The Division of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, at the
University of Minnesota is announcing an opening for a tenured or
tenure-track faculty position at the Associate or Full Professor rank.
We are especially interested in individuals with academic and research
records in (1) survival analysis, including methods for recurrent event
data, adaptive clinical trials, and related applications, (2) methods
for survey sampling small area estimation, or (3) structural equation modeling (SEM), causal
analysis, and other methods useful for accounting for latent factors in
observational data. We will however consider applications from
candidates in other important related research areas, as well as those with PhDs in areas besides biostatistics. The Division has significant
strengths in the broad areas targeted by this search, with several
faculty members having active research agendas and both methodological
and applied funding in areas such as spatial epidemiology, environmental health, cancer
control, adaptive clinical trials, and bioinformatics. These grants
complement our larger, more collaborative research projects with
investigators in the University's Academic Health Center. At the present time, the Division has statistical and data coordinating centers for NIH-funded
clinical trials networks in HIV/AIDS, and in lung and cardiovascular
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012
Assistant Professor or Associate Professor position in Bayesian statistics at University of California, Santa Cruz
The faculty in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
(AMS) at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), invite
applications for an academic year (9-month) tenure-track Assistant
Professor or tenured Associate Professor faculty position. In this search, we seek candidates who
specialize in Bayesian statistical methods and their applications. More
specifically, we seek outstanding applicants whose work begins with
important problems in science or engineering, includes development and analysis of statistical models (including numerical methods as appropriate), and
features interpretation of the results in the scientific context, using
any aspect of Bayesian methodology and computing.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach, mentor and advise students; conduct research in the area of Bayesian Statistics; develop externally funded research programs; and perform university and professional service. Of particular interest are the possibilities to strengthen the department's presence in Silicon Valley, by seeking collaborations with institutions and companies in Silicon Valley and establishing instructional programs for professional development. The selected candidate must be able to work with students, faculty and staff from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds, contributing to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach, mentor and advise students; conduct research in the area of Bayesian Statistics; develop externally funded research programs; and perform university and professional service. Of particular interest are the possibilities to strengthen the department's presence in Silicon Valley, by seeking collaborations with institutions and companies in Silicon Valley and establishing instructional programs for professional development. The selected candidate must be able to work with students, faculty and staff from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds, contributing to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.
viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012
Beca postdoctoral vinculada al Laboratorio dirigido por el profesor Charles L. Fefferman. Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT - CSIC
Fecha Límite: 20/01/2013
El Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas) ofrece una beca de 2 años para los investigadores posdoctorales en matemáticas con un excelente currículum que desean seguir su carrera en el ICMAT.
Esta beca de 2 años está vinculada al Laboratorio ICMAT dirigido por el profesor Charles L. Fefferman. El tema de investigación se centra en la solución de problemas de mecánica de fluidos que impliquen la posible formación y propagación de singularidades. Para este fin varios escenarios físicos de interés desde un punto de vista matemático se presentan. Estos escenarios tienen aplicaciones conocidas también. Es un reto enorme para abordar estos problemas. En este asunto, la combinación de las técnicas analíticas, asíntotas, numéricos y modelos es necesario. Con las herramientas numéricas más sofisticados disponibles en la actualidad, el tema ha ganado recientemente un impulso considerable.
El tema principal del trabajo es la interacción entre los cálculos computacionales y matemáticas rigurosas.Cálculos numéricos se utilizan como parte de pruebas rigurosas y la producción de pruebas asistidas por ordenador para la formación de una singularidad en la mecánica de fluidos se . propuso Para más detalles por favor visite: Lab Para detalles de aplicación, véase:
El Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas) es una unidad mixta de investigación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas -. CSIC (Consejo Nacional de Investigación españoles) y tres universidades madrileñas El ICMAT pretende convertirse en un centro líder de investigación de excelencia internacional , y ofrece cursos de formación de doctorado y post-doctorado, en un ambiente interdisciplinario estimulante. Se encuentra ubicado en un nuevo edificio en el campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, con excelentes instalaciones para la investigación matemática. En 2011 el ICMAT fue galardonado con el Severo Ochoa distinción, el premio más prestigioso para los españoles centros de investigación de excelencia, ya partir de diciembre 2012 cinco miembros del instituto han sido premiados con becas del Consejo Europeo de Investigación. Para más detalles relacionados con esta aplicación, véase: Para obtener información adicional sobre el instituto de ver:
El Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas) ofrece una beca de 2 años para los investigadores posdoctorales en matemáticas con un excelente currículum que desean seguir su carrera en el ICMAT.
Esta beca de 2 años está vinculada al Laboratorio ICMAT dirigido por el profesor Charles L. Fefferman. El tema de investigación se centra en la solución de problemas de mecánica de fluidos que impliquen la posible formación y propagación de singularidades. Para este fin varios escenarios físicos de interés desde un punto de vista matemático se presentan. Estos escenarios tienen aplicaciones conocidas también. Es un reto enorme para abordar estos problemas. En este asunto, la combinación de las técnicas analíticas, asíntotas, numéricos y modelos es necesario. Con las herramientas numéricas más sofisticados disponibles en la actualidad, el tema ha ganado recientemente un impulso considerable.
El tema principal del trabajo es la interacción entre los cálculos computacionales y matemáticas rigurosas.Cálculos numéricos se utilizan como parte de pruebas rigurosas y la producción de pruebas asistidas por ordenador para la formación de una singularidad en la mecánica de fluidos se . propuso Para más detalles por favor visite: Lab Para detalles de aplicación, véase:
El Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas) es una unidad mixta de investigación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas -. CSIC (Consejo Nacional de Investigación españoles) y tres universidades madrileñas El ICMAT pretende convertirse en un centro líder de investigación de excelencia internacional , y ofrece cursos de formación de doctorado y post-doctorado, en un ambiente interdisciplinario estimulante. Se encuentra ubicado en un nuevo edificio en el campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, con excelentes instalaciones para la investigación matemática. En 2011 el ICMAT fue galardonado con el Severo Ochoa distinción, el premio más prestigioso para los españoles centros de investigación de excelencia, ya partir de diciembre 2012 cinco miembros del instituto han sido premiados con becas del Consejo Europeo de Investigación. Para más detalles relacionados con esta aplicación, véase: Para obtener información adicional sobre el instituto de ver:
Beca postdoctoral vinculada al Laboratorio dirigido por el Prf. Nigel Hitchin. Instituto Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT-CSIC
Fecha Límite: 20/01/2013
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
The main goal of the laboratory is to foster interaction and collaboration between Professor Hitchin and his group at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford and the geometry group at ICMAT. This collaboration will concentrate on various interfaces between Geometry and Physics, including:
- Higgs bundles
- Generalised Geometry
- Poisson Geometry
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
This 2 year appointment is linked to the ICMAT Laboratory headed by Prof. Nigel Hitchin.The main goal of the laboratory is to foster interaction and collaboration between Professor Hitchin and his group at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford and the geometry group at ICMAT. This collaboration will concentrate on various interfaces between Geometry and Physics, including:
- Higgs bundles
- Generalised Geometry
- Poisson Geometry
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
Beca postdoctoral vinculada al Laboratorio dirigido por el profesor Marius Junge. Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT - CSIC
Fecha Límite: 20/01/2013
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
The research project to be developed by the laboratory will aim to accept the quantum mechanical perspective in the context of harmonic analysis and information theory. We are interested in extending classical estimates for Fourier multipliers to group von Neumann algebras and other noncommutative scenarios. Among other topics, this includes Hörmander-Mihlin multiplier type theorems, Calderón-Zygmund and Littlewood-Paley methods, hypercontractivity and log-Sobolev inequalities, transference techniques… Additionally, some of these problems lead to new viewpoints in classical harmonic analysis. Regarding quantum information, the project will be focussing on quantum channels, Bell inequalities and entanglement theory and quantum games via operador spaces.
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
This 2 year appointment is linked to the ICMAT Laboratory headed by Prof. Marius Junge.The research project to be developed by the laboratory will aim to accept the quantum mechanical perspective in the context of harmonic analysis and information theory. We are interested in extending classical estimates for Fourier multipliers to group von Neumann algebras and other noncommutative scenarios. Among other topics, this includes Hörmander-Mihlin multiplier type theorems, Calderón-Zygmund and Littlewood-Paley methods, hypercontractivity and log-Sobolev inequalities, transference techniques… Additionally, some of these problems lead to new viewpoints in classical harmonic analysis. Regarding quantum information, the project will be focussing on quantum channels, Bell inequalities and entanglement theory and quantum games via operador spaces.
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
Beca postdoctoral vinculada al Laboratorio dirigido por el Prf. Viktor Ginzburg. Instituto Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT-CSIC
Fecha Límite: 20/01/2013
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
The main goal of the laboratory is to facilitate and advance research in the areas of Symplectic Geometry and Dynamical Systems via pursuing several research lines within the framework of the lab. These are:
- Quantization in Contact and Symplectic Topology
- Poisson manifolds
- Existence of periodic orbits (including Floer theory and its applications)
- Moment maps and Hamiltonian group actions
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
This 2 year appointment is linked to the ICMAT Laboratory headed by Prof. Viktor Ginzburg.The main goal of the laboratory is to facilitate and advance research in the areas of Symplectic Geometry and Dynamical Systems via pursuing several research lines within the framework of the lab. These are:
- Quantization in Contact and Symplectic Topology
- Poisson manifolds
- Existence of periodic orbits (including Floer theory and its applications)
- Moment maps and Hamiltonian group actions
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
Beca postdoctoral vinculada al Laboratorio dirigido por el Prf. Stephen Wiggins. Instituto Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT-CSIC
Fecha Límite: 20/01/2013
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
The main goal of the laboratory is concerned with the development of theoretical and computational techniques in dynamical systems theory that can be used to assess and predict the performance of “realistic” ocean models. This project proposes the use of dynamical systems techniques as a metric that allows one to establish the performance of complex, nonlinear partial differential equations that are used to model a wide range of behavior and phenomena in the ocean. Thus this promising approach should provide crucial information relevant to the mathematical and computational modeling that will directly impact many of society’s pressing issues, such as sustainability, climate change and environmental impact.
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers a 2 year postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their career at the ICMAT.
This 2 year appointment is linked to the ICMAT Laboratory headed by Prof. Stephen Wiggins.The main goal of the laboratory is concerned with the development of theoretical and computational techniques in dynamical systems theory that can be used to assess and predict the performance of “realistic” ocean models. This project proposes the use of dynamical systems techniques as a metric that allows one to establish the performance of complex, nonlinear partial differential equations that are used to model a wide range of behavior and phenomena in the ocean. Thus this promising approach should provide crucial information relevant to the mathematical and computational modeling that will directly impact many of society’s pressing issues, such as sustainability, climate change and environmental impact.
For more details please see:
For further application details see:
miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012
Incorporación de Doctores: Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, curso 2013/2014
La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid incorpora doctores para el curso
2013/2014. Se convocarán Estancias Postdoctorales, plazas de Profesores
Ayudantes Doctores y de Profesores Visitantes. Para recibir información
de las convocatorias, envía tu CV antes del 31 de Enero de 2013.
Más información: page/portal/inicio/ universidad/empleo_universidad/personal_docente_ e_investigador/doctores/conv_ doctores
Más información:
The National Center for Health Statistics Has Three Openings
The National Center for Health Statistics Has Three Openings in Its
Statistical Research and Survey Design Staff The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is
enhancing its statistical expertise and is seeking exceptional candidates for three
positions in the Statistical Research and Survey Design Staff (SRSDS),
Office of Research and Methodology (ORM). SRSDS, which contains the
largest group of research statisticians in NCHS, conducts statistical research and
technical assistance relevant to NCHS programs and the broader statistical and scientific communities. Recent work includes redesign of NCHS surveys, methods for modeling and analyzing survey data, small-area estimation, combining information from multiple data sources, quality control, statistical disclosure limitation and protection of confidentiality, handling missing data, and statistical computing. The three positions are described briefly below, together with links for more information and application
procedures. The positions are open to qualified U.S. citizens and non-citizens under various hiring mechanisms.
technical assistance relevant to NCHS programs and the broader statistical and scientific communities. Recent work includes redesign of NCHS surveys, methods for modeling and analyzing survey data, small-area estimation, combining information from multiple data sources, quality control, statistical disclosure limitation and protection of confidentiality, handling missing data, and statistical computing. The three positions are described briefly below, together with links for more information and application
procedures. The positions are open to qualified U.S. citizens and non-citizens under various hiring mechanisms.
Departamento de Matemáticas. Grupo de Modelización, Optimización e Inferencia Estadística (
Proyecto de investigación: Ayudas del programa de consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas.
Modalidad: Grupos de referencia competitiva.
Referencia: (CN2012/130)
Investigadores Principales: Ricardo Cao Abad y Juan M. Vilar Fernández
Los seleccionados realizarán tareas de investigación dentro de alguna de las líneas de investigación del grupo Modelización, Optimización e Inferencia Estadística (MODES) del departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidade da Coruña con el objetivo de desarrollar una tesis doctoral.
Proyecto de investigación: Ayudas del programa de consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas.
Modalidad: Grupos de referencia competitiva.
Referencia: (CN2012/130)
Investigadores Principales: Ricardo Cao Abad y Juan M. Vilar Fernández
Los seleccionados realizarán tareas de investigación dentro de alguna de las líneas de investigación del grupo Modelización, Optimización e Inferencia Estadística (MODES) del departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidade da Coruña con el objetivo de desarrollar una tesis doctoral.
Postdoctoral Fellow - Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of GBR Catchment to Coastal Systems
The Position:
this Postdoctoral Fellow role, you will be working with scientists from
the CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship to develop statistical
methods for modelling Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchment to coast
In this
position, you will help to improve the environmental management of
Australia’s important water ecosystems through the development of
statistical methodologies that link mechanistic models with
observational data in space and time. Models developed will require a
stochastic framework that can address the important science questions
regarding system behaviour in the presence of uncertainty. Bayesian
hierarchical modelling (BHM) and the construction of emulators embedded
within this framework can provide the necessary framework for developing
these models. You will be responsible for developing the BHM framework
that will house these complex physical processes.
position will allow you to build your research profile through
publications and conference attendance. It will also provide you with a
range of opportunities and experiences to build your capacity as a
researcher. This includes working as part of a multi-disciplinary team,
with university, industry and government collaborators to deliver
project outcomes. CSIRO provides postdoctoral fellows with a range of
training courses including ones focused on scientific paper writing,
project management and personal development.
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012
2 positions in Biostatistics and Population Health at Research Assistant/Associate/Fellow level in Imperial College, London
Full time, fixed term until April
2014. Closing date for applications: 6 Jan 2013
to Level B/C position (research associate/fellow):
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012
Phd Department of Computer Science
Workplace: Department of Computer Science (
Number of positions: 1
Work load: 1,0 (full-time)
Start of job: [TBD PROBABLY March 1, 2013]
Maximal duration of contract: 30. 6. 2015
Mentor: prof. RNDr. Radim Bělohlávek, DSc.
Number of positions: 1
Work load: 1,0 (full-time)
Start of job: [TBD PROBABLY March 1, 2013]
Maximal duration of contract: 30. 6. 2015
Mentor: prof. RNDr. Radim Bělohlávek, DSc.
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012
Oferta de empleo como Estadístico en AXESOR, Armilla Granada
Se encargará:
- Diseño y construcción de modelos estadísticos de scoring y rating para carteras minoristas y mayoristas.
- Desarrollo e implementación de los procesos de calibrado y ajuste al ciclo de la PD (Probabilidad de Default) obtenida de los modelos de scoring y rating desarrollados.
- Elaboración de documentación de procesos de construcción y calibración de modelos acorde a los requerimientos de Basilea II
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012
High-level statistical position at NCHS
The National Center for Health Statistics is Seeking Candidates for the Position of Distinguished Consultant (Supervisory Mathematical Statistician)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and is the principal health statistics agency in the United States. Its mission is to provide statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of the American people. NCHS is a unique public resource for health information and a critical element of public health and health policy.
NCHS is seeking exceptional candidates for the Chief of the Statistical Research and Survey Design Staff (SRSDS) in its Office of Research and Methodology (ORM). SRSDS, which contains the largest group of research statisticians in NCHS, conducts basic and applied statistical research relevant to NCHS and the broader scientific community, and provides technical assistance primarily to the various programs within NCHS but also outside of NCHS. Recent areas of work by SRSDS include the redesign of NCHS surveys, methods for modeling and analyzing complex survey data, small-area estimation, combining information from multiple data sources, quality control, statistical disclosure limitation and protection of confidentiality, handling missing data, and statistical computing.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and is the principal health statistics agency in the United States. Its mission is to provide statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of the American people. NCHS is a unique public resource for health information and a critical element of public health and health policy.
NCHS is seeking exceptional candidates for the Chief of the Statistical Research and Survey Design Staff (SRSDS) in its Office of Research and Methodology (ORM). SRSDS, which contains the largest group of research statisticians in NCHS, conducts basic and applied statistical research relevant to NCHS and the broader scientific community, and provides technical assistance primarily to the various programs within NCHS but also outside of NCHS. Recent areas of work by SRSDS include the redesign of NCHS surveys, methods for modeling and analyzing complex survey data, small-area estimation, combining information from multiple data sources, quality control, statistical disclosure limitation and protection of confidentiality, handling missing data, and statistical computing.
Analista de Datos. CNAG
The CNAG started operating in March 2010 with a park of twelve second generation DNA sequencers supported by an extensive informatics infrastructure, becoming one of the major Genome Sequencing Centers in Europe.
The CNAG is actively involved in collaborative research projects on a number of specific topics: Disease Gene Identification, Cancer Genomics, Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Model Organism Genomics and Synthetic Biology Genomics of Model Organisms. In addition, we participate in several consortia of networked projects such as the International Cancer Genome Consortium and EU-funded projects such as RD-CONNECT, READNA, AIRPROM, SYBARIS, ESGI and BLUEPRINT.
We seek a postdoctoral analyst with a strong computational background to develop, maintain and operate data analysis pipelines at CNAG. The successful applicant will be closely involved with the RD-Connect project, in the roles of data analysis and interpretation.
The analyst will report to the Bioinformatics Analysis Group Leader and must be able to work independently on his/her specific tasks and as part of a team integrating a system.
The CNAG is actively involved in collaborative research projects on a number of specific topics: Disease Gene Identification, Cancer Genomics, Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Model Organism Genomics and Synthetic Biology Genomics of Model Organisms. In addition, we participate in several consortia of networked projects such as the International Cancer Genome Consortium and EU-funded projects such as RD-CONNECT, READNA, AIRPROM, SYBARIS, ESGI and BLUEPRINT.
We seek a postdoctoral analyst with a strong computational background to develop, maintain and operate data analysis pipelines at CNAG. The successful applicant will be closely involved with the RD-Connect project, in the roles of data analysis and interpretation.
The analyst will report to the Bioinformatics Analysis Group Leader and must be able to work independently on his/her specific tasks and as part of a team integrating a system.
jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012
5 becas para el Instuto Nacional de Estadística
5 becas con la finalidad de fomentar y promocionar la investigación estadística, así como el desarrollo e implantación de procesos estadísticos, mediante la formación de postgraduados en el Instituto Nacional de Estadística.
Más información en:
Más información en:
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012
lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012
Licenciado en Estadística en Paterna (Valencia)
Ofertas de trabajo en MERCADONA ( )
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: -Realizar previsiones de venta
-Análizar de datos numéricos
-Interpretar y confeccionar gráficas.
-Progresión salarial, inicial de 42.000 hasta 64.000€ bruto/año.
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: -Realizar previsiones de venta
-Análizar de datos numéricos
-Interpretar y confeccionar gráficas.
-Progresión salarial, inicial de 42.000 hasta 64.000€ bruto/año.
2 Lecturer positions in the Institute for Risk & Uncertainty, University of Liverpool
The Institute for Risk & Uncertainty / School of Engineering, University of Liverpool is recruiting 2 Lecturers as detailed below
Lecturer in Uncertainty and Risk in Complex Systems and Networks
Lecturer in Uncertainty and Risk in Complex Systems and Networks
Postdoctoral position at The Ohio State University
A Postdoctoral position is available for an NEI-funded project that will examine the visual deficits in adults and children with amblyopia. The project is a collaboration between Zhong-Lin Lu at the Ohio State University, Peter Bex and Luis Lesmes at Schepens Eye Research Institute/Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, and David Hunter at Children's Hospital, Boston. The position is initially available for one year with the possibility of extension, and there will be opportunities to spend time in both Columbus, Ohio, and Boston, MA.
Postdoctoral position in AstroStatistics at Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile.
A post-doctoral position in the field of AstroStatistics is expected to start from March 2013 at the Centro de Investigación y Modelamiento de Fenómenos Aleatorios-Valparaíso (CIMFAV) of Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. The successful candidate will provide mathematical, probabilistic, statistical and data analysis support for the activities of the Center of Astro-Statistics.
In Valparaiso, researchers of three groups, CIMFAV and CdAV (Center of Astrophysics of Valparaiso) of the Universidad de Valparaíso and GAE-IES (Group of AstroStatistics of Statistics Institute) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, have joined to develop research in the field of AstroStatistics. These groups are integrated by Astronomers, Cosmologists, Mathematicians and Statisticians.
The main goal of the Center is to become a Center of excellence in AstroStatistics research. Chile is positioned as one of the best countries to investigate in astronomy and cosmology due the amount of modern observatories placed here. The successful candidate will have full access to the 10% of Chilean observing time at the international telescopes operating in Chile, as ESO (VLT and La Silla), APEX, ALMA, Gemini South, SOAR, Magellan, etc.
In Valparaiso, researchers of three groups, CIMFAV and CdAV (Center of Astrophysics of Valparaiso) of the Universidad de Valparaíso and GAE-IES (Group of AstroStatistics of Statistics Institute) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, have joined to develop research in the field of AstroStatistics. These groups are integrated by Astronomers, Cosmologists, Mathematicians and Statisticians.
The main goal of the Center is to become a Center of excellence in AstroStatistics research. Chile is positioned as one of the best countries to investigate in astronomy and cosmology due the amount of modern observatories placed here. The successful candidate will have full access to the 10% of Chilean observing time at the international telescopes operating in Chile, as ESO (VLT and La Silla), APEX, ALMA, Gemini South, SOAR, Magellan, etc.
Dos contratos de investigación Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
En el Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la USC hay un proceso de selección abierto para dos contratos de investigación.
Título de la actividad: Diseño de algoritmos para problemas de programación entera y no lineal
Referencia de la actividad: 2012-PG239
Centro de trabajo: Facultad de Matemáticas
Investigador Principal: Julio González Díaz
Trabajos a desempeñar: Diseño de algoritmos para resolución de problemas de optimización, desarrollo de análisis teóricos asociados a dichos algoritmos, implementación de los algoritmos.
Dependiendo del perfil de los candidatos los contratos podrían dar lugar al comienzo de una tesis doctoral.
Título de la actividad: Diseño de algoritmos para problemas de programación entera y no lineal
Referencia de la actividad: 2012-PG239
Centro de trabajo: Facultad de Matemáticas
Investigador Principal: Julio González Díaz
Trabajos a desempeñar: Diseño de algoritmos para resolución de problemas de optimización, desarrollo de análisis teóricos asociados a dichos algoritmos, implementación de los algoritmos.
Dependiendo del perfil de los candidatos los contratos podrían dar lugar al comienzo de una tesis doctoral.
Se necesita cubrir una plaza de Especialista en Bioinformática y Análisis de Datos en Madrid
La empresa ViviaBiotech busca un Especialista en Bioinformática y Análisis de Datos para trabajar en Tres Cantos – Madrid.
Descripción de la oferta: Se necesita cubrir una plaza de Especialista en Bioinformática y Análisis de Datos.
Requisitos: Imprescindible el manejo de bases de datos (Oracle, SqlServer, MySql o semejantes) principalmente en cuanto al desarrollo de consultas complejas así como funciones y procedimientos almacenados, valorándose igualmente conocimientos como DBA.
Descripción de la oferta: Se necesita cubrir una plaza de Especialista en Bioinformática y Análisis de Datos.
Requisitos: Imprescindible el manejo de bases de datos (Oracle, SqlServer, MySql o semejantes) principalmente en cuanto al desarrollo de consultas complejas así como funciones y procedimientos almacenados, valorándose igualmente conocimientos como DBA.
Faculty Positions, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University
The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University anticipates multiple open-rank positions (tenure/tenure-track) 09/13. Salary is open dependent upon qualifications presented. A PhD/DSc degree in Statistics (or a closely related field) or the completion of all requirements for the degree prior to beginning employment is required. Job duties will include teaching three courses per academic year, computer intensive research, as well as to seek research funding.
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Facility Location and Logistics
Applications are invited for a 2-year fixed term position as a postdoctoral researcher associate(PDRA) in the area of Facility Location and Logistics starting in February 2013 (or soon thereafter). The PDRA will join the Management Science group of the Kent Business School. The PDRA will be expected to actively engage in basic research and work closely with Drs Jesse O’Hanley, Maria Paola Scaparra, and Gábor Nagy and other academics in the Management Science group with the primary goal of publishing in top operational research journals. The PDRA will have wide latitude to help frame and design the specific programme of research. Potential areas of investigation include but are not limited to facility protection planning, robust supply chain systems, disaster management, hub location, and energy and the environment. The post holder will further assist in the preparation of grant applications and support the general research culture of the Business School by organising and delivering seminars.
Applicants are expected to hold a PhD in Operational Research / Management Science, Mathematics, Computer Science or a closely related discipline. The ideal candidate will have a firm knowledge of integer programming and heuristic methods and a demonstrated interest in facility location planning and logistics. Good computer programming experience as well as excellent written and communication skills is essential. Applications will be assessed based on relevant skills and previous publication record.
Applicants are expected to hold a PhD in Operational Research / Management Science, Mathematics, Computer Science or a closely related discipline. The ideal candidate will have a firm knowledge of integer programming and heuristic methods and a demonstrated interest in facility location planning and logistics. Good computer programming experience as well as excellent written and communication skills is essential. Applications will be assessed based on relevant skills and previous publication record.
Estadístico para el Proyecto: BIFAP (Base de datos Informatizada para la Investigación Epidemiológica en Atención Primaria)
Diplomatura/Licenciatura en estadística.
Conocimiento de inglés (nivel medio).
- Titulación superior (Licenciatura) en estadística.
Experiencia en manejo de datos y análisis
estadísticos con bases de datos informatizadas en proyectos relacionados con la
investigación farmacoepidemiológica en atención primaria.
Conocimientos de epidemiología, software
estadístico y epidemiológico así como familiarización con proyectos de
investigación sobre todo en el ámbito de la investigación
Disponibilidad para viajar.
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012
Director Epidemiology Biostatistician in Barcelona, Spain
Job Description
The Director Epidemiology Biostatistician is responsible for providing support on biostatistic methods and quantitative analysis applied to all the epidemiological studies in support to clinical development, clinical safety investigation, risk management, and benefit-risk assessment across therapeutic areas and health authority requests.
Desired Skills and Experience
Education: MSc in statistics or related area (PhD preferred)
The Director Epidemiology Biostatistician is responsible for providing support on biostatistic methods and quantitative analysis applied to all the epidemiological studies in support to clinical development, clinical safety investigation, risk management, and benefit-risk assessment across therapeutic areas and health authority requests.
Desired Skills and Experience
Education: MSc in statistics or related area (PhD preferred)
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012
Post Doctoral Position for epidemiologist in Wisconsin
- Posición en el Departamento de Population Health Sciences (Jefe de Departamento: F. Javier Nieto—
- Trabajo fundamentalmente en el Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) –
- Objetivos del trabajo: ayudar a los investigadores del estudio en la publicación de resultados en revistas científicas nacionales e internacionales.
- Oportunidades para liderar manuscritos.
- Duración del postdoctorado: 2 años o más, dependiendo de la calidad del trabajo, del interés del candidato y de la disponibilidad de fondos.
- Disponible inmediatamente.
- Salario: entre $40.000 y $54.000 anuales, dependiendo de la experiencia del candidato.
- Posición en el Departamento de Population Health Sciences (Jefe de Departamento: F. Javier Nieto—
- Trabajo fundamentalmente en el Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) –
- Objetivos del trabajo: ayudar a los investigadores del estudio en la publicación de resultados en revistas científicas nacionales e internacionales.
- Oportunidades para liderar manuscritos.
- Duración del postdoctorado: 2 años o más, dependiendo de la calidad del trabajo, del interés del candidato y de la disponibilidad de fondos.
- Disponible inmediatamente.
- Salario: entre $40.000 y $54.000 anuales, dependiendo de la experiencia del candidato.
Postdocs in Statistical Genetics in Oxford
Grade 8: £37,012-£44,166, with a discretionary range to £48,246 p.a.
Applications where not all the set criteria are met will be considered, and if appointed, will be at the appropriate salary range of Grade 7: £29,249-£35,938 p.a., with amended duties and responsibilities.
Applications where not all the set criteria are met will be considered, and if appointed, will be at the appropriate salary range of Grade 7: £29,249-£35,938 p.a., with amended duties and responsibilities.
Post-doctoral research associate position at the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics at the Univ. of Wisconsin
The Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for a talented and motivated post-doctoral research associate to work at the interface of cancer biology, statistics, and bioinformatics. The post-doctoral associate will work under the supervision of Dr. Christina Kendziorski. The primary research focus will be on developing statistical and computational methods that integrate data from multiple sources to identify biomarkers useful for predicting risk to and/or treatment response within specific cancers. In addition to conducting creative, independent, and cutting-edge research, the associate will also be invited to co-lead an effort that extends latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) models and computer graphics to address these goals, and so expertise in LDA, related methods for topic modeling, and/or visualization is a plus.
Faculty member in machine learning or statistics
The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London is looking to recruit a junior or senior level faculty member in machine learning or statistics. We especially seek candidates who work in probabilistic or statistical machine learning. The Gatsby Unit was set up at UCL in 1998 as a research institute devoted to machine learning and theoretical neuroscience. We have core funding for five faculty and for associated postdocs and PhD students. PIs can raise additional funds through grants. We have no undergraduate programme, so only teaching and supervision of graduate-level Gatsby students is required.
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
Introducción a la estadística moderna con R. Curso gratuito
La estadística es una disciplina científica joven: la mayor parte de los conceptos básicos de los que se ocupan los libros de texto tienen apenas 100 años.
Sin embargo, pese a su juventud, hay quienes piensan que nació demasiado pronto. Algunos estadísticos modernos, de hecho, se han planteado la siguiente pregunta: ¿cómo sería la estadística si hubiese nacido después de los ordenadores? Y al responderla han venido a elaborar un enfoque alternativo al clásico (o habitual) de la estadística, que convenimos en llamar estadística moderna.
La estadística clásica tiene infinitos méritos. Pero la experiencia enseña que también tiende a viciar los conceptos fundamentales de la disciplina en muchos de sus usuarios (y, en particular, en sus estudiantes). Es descorazonador comprobar cómo muchos entienden la estadística como un conjunto de recetas prefabricadas para resolver ciertos tipos de problemas de libro. Ciertos paquetes de software para análisis estadístico muy populares, que se limitan a organizar las recetas en menús y submenús, han contribuido a asentar esta visión castrada de la ciencia estadística.
La estadística moderna, por el contrario, pone de relieve los conceptos fundamentales de la estadística (que proceden esencialmente de la relación señal/ruido en un conjunto de datos) y enseña a navegar hasta ellos a través de un proceso computacional y constructivo desde los datos mismos.
Tradicionalmente, este proceso constructivo era sumamente engorroso. Pero en la segunda década del siglo XXI, y gracias a R las cosas han cambiado. Y de ahí este curso. Porque la era de la estadística moderna ha llegado.
La estadística es una disciplina científica joven: la mayor parte de los conceptos básicos de los que se ocupan los libros de texto tienen apenas 100 años.
Sin embargo, pese a su juventud, hay quienes piensan que nació demasiado pronto. Algunos estadísticos modernos, de hecho, se han planteado la siguiente pregunta: ¿cómo sería la estadística si hubiese nacido después de los ordenadores? Y al responderla han venido a elaborar un enfoque alternativo al clásico (o habitual) de la estadística, que convenimos en llamar estadística moderna.
La estadística clásica tiene infinitos méritos. Pero la experiencia enseña que también tiende a viciar los conceptos fundamentales de la disciplina en muchos de sus usuarios (y, en particular, en sus estudiantes). Es descorazonador comprobar cómo muchos entienden la estadística como un conjunto de recetas prefabricadas para resolver ciertos tipos de problemas de libro. Ciertos paquetes de software para análisis estadístico muy populares, que se limitan a organizar las recetas en menús y submenús, han contribuido a asentar esta visión castrada de la ciencia estadística.
La estadística moderna, por el contrario, pone de relieve los conceptos fundamentales de la estadística (que proceden esencialmente de la relación señal/ruido en un conjunto de datos) y enseña a navegar hasta ellos a través de un proceso computacional y constructivo desde los datos mismos.
Tradicionalmente, este proceso constructivo era sumamente engorroso. Pero en la segunda década del siglo XXI, y gracias a R las cosas han cambiado. Y de ahí este curso. Porque la era de la estadística moderna ha llegado.
Assistant Prof., Postdoc and PhD positions in machine learning available at U. Amsterdam
Three fully funded positions will be available at the University of Amsterdam in the area of machine learning (Assistant Professor, Postdoc, PhD Student).
The research group Machine Learning & Autonomous Intelligent Systems at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is lead by Prof. dr. M. Welling and conducts research in the area of large scale modeling of complex data sources. This includes the development of new methods for probabilistic graphical models and nonparametric Bayesian models, the development of faster (approximate) inference and learning methods, reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems and the application of all of the above to large scale data domains in science and industry (“Big Data problems”).
The research group Machine Learning & Autonomous Intelligent Systems at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is lead by Prof. dr. M. Welling and conducts research in the area of large scale modeling of complex data sources. This includes the development of new methods for probabilistic graphical models and nonparametric Bayesian models, the development of faster (approximate) inference and learning methods, reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems and the application of all of the above to large scale data domains in science and industry (“Big Data problems”).
Eustat : 2 BECAS en el campo de las metodologías estadístico-matematicos
Eustat convoca 2 BECAS de dos años en el campo de las metodologías estadístico-matemáticas.
El plazo de solicitudes termina el 15 de Noviembre de 2012
Más información en:
Associate in Research in computational science and advanced statistical computing for Bayesian methods. in Duike
The Department of Statistical Science at Duke University seeks to hire an Associate in Research in computational science and advanced statistical computing for Bayesian methods.
Full details are available at
Full details are available at
Group Leader Position at MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK
The MRC Biostatistics Unit, one of Europe's leading biostatistics research institutions, is seeking a Group Leader to develop an independent scientific programme, investigating statistical method for the analysis of high throughput data in biomedicine, for example next generation sequencing data or other high resolution data used to investigate complex diseases.
PhD Research Position in Machine Learning Available
Description: A 4-year Ph.D. program is available at the Signal Processing System group( ) at the Technical University Eindhoven. This research program is aimed at developing modern machine learning methods that lead to improved performance of audioprocessing algorithms (e.g., for hearing aids). In particular, our approach is to study models of human (brain) learning and adaptation and apply these ideas to the design of personalized audio processing applications. Key areas of interest include Bayesian machine learning, graphical models (factor graphs), computational neurosciences and signal processing.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioinformatics
Description: The Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute seeks a postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics, to work with Drs. Nikhil Munshi and Giovanni Parmigiani on bioinformatics projects within the outstanding multiple myeloma program at DFCI. The position offers excellent scientific training opportunities in a highly stimulating and interdisciplinary environment involving close interactions between computational scientists, medical oncologists and basic scientists.
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Biostatistics in Texas
The Department of Biostatistics within the Division of Quantitative Sciences at MD Anderson Cancer Center is seeking candidates for one or more open rank tenured or tenure-track faculty positions. The department invites applications from individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the development of statistical methodology and its applications to biomedical research. We are particularly interested in candidates who have strong interests in cross-disciplinary and collaborative scientific research. A Ph.D. in statistics, biostatistics or a related field is required.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Texas
Duties & Responsibilities: The Department of Biostatistics in the Division of Quantitative Sciences at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has postdoctoral positions open for computational statistics with applications in biostatistics & bioinformatics. The postdoctoral fellows will work under the supervision of Dr. Jeffrey S. Morris. The primary research focus will be on developing novel statistical and computational methodology for the analysis of complex, high-dimensional object data, including high-dimensional functional data, neuroimaging data, shape data, and genomics data. Potential application areas include functional MRI, electrical response potentials (ERP), shape data, and various types of genomics data including copy number, methylation, miRNA, microarray, proteomics, and next generation sequencing data. Some potential projects include integration of information across outcomes of various types, and flexible modeling approaches that incorporate both biological knowledge and empirical structures.
domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012
Beca para estadístico en Madrid
Se necesita ESTUDIANTE DE MATEMATICAS/ESTADISTICA, ya sea de Master, Grado o Licenciatura, para apoyo al dpto de PROCESO DE DATOS, analizando estadísticamente los resultados de los estudios lanzados al mercado.
Several Postdocs / Research Associates in Computational Inference
The Finnish Center of Excellence in Computational Inference Research (COIN, Aalto University and University of Helsinki) announces several new postdoc or research associate positions in Computational Inference.
The objective of COIN is to push the boundaries of inference in the data-rich world of today and tomorrow. The COIN consortium includes the creators of world standards and software such as Independent Component Analysis.
Successful candidates will work on fundamental questions of inference and in applications in Intelligent Information Access, Computational Molecular Biology and Medicine, Computational History, Computational Climate, Computational Neuroscience and other directions yet to be determined. Applicants with suitable background in machine learning, mathematics, statistics, computational logic, combinatorial optimization or statistical physics are encouraged to apply.
For further information, please see current/jobs/teaching_and_ research/coin_postdocs/
The objective of COIN is to push the boundaries of inference in the data-rich world of today and tomorrow. The COIN consortium includes the creators of world standards and software such as Independent Component Analysis.
Successful candidates will work on fundamental questions of inference and in applications in Intelligent Information Access, Computational Molecular Biology and Medicine, Computational History, Computational Climate, Computational Neuroscience and other directions yet to be determined. Applicants with suitable background in machine learning, mathematics, statistics, computational logic, combinatorial optimization or statistical physics are encouraged to apply.
For further information, please see
PhD positions in Bayesian Nonparametrics University of Amsterdam
At the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam (UvA), there are several vacancies for PhD students in the area of nonparametric Bayesian statistics.
The positions are part of the project "Foundations of nonparametric Bayes procedures". The available projects have a strong mathematical flavour, with links for instance to functional analysis, approximation theory and stochastic process theory, but are motivated by the desire to improve our understanding of practical statistical procedures.
The positions are part of the project "Foundations of nonparametric Bayes procedures". The available projects have a strong mathematical flavour, with links for instance to functional analysis, approximation theory and stochastic process theory, but are motivated by the desire to improve our understanding of practical statistical procedures.
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012
Tres puestos posdoctorales de investigación asociados (1 +1 años) en redes complejas para Matemáticos
Tres puestos posdoctorales de investigación asociados (1 +1 años) están disponibles en la Universidad de Barcelona (España), para trabajar en el campo de las redes complejas / ciencias de la red. Visión general del proyecto se proporciona a continuación.Estamos buscando candidatos fuertemente motivados con excelentes habilidades en el modelado teórico, programación / simulación, recopilación de datos y análisis, y un gran interés en la investigación multidisciplinaria. El candidato debe tener un doctorado en Física, Matemáticas Aplicadas, Ciencias de la Computación, o cualquier otra disciplina estrechamente relacionada.
Tres puestos posdoctorales de investigación asociados (1 +1 años) están disponibles en la Universidad de Barcelona (España), para trabajar en el campo de las redes complejas / ciencias de la red. Visión general del proyecto se proporciona a continuación.Estamos buscando candidatos fuertemente motivados con excelentes habilidades en el modelado teórico, programación / simulación, recopilación de datos y análisis, y un gran interés en la investigación multidisciplinaria. El candidato debe tener un doctorado en Física, Matemáticas Aplicadas, Ciencias de la Computación, o cualquier otra disciplina estrechamente relacionada.
Application deadline 14 November 2012
The currently-open positions listed below arise from Warwick's further investment in Statistics and the Department's success in attracting students and winning research funds. It is an opportunity to be part of one of the most prominent and most research-active departments of Statistics and we currently have openings at all level
-- PROFESSOR OF STATISTICS. Preferred research fields: statistical methodology, large and/or complex applications, computational statistics, statistical methods for finance or insurance,stochastic finance.
-- PROFESSOR OR READER IN STATISTICS. Associated with MASDOC. Any research area(s) in probability or statistics; research links with applied mathematics especially welcomed.
The currently-open positions listed below arise from Warwick's further investment in Statistics and the Department's success in attracting students and winning research funds. It is an opportunity to be part of one of the most prominent and most research-active departments of Statistics and we currently have openings at all level
-- PROFESSOR OF STATISTICS. Preferred research fields: statistical methodology, large and/or complex applications, computational statistics, statistical methods for finance or insurance,stochastic finance.
-- PROFESSOR OR READER IN STATISTICS. Associated with MASDOC. Any research area(s) in probability or statistics; research links with applied mathematics especially welcomed.
martes, 16 de octubre de 2012
XXX Reunión Anual de la SEE
Un año más la reunión anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología.Un
año más, si, pero por vez primera vez en la sin par Santander. El
Palacio de la Magdalena será la sede de una reunión cuyo lema: Epidemiología en tiempos de crisis: Haciendo sostenible el sistema de salud;
habla bien a las claras de reivindicar la necesaria epidemiología para
la toma de decisiones, especialmente en una situación de anemia de
Los materiales de la Reunión, ponencias y
comunicaciones, estarán disponibles exclusivamente en formato
electrónico, en la página web de Gaceta Sanitaria (
Así que ... nos vemos en la reunión de la SEE !!!
martes, 9 de octubre de 2012
La Sociedad de Reumatologia busca estadístico para una unidad de investigación
El trabajo se desarrollará en la Unidad de Investigación de la SER. C/Recoletos (Madrid) en la que participará en función de su perfil en cualquiera de las diferentes actividades de la Unidad:
Principales tareas:
• Proporcionar apoyo técnico a los estudios epidemiológicos en lo referente al diseño de los mismos.
• Manejar, tratar y depurar los datos de los proyectos epidemiológicos que se coordinan dentro de la unidad de investigación, realizar el análisis estadístico de los mismos y posteriormente, redactar los informes pertinentes con los resultados de los proyectos
• Organizar, estructurar y estandarizar las rutinas de análisis de los registros que se coordinan desde la unidad de investigación
• Ayudar metodológicamente en las preguntas de investigación de los socios en temas relativos al diseño y realizar el análisis estadístico, en forma de asesoría, de los datos de los proyectos de los socios
• Contribuir en la elaboración de la difusión de los resultados de la investigación o de la evidencia, bien sea por medio de revistas científicas o comunicaciones a congresos
• Estar en continuo contacto en los avances de la ciencia en el campo de la estadística/epidemiología, bien sea por medio de la revisión de artículos científicos o mediante la formación de cursos altamente especializados, para posteriormente adaptar los conocimientos en metodología más avanzada
Más información:
Principales tareas:
• Proporcionar apoyo técnico a los estudios epidemiológicos en lo referente al diseño de los mismos.
• Manejar, tratar y depurar los datos de los proyectos epidemiológicos que se coordinan dentro de la unidad de investigación, realizar el análisis estadístico de los mismos y posteriormente, redactar los informes pertinentes con los resultados de los proyectos
• Organizar, estructurar y estandarizar las rutinas de análisis de los registros que se coordinan desde la unidad de investigación
• Ayudar metodológicamente en las preguntas de investigación de los socios en temas relativos al diseño y realizar el análisis estadístico, en forma de asesoría, de los datos de los proyectos de los socios
• Contribuir en la elaboración de la difusión de los resultados de la investigación o de la evidencia, bien sea por medio de revistas científicas o comunicaciones a congresos
• Estar en continuo contacto en los avances de la ciencia en el campo de la estadística/epidemiología, bien sea por medio de la revisión de artículos científicos o mediante la formación de cursos altamente especializados, para posteriormente adaptar los conocimientos en metodología más avanzada
Más información:
lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012
Becas postdoctorales IARC en investigación en cáncer
Las becas IARC están dirigidas a jóvenes científicos que se dediquen a
la investigación médica o ciencias afines y que deseen dedicarse a la
investigación en cáncer.
El IARC quiere estimular la investigación en aquellas áreas de investigación de cáncer relacionadas con sus actividades: epidemiología (incluyendo genética y molecular), bioestadística, bioinformática y áreas relacionadas con: mecanismos de carcinogénesis incluyendo biología celular y molecular, genética molecular, epigenética y patología molecular, con énfasis en proyectos interdisciplinares.
Particularmente se pretende promover el desarrollo de conocimientos en paíse
El IARC quiere estimular la investigación en aquellas áreas de investigación de cáncer relacionadas con sus actividades: epidemiología (incluyendo genética y molecular), bioestadística, bioinformática y áreas relacionadas con: mecanismos de carcinogénesis incluyendo biología celular y molecular, genética molecular, epigenética y patología molecular, con énfasis en proyectos interdisciplinares.
Particularmente se pretende promover el desarrollo de conocimientos en paíse
Matemáticos, Físicos y Estadísticos para Consultoría de negocio
MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSManagementSolutions es una firma multinacional de servicios profesionales de consultoría y asesoramiento empresarial. Realizamos proyectos de estrategia, organización, procesos y eficiencia operativa, control y gestión de riesgos y tecnologías relacionadas. Trabajamos fundamentalmente en el sector financiero y en los sectores de energía y telecomunicaciones. ManagementSolutions desarrolla su actividad a través de 18 oficinas, 9 en Europa, 8 en America y 1 Asia, con un equipo multidisciplinar de más de 1200 profesionales. Para más información acerca de la Firma visita: |
Graduado en Estadística Aplicada (fecha de licenciatura a partir de junio de 2011)
Empresa: El Corte Inglés S.A.
Perfil de los candidatos/as:
· Graduado en Estadística Aplicada (fecha de licenciatura a partir de junio de 2011).
- Técnico de Análisis de datos y conocimiento del cliente
Diplomados en Estadística para Banca
Empresa: HLI. Multinacional Francesa, con más de 150 consultores, Groupe HLI ofrece servicios y soluciones en diferentes áreas de negocio:
- Banca (Riesgo de crédito, actuaria , marketing cuantitativo, BI )
- Telecomunicaciones
Bioinformatics Faculty Position at the University of Kansas
The University of Kansas (KU) Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science (EECS) is seeking applications for a tenure track
faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with a focus on computational life sciences
research, including bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, and health
informatics. Research, academic, or industrial expertise in computing and computational life sciences is preferred but not mandatory.
The demonstrated ability to obtain external funding is also preferred. Exceptionally qualified candidates with outstanding qualifications could be considered at higher ranks.
The successful candidate has an earned doctorate or equivalent in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields. Demonstrated research and academic leadership
is required for senior ranks. This search is focused on those with expertise in machine learning, data mining, statistical learning, distributed databases, big data analytics; all
focused on computational life sciences problems. Other areas of computer science focused on computational life sciences maybe considered for exceptional applicants.
EECS is the largest department in the KU School of Engineering, with 38 faculty and annual research volume of over $6 million. EECS offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science, and has approximately 600 undergraduate and 250 graduate students.
Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1, 2012 and will be accepted until the position is filled. The successful candidate must be eligible to work in the U.S. prior to the start of the position. To apply, visit and search for faculty position 3990. Questions should be sent to Dr. Huan, the search chair, at
The demonstrated ability to obtain external funding is also preferred. Exceptionally qualified candidates with outstanding qualifications could be considered at higher ranks.
The successful candidate has an earned doctorate or equivalent in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields. Demonstrated research and academic leadership
is required for senior ranks. This search is focused on those with expertise in machine learning, data mining, statistical learning, distributed databases, big data analytics; all
focused on computational life sciences problems. Other areas of computer science focused on computational life sciences maybe considered for exceptional applicants.
EECS is the largest department in the KU School of Engineering, with 38 faculty and annual research volume of over $6 million. EECS offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science, and has approximately 600 undergraduate and 250 graduate students.
Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1, 2012 and will be accepted until the position is filled. The successful candidate must be eligible to work in the U.S. prior to the start of the position. To apply, visit and search for faculty position 3990. Questions should be sent to Dr. Huan, the search chair, at
Faculty Positions at Carnegie Mellon University
Applications are invited for possible tenure-track and visiting positions. Carnegie Mellon offers a collegial faculty environment, emphasizing a combination of disciplinary and
cross-disciplinary research and teaching. All areas of statistics are welcome, and joint appointments with other units in the Pittsburgh area are possible. We especially
encourage women and minorities to apply.
Applications are invited for possible tenure-track and visiting positions. Carnegie Mellon offers a collegial faculty environment, emphasizing a combination of disciplinary and
cross-disciplinary research and teaching. All areas of statistics are welcome, and joint appointments with other units in the Pittsburgh area are possible. We especially
encourage women and minorities to apply.
Statistics Faculty Position at The University of Texas at Austin
The McCombs School of Business jointly with the Division of Statistics
and Scientific Computation (SSC) at the University of Texas at Austin
invites applications for an Assistant Professor Statistics faculty appointment to begin Fall 2013.
The successful candidate will be appointed in the Information, Risk and Operations Management (IROM) department in the Business School and will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate statistics courses, supervise graduate students, collaborate with other faculty, and be involved in service to the university and the profession. Teaching and service duties are equally divided between IROM and SSC.
The successful candidate will be appointed in the Information, Risk and Operations Management (IROM) department in the Business School and will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate statistics courses, supervise graduate students, collaborate with other faculty, and be involved in service to the university and the profession. Teaching and service duties are equally divided between IROM and SSC.
martes, 2 de octubre de 2012
Ya tenemos aquí nueva versión de R 2.15.2
Details of current changes can be found at R-devel/doc/html/NEWS.html
(scroll past the R-devel stuff and look at 2.15.1 patched.)
(scroll past the R-devel stuff and look at 2.15.1 patched.)

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012
Especialista en Estadística Económica en el Banco de España
La convocatoria pretende la selección de un especialista en estadística económica, que desempeñará los cometidos propios de un empleado del nivel 9 del Grupo directivo dentro del Departamento de Estadística. Dicho Departamento elabora y publica las estadísticas relacionadas con las funciones que la Ley de Autonomía encomienda al Banco de España, y asiste al Banco Central Europeo y a la Comisión Europea en la recopilación de la información estadística necesaria para el cumplimiento de sus funciones.
Las áreas de trabajo correspondientes a la convocatoria están relacionadas con la elaboración y la difusión de las estadísticas exteriores, principalmente la Balanza de Pagos y la Posición de Inversión Internacional.
Sin ánimo exhaustivo, el ámbito de las tareas que llevarán a cabo quienes opten a la plaza convocada abarcará:
La convocatoria pretende la selección de un especialista en estadística económica, que desempeñará los cometidos propios de un empleado del nivel 9 del Grupo directivo dentro del Departamento de Estadística. Dicho Departamento elabora y publica las estadísticas relacionadas con las funciones que la Ley de Autonomía encomienda al Banco de España, y asiste al Banco Central Europeo y a la Comisión Europea en la recopilación de la información estadística necesaria para el cumplimiento de sus funciones.
Las áreas de trabajo correspondientes a la convocatoria están relacionadas con la elaboración y la difusión de las estadísticas exteriores, principalmente la Balanza de Pagos y la Posición de Inversión Internacional.
Sin ánimo exhaustivo, el ámbito de las tareas que llevarán a cabo quienes opten a la plaza convocada abarcará:
- La elaboración de proyectos para la ampliación o modificación de las fuentes de información utilizadas en la elaboración o en el control de calidad de las estadísticas exteriores. Estos proyectos requieren la colaboración con otras divisiones del Departamento de Estadística, con otros departamentos del Banco y con otras instituciones;
- El diseño y el mantenimiento de los procesos de elaboración de las estadísticas, en sus distintos formatos y periodicidades, aplicando los cambios que se produzcan en la metodología, en los requisitos de información y en los estándares internacionales establecidos para las estadísticas exteriores;
- El diseño, aplicación y actualización de los controles de calidad necesarios sobre las fuentes de información y sobre las estadísticas finales; la colaboración con los organismos internacionales en el intercambio de estos controles y en la explicación de sus resultados; la colaboración con los compiladores de otras estadísticas macroeconómicas para asegurar su coherencia con las estadísticas exteriores;
- La contribución a la continua mejora en la difusión de las estadísticas y de su metodología, tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el internacional;
- El diseño y el mantenimiento, en colaboración con el personal informático, de bases de datos relacionales complejas y la contribución a la formación del personal estadístico en su utilización;
- La coordinación de equipos y de trabajos comprendidos en proyectos amplios que incorporan cambios en las fuentes de información, en la metodología seguida en la compilación de las estadísticas, en los controles de calidad que se han de aplicar y en la difusión de datos; incluye la participación en este sentido en la formación del personal.
Analista estadístico Madrid
-Elaboración de estudios estadísticos
-Análisis de campañas de marketing
-Identificación de tendencias
Estadístico en Madrid
is the biggest non-listed European CRO and has employees worldwide. We
offer an attractive package including a competitive salary, a complete
training plan through our TFS Academy, an attractive package of social
benefits including free health insurance and challenging career
development opportunities.
Perfil de los candidatos/as:
- Diplomados/as en Estadística o graduados/as en Estadística Aplicada
Statistics Manager in German
Statistics Manager, working for a global CRO.
You will be office based in Germany managing project teams.
• Management of statistics group and processing of clinical projects reporting.
• Management of Statistical and SAS staff.
• Regulatory submissions processing.
• Results interpretations and processing
• Input on project design and result processing according to ICH guidelines
• Management of statistics group and processing of clinical projects reporting.
• Management of Statistical and SAS staff.
• Regulatory submissions processing.
• Results interpretations and processing
• Input on project design and result processing according to ICH guidelines
Postdoctoral fellowship in ecological Statistics in California
Postdoctoral fellowship in ecological statistics at the University of Notre Dame/University of California, Berkeley
A postdoctoral fellowship in statistical methods applied to paleoecological problems is available based either at the University of Notre Dame or at the University of California, Berkeley. The position is part of NSF-funded PalEON, a PaleoEcological Observatory Network to Assess Terrestrial Ecosystem Models, and is associated with Notre Dame's Environmental Change Initiative (ND-ECI). PALEON is an initiative to statistically estimate changes in forest composition in the northeastern U.S. over the past 2000 yearsusing paleoecological data and to assimilate these estimates into ecosystem models. The postdoctoral fellow will lead the development of statistical models, based on spatial statistics, state space, and data assimilation methods, for the initiative, interacting with statisticians, paleoecologists, paleoclimatologists, and ecosystem modelers. The fellow will work with Dr. Christopher Paciorek at UC Berkeley and Dr. Jason McLachlan at Notre Dame, with extensive interaction with other PALEON team members. Specific modeling challenges may include spatio-temporal modeling of paleoecological data, state-space modeling informed by
ecological models, modeling uncertainty in radiocarbon dating, and spatial modeling of vegetation based on colonial settlement-era historical records.
A postdoctoral fellowship in statistical methods applied to paleoecological problems is available based either at the University of Notre Dame or at the University of California, Berkeley. The position is part of NSF-funded PalEON, a PaleoEcological Observatory Network to Assess Terrestrial Ecosystem Models, and is associated with Notre Dame's Environmental Change Initiative (ND-ECI). PALEON is an initiative to statistically estimate changes in forest composition in the northeastern U.S. over the past 2000 yearsusing paleoecological data and to assimilate these estimates into ecosystem models. The postdoctoral fellow will lead the development of statistical models, based on spatial statistics, state space, and data assimilation methods, for the initiative, interacting with statisticians, paleoecologists, paleoclimatologists, and ecosystem modelers. The fellow will work with Dr. Christopher Paciorek at UC Berkeley and Dr. Jason McLachlan at Notre Dame, with extensive interaction with other PALEON team members. Specific modeling challenges may include spatio-temporal modeling of paleoecological data, state-space modeling informed by
ecological models, modeling uncertainty in radiocarbon dating, and spatial modeling of vegetation based on colonial settlement-era historical records.
Phd fellowship Optimization methods in a stochastic production environment in Denmark
Optimization methods in a stochastic production environment. Department of Economics and Business, Business and Social Sciences,
Aarhus University, Denmark is offering a PhD fellowship commencing 1st
January 2013 or soon thereafter. The application deadline is 15th October 2012.
Postdoc Positions in Computational Inference, Univ of Otago (NZ)
We are seeking at least two Postdoctoral Research Fellows in
- Computational Inference (MCMC) for Inverse Problems
- Sequential Inference applied to Agritech Sensors
The first project will adapt algorithms from CSE to perform sample-based Bayesian inference (MCMC) in high-dimensional inverse problems. This position would suit a person with strong background in scientific computation or numerical analysis, particularly computational linear algebra and optimization, and would like to apply these ideas in a probabilistic setting to perform uncertainty quantification. Full-time for two years, plus one further year subject to review.
The second project will develop algorithms for sequential inference on dynamical systems that will ultimately be embedded in agritech sensors. This position would suit a person with a strong background in Bayesian statistics, particularly sequential inference, and would like to see these ideas put to practical use -- such as weighing cows.
Full-time for three years, plus two further years subject to review.
For expressions of interest or further information, contact Colin Fox nz
These positions are open until filled. We expect appointments will be made by February 2013. index.php/Colin_Fox
- Computational Inference (MCMC) for Inverse Problems
- Sequential Inference applied to Agritech Sensors
The first project will adapt algorithms from CSE to perform sample-based Bayesian inference (MCMC) in high-dimensional inverse problems. This position would suit a person with strong background in scientific computation or numerical analysis, particularly computational linear algebra and optimization, and would like to apply these ideas in a probabilistic setting to perform uncertainty quantification. Full-time for two years, plus one further year subject to review.
The second project will develop algorithms for sequential inference on dynamical systems that will ultimately be embedded in agritech sensors. This position would suit a person with a strong background in Bayesian statistics, particularly sequential inference, and would like to see these ideas put to practical use -- such as weighing cows.
Full-time for three years, plus two further years subject to review.
For expressions of interest or further information, contact Colin Fox
These positions are open until filled. We expect appointments will be made by February 2013.
Postdoctoral Associate in the Five Colleges
Postdoctoral Associate in statistics at the Five-College consortium
(Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the
University of Massachusetts Amherst). Duties include teaching one
course per semester at the liberal arts colleges, research at UMass, and consulting throughout the
Five Colleges. Three years. Ideal for a new PhD to explore careers in
large and small academic institutions. A PhD in Statistics or a related
field and experience with applied statistics are required.
Submit applications at (strongly preferred).
Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae, evidence of strength in teaching and research, and arrange for three letters of recommendation. Paper applications can be mailed to Mathematics & Statistics, 1623E Lederle Graduate Research Tower, University of Massachusetts, 710 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01003, Attn: Kim Stone. For additional information please contact Michael Lavine (
Funded, in part, by NSF. Review of applications begins on December 3 of 2012 and continues until position is filled. UMass Amherst is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply.
Submit applications at (strongly preferred).
Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae, evidence of strength in teaching and research, and arrange for three letters of recommendation. Paper applications can be mailed to Mathematics & Statistics, 1623E Lederle Graduate Research Tower, University of Massachusetts, 710 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01003, Attn: Kim Stone. For additional information please contact Michael Lavine (
Funded, in part, by NSF. Review of applications begins on December 3 of 2012 and continues until position is filled. UMass Amherst is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply.
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012
2 contratos para Matemáticos en Valencia
La Subdirección General de Sistemas de Información para la Salud (Conselleria de Sanitat) precisa contratar 2 tituladas o titulados medios (Diplomatura o ingeniería técnica) en Informática o Telecomunicaciones o tituladas o titulados superiores (Licenciatura o ingeniería) en Informática, Telecomunicaciones, Matemáticas o Física, para realizar tareas de dirección de proyectos en el marco de la oficina centralizada de desarrollo y evolución de proyectos en torno a los estándares de la Generalitat Valenciana, (Oficina para la Sinergia y Estandarización de Desarrollos, OSED).
La contratación será por obra y servicio, teniendo ésta en total una duración máxima de tres años.
El salario bruto anual será el estipulado por el Convenio Colectivo para el Personal Laboral al servicio de la Generalitat Valenciana y la Ley de Presupuestos en vigor para cada ejercicio, para la retribución correspondiente al grupo B, complemento de destino 18 y complemento específico 025 (aproximadamente 24.700 euros anuales brutos). Gran parte de los servicios se prestarán en los Servicios Centrales de la Conselleria deSanitat (Micer Mascó, 31).
Más información en :
La contratación será por obra y servicio, teniendo ésta en total una duración máxima de tres años.
El salario bruto anual será el estipulado por el Convenio Colectivo para el Personal Laboral al servicio de la Generalitat Valenciana y la Ley de Presupuestos en vigor para cada ejercicio, para la retribución correspondiente al grupo B, complemento de destino 18 y complemento específico 025 (aproximadamente 24.700 euros anuales brutos). Gran parte de los servicios se prestarán en los Servicios Centrales de la Conselleria deSanitat (Micer Mascó, 31).
Más información en :
2 contratos laborales en salud en Valencia
La Subdirección General de Sistemas de Información para la Salud (Conselleria de
Sanitat) precisa contratar dos tituladas o titulados superiores uno en Matemáticas y otro en Estadística , para la realización de tareas de soporte en el despliegue funcional y explotación de datos del sistema de información “alumbra” en lo concerniente a estrategias de gestión y productividad de la Agencia Valenciana de Salud y sus Departamentos de Salud.
La contratación será por obra y servicio, teniendo ésta en total una duración máxima de tres años.
El salario bruto anual será el estipulado por el Convenio Colectivo para el Personal Laboral al servicio de la Generalitat Valenciana y la Ley de Presupuestos en vigor para cada ejercicio, para la retribución correspondiente al grupo A, complemento de destino 20 y complemento específico 038 (aproximadamente 30.900 euros anuales brutos).
Gran parte de los servicios se prestarán en los Servicios Centrales de la Conselleria de
Sanitat (Micer Mascó, 31).
Más información en :
Sanitat) precisa contratar dos tituladas o titulados superiores uno en Matemáticas y otro en Estadística , para la realización de tareas de soporte en el despliegue funcional y explotación de datos del sistema de información “alumbra” en lo concerniente a estrategias de gestión y productividad de la Agencia Valenciana de Salud y sus Departamentos de Salud.
La contratación será por obra y servicio, teniendo ésta en total una duración máxima de tres años.
El salario bruto anual será el estipulado por el Convenio Colectivo para el Personal Laboral al servicio de la Generalitat Valenciana y la Ley de Presupuestos en vigor para cada ejercicio, para la retribución correspondiente al grupo A, complemento de destino 20 y complemento específico 038 (aproximadamente 30.900 euros anuales brutos).
Gran parte de los servicios se prestarán en los Servicios Centrales de la Conselleria de
Sanitat (Micer Mascó, 31).
Más información en :
miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012
Cursos interesantes online gratuitos de Estadística con R
Interesante web para realizar cursos online gratuitos.
Ofrecen cursos en una amplia gama de temas, que abarcan las Humanidades,
Medicina, Biología, Ciencias Sociales, Matemáticas, Negocios,
Informática, y muchos otros. Si estas buscando mejorar tu currículum,
avanzar en tu carrera, o simplemente aprender más y ampliar tus
conocimientos no te lo pienses y matricúlate.
martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012
Call for PhD Student in Biomedical Computing
Simula Research Laboratory AS is a publicly owned research institute
located outside Oslo, Norway. It is a multi-cultural organization,
employing about 130 individuals from 25 countries. Simula is conducting
ICT research in the fields of communication technology, scientific
computing and software engineering. Simula's main objective is to
generate new understanding and create vital knowledge about fundamental
scientific challenges that are of genuine value for society. This is
achieved through high quality research, education of graduate students,
industry collaboration, technology transfer and commercialization.
The Biocomputing Department is seeking an enthusiastic and goal-oriented PhD candidate to complement and extend the research activities on automated solution of differential equations with applications in biomedical or industrial applications.
Project description
The Biocomputing Department lies at the core of the scientific computing research activities and is an integral part of a Norwegian Center of Excellence: the Center for Biomedical Computing. The research in the department is focused on numerical methods and software for solving partial differential equations, aiming at advancing computational methodologies for simulating complex physics in important problems affecting human health.The Biocomputing Department is seeking an enthusiastic and goal-oriented PhD candidate to complement and extend the research activities on automated solution of differential equations with applications in biomedical or industrial applications.
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