Con motivo del año internacional de la Estadística. Estaidea ha creado un nuevo apartado "¿Trabajas como estadístico?", en el que se llevarán entrevistas a compañeros que nos contaras su experiencia. Ya tenemos la siguiente experiencia de José María Velarde Collado quien con 10 años de experiencia como estadísticos actualmente se encuentra en el paro. Puedes consultarla en:
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
¿Trabajas como estadístico? Sexta experiencia
Con motivo del año internacional de la Estadística. Estaidea ha creado un nuevo apartado "¿Trabajas como estadístico?", en el que se llevarán entrevistas a compañeros que nos contaras su experiencia. Ya tenemos la siguiente experiencia de José María Velarde Collado quien con 10 años de experiencia como estadísticos actualmente se encuentra en el paro. Puedes consultarla en:
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
Estadisticos para la convocatoria de Técnicos de Apoyo a la Investigación en el marco de la AES 2013 en Navarra
En relación con la actividad científica de investigadores
clínicos del Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, las funciones del
técnico de apoyo serán las siguientes:
- Asesoría metodológica y apoyo en el diseño de nuevos proyectos de investigación
- Análisis estadísticos de datos y presentación de resultados
- Apoyo y colaboración en la redacción de artículos científicos
- Participación en actividad docente relacionada con metodología de la investigación
- Asesoría metodológica y apoyo en el diseño de nuevos proyectos de investigación
- Análisis estadísticos de datos y presentación de resultados
- Apoyo y colaboración en la redacción de artículos científicos
- Participación en actividad docente relacionada con metodología de la investigación
Validador/a Experto/a en Estadística
Importante empresa farmacéutica ubicada en El Masnou selecciona un Validador/a Experto/a en Estadística para el área de QA.
Bolsa de Empleo, Estadístico en la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos
Número de Plazas: | Bolsa de Empleo |
Organismo Convocante: | Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA) |
Fecha Convocatoria: | |
Plazo de solicitud: | Hasta el 20 de abril de 2013 a las 24.00 horas |
Convocatoria: | Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea, núm C81A, de 20 de marzo de 2013 |
La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA) organiza un proceso selectivo para la constitución de una lista de reserva para el puesto:
- EMA/AD/344: Estadístico, sector de áreas especiales de medicamentos de uso humano, Unidad de desarrollo y evaluación de medicamentos de uso humano (AD 8).
El lugar de trabajo será Londres.
Contract Biostatistician in Germany
Biostatistician - Biostatistics - Pharmaceutical - Clinical - Contract Cardiovascular - Frankfurt - Contract - 24 Month
Senior Statistician - Scientific - Scotland
A new opening has become available for a Senior Statistician /
Mathematician within a market leading agency in Edinburgh. Joining a
team of industry veterans, the Senior Statistician / Mathematician will
be utilising their statistical expertise in providing services &
solutions to customers throughout the clinical, biotechnology and
scientific industry.
Research Fellow. Wake Forest School of Medicine
Duties & Responsibilities:
The research goals of the Center for Diabetes Research at Wake Forest
University School of Medicine focus on genetics of obesity, type 2
diabetes, diabetic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease risk factors
and related traits in multiple populations especially in African
Americans. Our genetic analytical work include genome wide association,
linkage, exome sequencing and exome chip studies. The successful
candidate will mainly participate in the analytical component of these
research projects, and follow up with bioinformatics and/or laboratory
studies on obesity and type 2 diabetes under the supervision of faculty
members. His/her major duties include genetic data analysis using
existing genetic software, statistical data analysis using SAS, R and/or
other programming tool. Laboratory studies may be involved depending on
the candidate’s experience. The candidate will also contribute to the
design, implementation and manuscript preparation of research projects.
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Statistics .UC Davis, Dept Statistics
Duties & Responsibilities:
A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Department of
Statistics, University of California, Davis with an initial appointment
of 2 years and a negotiable start date. We are seeking candidates
showing clear promise for being capable of developing cutting edge
statistical / computational methodology pertaining to modern areas of
statistics involving large and complex data, including, but not limited
to, medical imaging, visualization, graphical models, statistical
network analysis, functional data analysis, manifold learning or
statistical computing. This position is funded through an NSF
Research Training Group (RTG). The postdoctoral fellow is expected to be
an active member of the RTG, which consists of a dynamic group of
Statistics faculty and collaborators from Neuroscience, Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science, Cosmology and Entomology. RTG activities
include teaching and training/mentoring of undergraduate and graduate
Postdoctoral Fellow.Georgetown University Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics
Duties & Responsibilities:
Georgetown University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in
the Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics. The
ideal candidate for this position is a motivated individual with strong
methodological research background and communication skills. This
position entails 1) developing statistical methodology for the design
and analysis of multi-drug combinations, and 2) conducting rigorous
analysis of multi-drug response data using e.g. likelihood based or
Bayesian approach, for research grants funded by the NCI.
Visiting Assistant Professor Statistics and Business Analytics.Auburn University
Duties & Responsibilities:
Position: The Auburn University College of Business is seeking
qualified candidates for a one-year visiting faculty position in
Statistics and Business Analytics. We seek outstanding applicants with a
strong commitment to teaching and research. Although we are open to
all areas of statistics, candidates with teaching and research interests
in data mining, analysis of large data sets, and/or analytics are
preferred. Responsibilities: The visiting faculty member will be
expected to teach courses statistics and/or analytics classes at the
undergraduate level, graduate level, or both. We seek candidates with
active research agendas. Both high quality teaching and high quality
peer reviewed research is valued within Auburn’s College of Business.
Post Doctoral Fellowship.University of Oslo
Duties & Responsibilities:
Research according to job description. No teaching responsabilities.
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor.Columbia University
Duties & Responsibilities: Candidates will be expected to sustain an active research and
publication agenda and to teach in the departmental undergraduate and
graduate programs.
Postdoctoral Fellows.University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Duties & Responsibilities:
The postdoctoral fellows will work under the supervision of Dr. Peng
Qiu. The primary research focus will be on developing novel
computational methodology for the analysis of complex, high-dimensional
genomics and proteomics data. Specific research directions and projects
include: (1) analysis of flow cytometry data and CyTOF, (2)
integration of multiple data sources (i.e. copy number, methylation,
gene expression, microRNA). (3) differential equation modeling and
information geometry.
Postdoctoral Fellow.U niversity of California, San Diego
Duties & Responsibilities:
Provide biomedical/statistical support needs for UCSD Center for
Translational Research Institute (CTRI,; Review
methodological plans, project protocols, and statistical analysis
sections and recommend statistical procedures, including, but not
limited to, hypothesis tests, regression models and machine learning
techniques to analyze the data; Prepare reports that summarize the
analysis of research data, interpret the findings and provide
conclusions and recommendations; Conducts/consults on statistical
analyses, when indicated, and provides support for presentation and
publication of research results.
Olimpiada Estadística para estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de grado medio
Con motivo del Año Internacional de la Estadística en 2013, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) y la Facultad de Estudios Estadísticos (FEE) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
convocan una Olimpiada Estadística para estudiantes de Enseñanza
Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de grado medio.
Más información en:
Bases de la convocatoria
Inscribe a tu equipo hasta el 8 de abril
Ejemplos de pruebas de la Olimpiada
Póster de la Olimpiada
Dudas, sugerencias,.. olimpiada.estad@ucm.esMás información en:
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013
Becas Internacionales para Licenciados en Matemáticas
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 15/04/2013
Titulación requerida: Titulación Universitaria superior, preferentemente en Física o Matemáticas y título oficial de máster universitario. En caso de no poseer un título de máster, los solicitantes deberán acreditar documentalmente en la solicitud de admisión a la convocatoria tener finalizados completamente los estudios de la titulación que da acceso al máster universitario y haber cursado y superado, no mediante convalidación, al menos 20 créditos de máster universitario. Será condición imprescindible para la adjudicación efectiva de la beca tener completados los estudios de máster, lo que deberá acreditarse documentalmente con anterioridad al 1 de septiembre de 2013.
Fecha de finalización estudios de grado, licenciatura o ingeniería a partir del 31 de agosto de 2010.
PhD student positions in mathematics or mathematical statistics.Uppsala University
Duties: The duties of a PhD student are primarily directed at his/her own research education, which lasts 4 years. The work may also involve, to a limited extent (maximum 20 %), other departmental duties, mainly related to teaching undergraduate courses - in which case the position may be extended to maximum 5 years.
Dealine: 02/04/2013
Dealine: 02/04/2013
Oferta de empleo DECIDE-Consultor Investigación Operativa
PUESTO: Consultor en investigación operativa
Las principales funciones serán:
• Participación de reuniones con el cliente para la toma de requisitos y análisis de necesidades del cliente.
• Análisis, diseño e implementación de modelos matemáticos y heurística de las soluciones propuestas
• Implementación de nuevos requisitos, corrección de errores, mejora del rendimiento, soporte a usuarios y analistas durante la ejecución de pruebas de una aplicación existente.
• Desarrollo de software, utilizando técnicas de programación por restricciones, búsqueda local y metaheurísticas para clientes de diversos sectores.
Las principales funciones serán:
• Participación de reuniones con el cliente para la toma de requisitos y análisis de necesidades del cliente.
• Análisis, diseño e implementación de modelos matemáticos y heurística de las soluciones propuestas
• Implementación de nuevos requisitos, corrección de errores, mejora del rendimiento, soporte a usuarios y analistas durante la ejecución de pruebas de una aplicación existente.
• Desarrollo de software, utilizando técnicas de programación por restricciones, búsqueda local y metaheurísticas para clientes de diversos sectores.
Conferencias de estadística en las Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo de la Universidad de Alcalá
Motivado por la Celebración del año Internacional de la Estadística, se va a realizar un Ciclo de Conferencias en las Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo de la Universidad de Alcalá (Campus Histórico de Alcalá). Todas las sesiones se harán de 12:30 a 14:00 horas, con el siguiente programa y conferenciantes:
- Viernes 5 de abril de 2013 (Coincidiendo con la celebración del Patrón de la Facultad):
Retos actuales de la Estadística Oficial.
Gregorio Izquierdo, Presidente del I.N.E.
- Viernes 5 de abril de 2013 (Coincidiendo con la celebración del Patrón de la Facultad):
Retos actuales de la Estadística Oficial.
Gregorio Izquierdo, Presidente del I.N.E.
Data & Evaluation Manager.Coventry, UK
OCR is one of the three UK-wide awarding bodies, offering qualifications to learners of all ages through 13,000 schools, colleges and other institutions.
Confident and enthusiastic, with excellent numerical and verbal skills, you have previously worked in a fast paced environment and have a history of successfully meeting regular operational deadlines. You have a sound understanding of assessment data, and an awareness of assessment theory and practice. Knowledge or experience of item bank maintenance would be useful.
Postdoctoral Fellow.University of California, San Diego
Duties & Responsibilities: Provide biomedical/statistical support needs for UCSD Center for Translational Research Institute (CTRI,; Review methodological plans, project protocols, and statistical analysis sections and recommend statistical procedures, including, but not limited to, hypothesis tests, regression models and machine learning techniques to analyze the data; Prepare reports that summarize the analysis of research data, interpret the findings and provide conclusions and recommendations; Conducts/consults on statistical analyses, when indicated, and provides support for presentation and publication of research results.
Postdoctoral Fellows. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Duties & Responsibilities: The postdoctoral fellows will work under the supervision of Dr. Peng Qiu. The primary research focus will be on developing novel computational methodology for the analysis of complex, high-dimensional genomics and proteomics data. Specific research directions and projects include: (1) analysis of flow cytometry data and CyTOF, (2) integration of multiple data sources (i.e. copy number, methylation, gene expression, microRNA). (3) differential equation modeling and information geometry.
Estadístico en conselleria de sanidad comunidad valenciana
La Subdirección General de Sistemas de Información para la Salud (Conselleria de Sanitat) precisa contratar una licenciada o un licenciado en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas o en Matemáticas, encargado de realizar las tareas de normalizar y validar la metainformación asociada a indicadores (definiciones, fórmula de cálculo), así como definir e implantar normas de validación de información registrada garantizando de esta forma la calidad de la misma y explotación de la información. Referencia SASIS-ALU
jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013
¿Trabajas como estadístico? Quinta experiencia
Con motivo del año internacional de la Estadística. Estaidea ha creado un nuevo apartado "¿Trabajas como estadístico?", en el que se llevarán entrevistas a compañeros que nos contaras su experiencia. Ya tenemos la siguiente experiencia de Santiago Pérez-Hoyos quien con 25 años trabajando como Estadístioc nos contará su experiencia puedes consultarla en:
Conoce los servicios de la Unidad de Epidemiología de la Nutrición
- Evaluación dietética de todo tipo de estudios epidemiológicos (casos-controles, encuestas de nutrición, estudios de cohorte, etc.
- Planteamiento de estudios epidemiologicos.
- Creación y depuración de bases de datos.
- Analisis nutricionales con la herramienta MACRODIETA.
- Elaboración de informes nutricionales.
- Cuestionarios de Frecuencia Alimentaria (CFA) para evaluar dieta validados.
- Estudios de validación del CFA
- Elaboración de instrucciones y suministro de plataforma para recogida eficiente de datos.
- Elaboración de informes nutricionales.
- Encuestadores e investigadores para trabajo de campo y analisis de datos.
- Ingesta de alimentos (porciones o en gramos/día).
- Ingesta de nutrientes cruda y ajustada por ingesta energética (método residuos o de Willett).
- Ingesta de grupos de alimentos predeterminados ad hoc.
- Índices de calidad alimentaria: Dieta saludable (aHEI), dieta Mediterránea (AMED).
- Informes individuales de ingestas de acuerdo a recomendaciones.
- Agrupaciones alimentarias y de grupos de individuos.
- Alimentos principales contribuyentes a la ingesta de nutrientes específicos.
Job: Biostatistician, University of Glasgow
As a Biostatistician, you will be expected to carry out complex
statistical programming and analyses and to write reports on these. You
will undergo training in more advanced statistical methods as required.
You will be expected to meet with and present results to clients, and to
participate in publication of research with internal and external
collaborators. You will have the opportunity to contribute to the
Centre’s teaching programme.
You will be encouraged to contribute to collaborative applications for
grant funding. You will be expected to be able to work independently on
small projects, and to work under the supervision and direction of more
senior statisticians for larger, more complex projects. Initially, you
will report to senior statistical staff, but as you become more
experienced in your role, you will be given more responsibility and
encouraged to work more independently
Funding for this post is available for 3 years.
Apply online at
Closing date: 11 April 2013
Closing date: 11 April 2013
Postdoctoral Research Associate/Fellow: "Statistical Analysis of Manifold Valued Data" University of Nottingham, UK
Research Associate/Fellow (Two posts, Fixed-term)
Reference: SCI1249
Closing Date: Monday, 22nd April 2013
Job Type: Research & Teaching
Department: School of Mathematical Sciences
Salary: £24766 to £36298 per annum, depending on skills and
experience (minimum £27,854 per annum with relevant PhD).
Post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of Florence (ITALY)
The Department of Statistics, Informatics, Applications "G. Parenti" -
DiSIA at University of Florence (Firenze, Italy) invites applications
for a Post-doctoral research fellowship within the Research Project
"Mixture and latent variable models for causal inference and analysis of
socio-economic data" FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca 2012 funded by the Italian
Ministry of Research and Higher Education.
The research activity will focus on "Bayesian Inference for identifying and estimating causal effects in comple
x settings"
(Please refer to for details regarding the project)
Open rank faculty position, Position #F34450.Virginia Commonwealth University - Department of Biostatistics
Duties & Responsibilities:
Applicants should have collaborative research experience. Primary
responsibilities include teaching and advising graduate students as well
as conducting independent methodological research. In addition, the
successful applicant will be expected to collaborate with other VCU
investigators in related fields in obtaining extramural grant support.
Postdoc Fellow. NorthShore University HealthSystem
Duties & Responsibilities:
In this role you will be expected to perform a subset of the following
duties: Develop Bayesian models for complex clinical data and
construct adaptive designs for innovative clinical trials. Work with
large-scale genomics data (such as next-generation sequencing data)
using informatics tools. Collaborate with world-class biomedical
scientists at The University of Chicago on various projects in clinical
and biological research.
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Biomedical Imaging Data AnalysisUniversity of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Duties & Responsibilities:
This position requires research background and experience in biomedical
image data analysis and inference, and is expected to develop new
analysis and inference methods to analyze multi-photon, fMRI, DTI image,
tree and manifold data.
Postdoctoral Fellow.Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Duties & Responsibilities:
A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Biostatistics,
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. This
postdoctoral fellow will work with Dr. Hongkai Ji to develop novel
statistical and computational methods and software tools for analyzing
next-generation sequencing and high-throughput functional genomic data,
including ChIP-seq, DNase-seq, RNA-seq and massive amounts of gene
expression data in Gene Expression Omnibus. He/she will also participate
in collaborative projects to apply the methods to study stem cell
differentiation and/or gene regulation in human cancers. Dr. Ji's
research group is part of the Center for Computational Biology. The
research interest of Dr. Ji's group and information on the center can be
found at and Both the Department of Biostatistics and the
Center for Computational Biology provide a highly dynamic and supportive
environment for junior investigators to grow and develop their future
Biostatistician / Statistical Geneticist.University of Virginia
Duties & Responsibilities:
The successful candidate will join a collegial and productive research
team focused on the statistical analysis of human genetic studies.
Analytical responsibilities will include genetic association analysis of
common and rare disease variants. Collaborative efforts will include
an emphasis on targeted analysis of candidate genes and SNPs in studies
of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Faculty Cleveland Clinic
Duties & Responsibilities: The Department of Quantitative Health Sciences (QHS) at the Cleveland Clinic main campus is searching for a doctoral level scientist to collaborate with researchers in the Lerner Research Institute and work within the Pharmacy Department. The successful candidate will join an active group of about 80 QHS biostatisticians, analysts, and programmers working in a wide range of clinical areas and statistical methodologies. Candidates should have considerable experience collaborating on clinical research in an academic health care setting, with examples of creative analytic approaches to complex problems in health care. Excellent academic writing and communication skills must be clearly demonstrated, with verbal proficiency in the English language required. The successful candidate will provide the following: - Lead and coordinate pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research for the Pharmacy Department Develop proposals for Pharmacy Department Research Section - Collaborate with other Institutes pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research related to medications and other pharmacy related topics - Assist with pharmacy resident research curriculum and research projects, in conjunction with the Pharmacy Residency Research Team - Write the statistical design and data analysis for grant applications - Develop and coordinate a fellowship program - Publish and present results of research - Provide education conferences as needed internal and external to the Pharmacy Department - Some teaching responsibilities
Post-doctoral fellowDivisions of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University
Duties & Responsibilities:
We are looking for a postdoc scholar to develop novel statistical
methods and applications in the analysis of medical cost data, with
funding from Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ R01 HS
020263). S/he will also have the opportunity to collaborate with
distinguished researchers in biostatistics and health economics at
Northwestern University and the University of Chicago. Applicants should
send a CV, official transcripts, a research statement and three
reference letters.
Post doctoral fellowship.University of Oslo, Department of mathematics
Duties & Responsibilities:
Research according to job description. No teaching responsabilities.
Statistician in Amazon
Company Information: strives to be Earth's most customer-centric company where
people can find and discover anything they want to buy online. We hire
the world's brightest minds, offering them a fast paced,
technologically sophisticated and friendly work environment.
Statisticians at Amazon work directly with a diverse scientific team
including computer scientists and economists, as well as other
sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013
Empleo para estadístico en Consorcio Mar Parc de Salud de Barcelona
Funciones a
- Revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura, redacción de documentos científicos e informes.
- Gestión de la página web y manejo de bases de datos relacionadas.
- Comunicación, apoyo y asesoramiento a usuarios y otros actores de la biblioteca virtual.
- Soporte a la dirección científica de la biblioteca y participación activa en proyectos científicos originados en la misma.
Empleo para licenciado en matemáticas en Subdirección de Salud Pública de Guipuzkoa
Funciones a
- Apoyo metodológico en el área de Salud Pública.
- Análisis estadístico de bases de datos de los proyectos INMA, MCC, EPIC y SIS (cáncer, CMBD, otros).
- Colaboración en la elaboración de informes técnicos y publicaciones científica
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013
Postdoctoral Research Associate/Research Associate - Statistical Signal Processing in Sidney
The Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation (RTCMA) was established by The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) at the University of Sydney in 2007. Since its launch, a world class research and technical team of more than 40 talented scientists and engineers have joined. Funded by the global mining company Rio Tinto, the aim of the Centre for Mining Automation is to develop and implement the vision of a fully autonomous, remotely operated mine.
We are currently seeking a self-motivated and well qualified researcher to contribute to the theoretical and applied tasks of the research group. This will provide an exceptional opportunity to work closely with academia and Rio Tinto at the intersection of mathematical modelling and mine operations. You will be expected to build research areas, engage in academic publication of research, and may also have the opportunity to teach at postgraduate and industry levels.
We are currently seeking a self-motivated and well qualified researcher to contribute to the theoretical and applied tasks of the research group. This will provide an exceptional opportunity to work closely with academia and Rio Tinto at the intersection of mathematical modelling and mine operations. You will be expected to build research areas, engage in academic publication of research, and may also have the opportunity to teach at postgraduate and industry levels.
Senior Lecturer / Reader in Statistics and Climate Impacts. Durham University
We are seeking 4 posts in Climate Impacts Research as part of Durham University’s Strategic Investment Programme. These posts will be linked to the new Climate Impact Research Centre (CIRC) which aims to generate world leading research that makes a significant contribution to knowledge of climate impacts and can influence policy and practice. As well as leading theoretically and methodologically innovative research, the work of the Centre will engage closely with non-academic partners to build a community of research and practice. CIRC will undertake research on the past, present and future impacts of climate change. Climate change is widely recognised as one of the leading Global Challenges and CIRC aims to consolidate and extend current climate impacts research strengths across the University and build research capacity. The Centre will co-ordinate Durham’s climate impact work and provide a clearer route for exchange between researchers and other climate impact stakeholders, both in the UK and internationally.
Mathematics PhD Studentship in weather and climate science
Efficient data assimilation to correct non-Gaussian forecast errors in numerical weather predictionUniversity of Exeter Ref: 1203
Location: Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, EX4 4QJ
Primary supervisor: Dr Frank Kwasniok, University of Exeter
Secondary supervisor: Dr Gordon I nverarity, Met Office, Exeter
Data assimilation algorithms such as three- and four-dimensional variational data assimilation (3D- and 4D-Var, respectively) perform a least-squares minimisation of a cost function that includes terms penalising the forecast error at the start of a window containing observations to be assimilated and the combined observation and representation error for each observation. A key assumption is that the forecast errors to be corrected are Gaussian.
Primary supervisor: Dr Frank Kwasniok, University of Exeter
Secondary supervisor: Dr Gordon I nverarity, Met Office, Exeter
Data assimilation algorithms such as three- and four-dimensional variational data assimilation (3D- and 4D-Var, respectively) perform a least-squares minimisation of a cost function that includes terms penalising the forecast error at the start of a window containing observations to be assimilated and the combined observation and representation error for each observation. A key assumption is that the forecast errors to be corrected are Gaussian.
Research Assistant in Epidemiology and Statistics in the Imperiall College
This is an exciting opportunity for someone with a background in epidemiology and statistics to join the COSMOS study, a major international research programme investigating mobile phone use and health across 5 European countries. The UK arm of the study is based at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics within the School of Public Health at Imperial College London. The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics has attracted an excellent multi-disciplinary team interfacing across epidemiology, database programming, geographical information systems, and statistical methodology.
The emphasis of this role
The emphasis of this role
Becas para asistir al congreso de Biometría
La Sociedad Española de Biometría, SEB, y la Red Nacional de Bioestadística, BiostatNet, ofrecen 5 becas a estudiantes para la asistencia a la XIV Conferencia Española de Biometría que se celebrará en Ciudad Real del 22 al 24 de Mayo de 2013. Las becas cubren la cuota de inscripción y están destinadas preferentemente a aquellos estudiantes que tienen dificultades de financiación para asistir al congreso. Toda la información está disponible en http://areaestadistica.uclm.
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013
Tema: Epidemiología de la Nutrición, evolución, aportaciones, retos…
Ponente: J. Vioque. Prof. Salud Pública, UMH.
Jueves 21, 12:30-13:30 horas, Sala Seminarios Dpto. Salud Pública, Hª Ciencia y Ginecología-UMH
Edif. 2. Campus San Juan. UMH
Aunque este post no es de estadística os lo cuelgo por si os interesa
Ponente: J. Vioque. Prof. Salud Pública, UMH.
Jueves 21, 12:30-13:30 horas, Sala Seminarios Dpto. Salud Pública, Hª Ciencia y Ginecología-UMH
Edif. 2. Campus San Juan. UMH
Aunque este post no es de estadística os lo cuelgo por si os interesa
¿Trabajas como estadístico? Cuarta experiencia
Como anunciamos hace unos días, con motivo del año internacional de la Estadística. Estaidea ha creado un nuevo apartado "¿Trabajas como estadístico?", en el que se llevarán entrevistas a compañeros que nos contaras su experiencia. Ya tenemos la siguiente experiencia de Daniel Ciprián que podeis consultar en:
Postdoctoral Fellow.Georgia Institute of Technology
Duties & Responsibilities:
A postdoctoral position in the area of health informatics and modeling
is available in the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems
Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta USA. The initial
one-year appointment will begin July 1 2013 and it may be extended
contingent upon research performance for another year. The candidate
will be supervised by faculty member Dr. Nicoleta Serban with
co-supervision on some projects by Dr. Julie Swann on research in the
area of health informatics including optimization and statistical models
for topics such as measuring healthcare access across time and space
dynamic models for projecting physician supply and health outcome
studies for specialized care of conditions such as asthma. These
projects will involve developing methods and analysis of large data
towards the ultimate goal of building knowledge and results to improve
patients' health and wellbeing. Data sets that are available for
analysis i ncludes Medicaid (MAX) claims data detailed patient data
from Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and healthcare cost and utilization data
(e.g. from the AHRQ HCUP project or from medical records of clinical
collaborators with the team). Responsibilities of the post-doctoral
fellow include research on health informatics topics using quantitative
or analytical approaches; the research should culminate in journal
publications and/or teaching case studies. Responsibilities of the
post-doctoral fellow may also include participating in grant writing
seeking funding managing center collaborators in clinical or policy
positions and co-supervising undergraduate or graduate students on
POSTDOCTORAL SENIOR FELLOWSHIP IN BIOSTATISTICS.Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington
Duties & Responsibilities:
The successful candidate is expected to work with the team of
epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and computer scientists at the
National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) to: 1. advise and
contribute to statistical solutions raised by investigators at the 30
Alzheimer’s Disease Centers (ADCs) and other investigators associated
with Alzheimer’s research efforts, 2. conduct methodological research
and evaluate new statistical methods to solve problems in Alzheimer’s
Disease research, such as those related to missing data in studies
collected at multiple sites, and 3. promote collaborative research
among the ADCs through research funding and technical support
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Columbia University
Duties & Responsibilities:
A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Biostatistics,
Columbia University. The position involves methodological and applied
research in statistical genetics. Relevant examples include developing
statistical and computational methods for population-based and
family-based designs in the context of large-scale sequencing studies,
methodology development in the field of network genetics. Application
areas include the genetics of psychiatric diseases.
Research Associate Case Western Reserve University
Duties & Responsibilities:
The responsibilities of this Research Associate include original
statistical and/or interdisciplinary research in line with the mission
of Center of Statistical Research, Computing and Collaboration (SR2c),
related data analysis, coding and software development and
publications, as well as coordination of some studies, under moderate
Postdoctoral Researcher. The Ohio State University
Duties & Responsibilities:
Postdoc in Statistical Genomics We invite applications for a
postdoctoral researcher position in statistical genomics at the Ohio
State University (OSU). The successful candidate is expected to carry out
original research in the development of statistical and computational
methods for the analysis of metagenomic count data. Metagenomics is the
study of metagenomes, genetic materials recovering directly from
samples involving multiple organisms. Thanks to faster and cheaper
sequencing technology, it is now possible to sequence uncultured
microbes sampled directly from their habitats, making the data
extremely valuable for studying multiple scientific questions of
interest, including clinical outcome prediction, bacterial community
structure estimation, and biological threat detection. Other than the
primary responsibility, there are many other opportunities for
individual and joint research, especially those in connections with the
statistics and bioinformatics group in the
Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action
Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with
disabilities, are encouraged to apply.
Postdoctoral Associate in the Genetics of Reading Disability (Dyslexia). Yale University School of Medicine
Duties & Responsibilities:
This is a position in a collaborative, multi-disciplinary laboratory
studying the risk of reading disability conferred by genetic factors,
via a large multi-site case/control sample of English-speakingand
Spanish bilingual school-age children. Subjects have been assesed for a
rich set of reading/language phenotypes;
structural/functional/connectivity MRI data, DNA, and family, SES, and
demographic variables have also been collected.
Research Associate (Masters-level Biostatistician).Indiana University - School of Public Health
Duties & Responsibilities:
Provide biostatistical support services including biostatistical
consulting to IUB faculty, staff and students; Provide biostatistical
data analysis, interpret the analysis results, write analytical portion
of manuscripts based on results of analysis, and address manuscript
revisions based on reviewer comments. Develop, maintain and modify
programs for in-house use; under supervision of faculty, collaborate
with investigators in grant development including statistical design of
studies, sample size and power calculation, and prepares analytical
portion of grant proposals.
Duties & Responsibilities:
The positions will mainly involve teaching undergraduate and/or MBA
courses, but the faculty member will also be encouraged to continue his
or her own research program.
Epidemiologist, Influenza and Emerging Respiratory Pathogens, BC Centre for Disease Control
Influenza and Emerging Respiratory Pathogens team of the British Columbia
Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is offering an exciting opportunity for
qualified Master’s level or PhD trained Epidemiologists to apply to this highly
productive team. We are also seeking a post-doctoral fellow for shorter
term (one-year), project-specific hire.
appreciate your sharing this notice with those you think may be interested
and/or through your professional networks and associates.
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013
Urgente para hoy. Becario/a Departamento de Desarrollo Institucional y Desempeño Social.
Durante todo el período de la beca, el becario creará y gestionará la base de datos de los clientes de microfinanzas, con la finalidad de organizar y ordenar la información para que pueda ser explotada (selección de rangos, parámetros estadísticos, etc.). Trabajará con el equipo de Desempeño Social mostrándoles la metodología de creación y gestión de la base de datos y recibiendo los criterios con los que ir seleccionando el tipo de información de los clientes a analizar.El becario también desempeñará otras tareas que sirven de apoyo al Área de Desempeño Social y Desarrollo Institucional, las cuales varían desde: la búsqueda de datos/información, la comprobación de la calidad de datos y la confección de informes y presentaciones.
Durante todo el período de la beca, el becario creará y gestionará la base de datos de los clientes de microfinanzas, con la finalidad de organizar y ordenar la información para que pueda ser explotada (selección de rangos, parámetros estadísticos, etc.). Trabajará con el equipo de Desempeño Social mostrándoles la metodología de creación y gestión de la base de datos y recibiendo los criterios con los que ir seleccionando el tipo de información de los clientes a analizar.El becario también desempeñará otras tareas que sirven de apoyo al Área de Desempeño Social y Desarrollo Institucional, las cuales varían desde: la búsqueda de datos/información, la comprobación de la calidad de datos y la confección de informes y presentaciones.
Una plaza de técnico estadístico para pertenecientes al cuerpo de diplomados en estadística del estado.
Una plaza de técnico nivel 7 adscrita al departamento de Estudios, Estadísticas y Publicaciones, cuyas competencias se regulan en el artículo 32.6 del Reglamento de Régimen Interior de la CNMV. Su objetivo será la realización de las actividades que se derivan de las competencias que tiene asignadas el área de Estadística.
Más información en:
Pertenecer al Cuerpo de Diplomados en Estadística del Estado y acreditar un mínimo
de 24 meses de experiencia en el ejercicio profesional para el puesto que se solicita, en el
Instituto Nacional de Estadística o en Departamentos de Estadística de Organismos
Públicos, incluidos en el ámbito de la Oferta Pública de Empleo (Real Decreto 264/2011,
de 28 de febreroMás información en:
Técnico de Marketing- Modelizador estadístico en Madrid
Se busca una persona habituada al manejo de grandes bases de
datos con un elevado componente estadístico que aporte el conocimiento
suficiente para optimizar los resultados de las acciones de marketing a través
de la estadística predictiva.
Además de diseñar las diferentes técnicas analíticas que
aporten las mejores soluciones de negocio, definirá los mecanismos de
evaluación y medición de los resultados sobre los modelos analíticos
desarrollados, con responsabilidad directa sobre los resultados.
Estudios mínimos: Licenciado
- Matemáticas
Experiencia mínima: Al
menos 3 años
Requisitos mínimos: -
Licenciado en matemáticas o estadística, especializado en Data Mining con
experiencia de más de 3 años (preferiblemente en sector bancario y/o
asegurador) en proyectos de segmentación de clientes, propensión a la compra,
retención de clientes, valor de cliente
- Conocimientos programación en SAS u otros lenguajes de
bases de datos/estadísticos.
- Deberá aportar conocimientos en el empleo de diferentes
técnicas analíticas: clasificación, predicción, asociación y clusterización
(regresión logística, regresión multivariante, árboles de decisión, etc.).
- Además de conocimientos técnicos necesarios para el
puesto, el candidato deberá aportar dotes de liderazgo e iniciativa suficientes
para responsabilizarse de los de Datamining que se realicen a la compañía.
Más información en:
PhD position Medical Statistics LUMC in collaboration with WUR
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate interested in solving challenging and relevant statistical problems. The successful candidate will join a vibrant team of academic statisticians working within an international and multidisciplinary environment.
The position:
As a PhD student you will work within the department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics of LUMC in collaboration with the department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods of WUR. Your work will focus on the development of statistical methodology to combine heterogeneous omics datasets for identification of biomarkers. You will apply the methods to family data on healthy aging, the Leiden Longevity Study, and investigate transferability of the methods to plant data from WUR.
Your profile:
You hold a master (or bachelor) degree in Statistics, Biostatistics or a similar discipline.
More information in:
The position:
As a PhD student you will work within the department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics of LUMC in collaboration with the department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods of WUR. Your work will focus on the development of statistical methodology to combine heterogeneous omics datasets for identification of biomarkers. You will apply the methods to family data on healthy aging, the Leiden Longevity Study, and investigate transferability of the methods to plant data from WUR.
Your profile:
You hold a master (or bachelor) degree in Statistics, Biostatistics or a similar discipline.
Concurso de Carteles Estadísticos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
del mes de MARZO: BAYES
Tienes de
plazo del 1 al 20 de marzo para enviarnos tu diseño de cartel a Podrás
conseguir una tablet Tagus de la Casa del Libro
Con motivo
de la declaración del 2013 como Año Internacional de la Estadística
hemos organizado un Concurso de Diseño de Carteles sobre personajes
que, de una u otra manera, han ayudado a desarrollar y a potenciar la
Estadística a lo largo de su historia.
El concurso
se desarrollará en dos fases:
- En la primera fase se propondrá un personaje ilustre cada mes, que será el protagonista del cartel durante dicho mes.
De todos los carteles presentados a concurso en el mes
correspondiente se seleccionará el ganador.
- En la segunda fase se elegirá el cartel ganador del concurso de entre los ganadores en la primera fase, que se le premiará con una tablet gentileza de la Casa del Libro.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Statistical Genetics.Harvard School of Public Health
Duties & Responsibilities:
The statistical genetics research group of Dr. Liming Liang at Harvard
School of Public Health invites applicants to a 2-3 year Postdoctoral
Fellow position emphasizing the statistical designs and analysis of
genome-wide studies for human complex diseases and traits. Our group
focuses on (1) Analysis of gene expression and methylation data,
particular eQTL/meQTL mapping using both microarray and sequencing data,
gene expression/methylation network estimation and its association with
disease and trait of interest. (2) New statistical approaches for the
analysis of next-generation sequencing data. Ongoing projects include
high depth sequencing on ~4000 breast cancer case-control subjects from
multiple populations. The goals include fine mapping causal loci
responsible for breast cancer risk and developing optimal design for
next-generation sequencing studies. (3) New statistical framework to
maximize the utility of multiple related phenotypes and elucidate how
genetic and epigenetic variants and their interaction with environmental
factors involve in pathogenesis of complex diseases and traits. (4)
Statistical model to integrate genome-wide eQTL/meQTL data with
genome-wide association studies. The fellows will work closely with Dr.
Liang, with other quantitative Ph.D’s in his group, and with
collaborators at HSPH, HMS and The Broad Institute. Fellows will be
mentored to facilitate transition to independent research careers by
emphasizing acquisition of analytic, writing, and other research skills.
Review of applications begins immediately.
Planning Coordinator.Sarva Sikshya Abhiyan,(SSA)
Duties & Responsibilities:
Preparing of Annual Work Plan and Budget, Recruitment, Salary of
Sikshya Sahayak, Dealing with Assembly Question,Mobility and logistic
support to State official who are visited to district. etc
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer - Business Analytics. Auburn University
Duties & Responsibilities:
Responsibilities: The primary responsibility of this position is to
coordinate and teach a two semester sequence in undergraduate Business
Analytics courses that is required for all College of Business majors.
The candidate will be expected to bring innovation, technology, and
leadership to these newly developed courses within the College of
Business. Teaching other courses in Analytics at the undergraduate
and/or MBA level may be required. Salary is commensurate with
experience. Teaching load will be three courses per semester, which
includes course development and course management activities.
Biostatistician:Master's Level.University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)
Duties & Responsibilities:
The department is expecting one open position for a Master’s level
Biostatistician and application review will start immediately upon
approval. The Biostatistician is responsible for providing statistical
expertise in the design, evaluation, and analysis of research studies as
well as in the presentation and publication of research findings. This
position assists investigators with designing research databases and in
writing analytic plans, independently answers research questions through
valid statistical analysis and interpretation of results and assists
investigators in writing statistical methods in research manuscripts.
The Biostatistician participates in the publication and/or presentation
of research findings, participates in the development or evaluation of
new or modified statistical procedures and applications, and
participates in the development and delivery of statistical education
seminars/short courses as well as other service activities as required
by the Director.
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