formación requerida: Diplomatura en Estadística. Se valoraran titulaciones superiores en Ciencias y Técnica de la Estadística o Economicas.
Necesaria experiencia previa en tratamiento de bases de datos con SPSS
Más información
jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009
martes, 24 de febrero de 2009
martes, 10 de febrero de 2009
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009
PhD Biostatistician in Bern. Oferta hasta el 1 de Marzo
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern is
one of five medical faculties in Switzerland. The
Faculty’s Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
(ISPM) employs some 100 staff and provides undergraduate
and post-graduate education and carries
out research in a range of disciplines relevant to
Public Health. ISPM offers a lively, interdisciplinary
environment with excellent computing and library
facilities. With its mediaeval architecture, the Swiss
capital city of Bern is a UNESCO World Heritage
Site, which offers excellent quality of life in the
proximity of the Alps.
An opening for a
PhD position in biostatistics / epidemiology (childhood asthma)
is available from 1st March 2009, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Childhood
wheezing disorders (including childhood asthma) are the most common chronic health problem in
childhood. Yet, the factors that determine if a child gets asthma, and if it grows out of it or develops
chronic disease, are poorly known. This PhD project will focus on the prediction of onset and
persistence of childhood wheezing disorders, using data from large population-based cohort studies
(N=10,000; Int J Epidemiol 2007;36:977-85).
Specifically the applicant will:
• Perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the existing literature on predictors of onset and
persistence of wheeze and asthma.
• Explore, apply and compare the performance of the methods (e.g. logistic regression, classification
and regression trees, and artificial neural networks) in predicting onset and persistence of asthma in
• Develop prognostic tools for use in clinical practice.
• Prepare graphs and tables based on the analysis, write statistical reports and scientific papers.
• Present results at national and international conferences.
• Travel to England 2-3 times per year for meetings with collaborators.
• Participate in general tasks relating to the management of the Leicester cohort studies (database
creation and maintenance, logistics of ongoing and future surveys, data cleaning, grant
We are seeking a PhD candidate with a strong background in applied statistics and with an interest in
clinical epidemiology or public health. Candidates with a degree in statistics, mathematics, medicine or
natural sciences are welcome to apply.
The ideal candidate will be a motivated graduate student (diploma or master degree) with good skills
in statistical programming (R or Matlab) combined with an interest in applied health related research.
Experience in the use of standard statistical software such as Stata or SAS, in writing scientific papers
and reports and in presenting results would be advantageous. The ability to maintain clear
documentation is essential. Languages: excellent knowledge of English and either German or French.
The appointment is available from March 2009 for 3 years. The salary of the PhD position is based on
the salary scale of the Swiss National Science Foundation. More detailed information on the position
can be obtained from Claudia Kuehni.
Please send your applications including curriculum vitae as soon as possible, but not later than
February 15, 2009 to: PD Dr. med. Claudia Kuehni, Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin
Finkenhubelweg 11, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. E-mail:
one of five medical faculties in Switzerland. The
Faculty’s Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
(ISPM) employs some 100 staff and provides undergraduate
and post-graduate education and carries
out research in a range of disciplines relevant to
Public Health. ISPM offers a lively, interdisciplinary
environment with excellent computing and library
facilities. With its mediaeval architecture, the Swiss
capital city of Bern is a UNESCO World Heritage
Site, which offers excellent quality of life in the
proximity of the Alps.
An opening for a
PhD position in biostatistics / epidemiology (childhood asthma)
is available from 1st March 2009, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Childhood
wheezing disorders (including childhood asthma) are the most common chronic health problem in
childhood. Yet, the factors that determine if a child gets asthma, and if it grows out of it or develops
chronic disease, are poorly known. This PhD project will focus on the prediction of onset and
persistence of childhood wheezing disorders, using data from large population-based cohort studies
(N=10,000; Int J Epidemiol 2007;36:977-85).
Specifically the applicant will:
• Perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the existing literature on predictors of onset and
persistence of wheeze and asthma.
• Explore, apply and compare the performance of the methods (e.g. logistic regression, classification
and regression trees, and artificial neural networks) in predicting onset and persistence of asthma in
• Develop prognostic tools for use in clinical practice.
• Prepare graphs and tables based on the analysis, write statistical reports and scientific papers.
• Present results at national and international conferences.
• Travel to England 2-3 times per year for meetings with collaborators.
• Participate in general tasks relating to the management of the Leicester cohort studies (database
creation and maintenance, logistics of ongoing and future surveys, data cleaning, grant
We are seeking a PhD candidate with a strong background in applied statistics and with an interest in
clinical epidemiology or public health. Candidates with a degree in statistics, mathematics, medicine or
natural sciences are welcome to apply.
The ideal candidate will be a motivated graduate student (diploma or master degree) with good skills
in statistical programming (R or Matlab) combined with an interest in applied health related research.
Experience in the use of standard statistical software such as Stata or SAS, in writing scientific papers
and reports and in presenting results would be advantageous. The ability to maintain clear
documentation is essential. Languages: excellent knowledge of English and either German or French.
The appointment is available from March 2009 for 3 years. The salary of the PhD position is based on
the salary scale of the Swiss National Science Foundation. More detailed information on the position
can be obtained from Claudia Kuehni.
Please send your applications including curriculum vitae as soon as possible, but not later than
February 15, 2009 to: PD Dr. med. Claudia Kuehni, Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin
Finkenhubelweg 11, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. E-mail:
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