The Department of Mathematics, Mathematics division plans to hire about 3 PhD-students in mathematics starting Fall 2014. SU FV-0941-14. The deadline for the application is May 2, 2014.

About our PhD positions

Normally the total employment period of a PhD-student corresponds to a 4 years full-time PhD study. A PhD-student should mainly concentrate on the PhD-studies, but is allowed  to work up to 20% of the time doing teaching and administration at the department.
A new employment as a PhD-student is valid for a 1 year period.  It is then normally  renewed for at most 2 years at a time. A PhD-student is supposed to present a licentiate thesis after approximately 2 years of full-time studies.


A general eligibility of 240 credits is required, corresponding to 4 years full time university studies, or a university degree at an advanced (master) level or the equivalent competence. For information on special eligibility in Mathematics, please visit the webpage:


The selection of candidates is based upon the certificate of courses, quality of thesis, references, and interview. Master theses containing elements of own research and research papers are considered as extra merits.
Stockholm University strives at being free from discrimination and gives equal opportunities to everybody.
Our decision about admission will be given at the latest in June. Note that this decision cannot be appealed.


Information on potential PhD advisors and suggested PhD-projects  in mathematics can be found at the department’s  homepage:
Notice that these projects are only suggestions and you are allowed to come up with your own project description. You should then contact a suitable advisor at the department  whose research interests are closest to your project before submitting your application.
Two copies of application should be sent by mail (please, use one-sided printout and do not staple the pages) and shall comprise:
  • application letter,
  • CV,
  • a letter of intent (maximum 3 pages) with a description of why you would like to become a PhD-student. Please, either mention which of our suggested projects in mathematics suits you best and why, or propose a project of your own.
  • signed copies of degrees and proof of special eligibility,
  • a copy of the thesis/articles you want to submit,
  • list of mathematicians who agree to write reference letters for you (preferably 3 names),
  • any additional documents that you want to submit.

For additional information contact:

Boris Shapiro (PhD-program coordinator),
The union is represented by Anqi Lindblom-Ahlm (Saco-S) and Lisbeth Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST), phone +468162000 (switchboard), and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), phone +46703164341.
Your application, marked with SU FV-0941-14, should arrive by  May 2, 204 at:
Stockholm University

Application via e-mail and late or incomplete applications will not be considered.