sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

Google Analytics una herramienta potente para conocer el tráfico de tu sitio web o blog

Google Analytics es una potente herramienta de web 2.0 que te proporciona información muy valiosa sobre el tráfico del tu sitio web o blog, con el fin de que puedas definir mejor tu web al público que te visita, al sistema operativo que usan tus usuarios. Además para empresas proporciona una información valiosa sobre la eficacia del plan de marketing. Google Analytics te ayudará a diseñar anuncios más orientados, a mejorar sus iniciativas de marketing y a crear sitios web que generen más conversiones.

Te permite ver el número de usuarios que han visitado tu web en un día, semana, mes o en un período de tiempo, te proporciona datos referentes a páginas visitadas, tiempo promedio, si es un visitante nuevo o que vuelve a visitar tu web

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Bolsa Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer para doctorado en Matemáticas o ciencias afines en universidades catalanas.

  • Estudiants de doctorat de matemàtiques o de disciplines afins d’una universitat dels Països Catalans, en el tram final de la tesi doctoral.
Objectiu i materialització
  • Reforçar la formació en recerca dels estudiants premiats mitjançant l’estada, entre un i tres mesos, d’estudi o de recerca en una institució fora de l’àmbit geogràfic de la universitat d’origen o també, en el cas de posseir el títol de doctor en el moment d’iniciar l’estada, en el Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.
  • Les estades s’hauran d’iniciar entre l’1 d’abril i l’1 de desembre de 2015.

Research Associate (Biostatistician), Cardiff University

The Institute of Infection & Immunity at the Cardiff University School of Medicine seeks to appoint a Research Associate / Biostatistician. The successful applicant will work in the research group led by Dr Matthias Eberl on the identification and validation of pathogen-specific biomarker signatures in patients with acute infections. The position is funded for 18 months by Kidney Research UK and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) within the Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme.

Data Scientist, HP in Bracknell, UK

HP’s Analytics & Data Management (A&DM) solve our client’s most pressing challenges by enabling them to harness the power of data for insightful decisions and smarter systems.
Analytics is one of the top focus areas for HP and as such, this is an area of significant ongoing growth, investment and commitment for Enterprise Services.  The position represents an exciting opportunity to be part of a high growth team, driving innovative, next generation solutions with leading enterprises and public sector clients.

Analyst/Statistician, British Sky Broadcasting in St Albans, UK

Are you mathematically minded with excellent statistical analysis experience? Do you have strong SQL and code development skills? Do you have experience of delivering analytical insight within a project-based analytical environment? Are you comfortable defining and delivering against analytical solutions? If so, our Analyst position may be for you!
At Sky IQ we’re experts in consumers; understanding what they want to hear about from brands, how they like to interact and what makes them tick.  This consumer intelligence helps brands deliver a better service to consumers and improve the performance of their marketing. We deliver a premium service to Sky and other major brands and are truly dedicated to helping each client achieve their objectives. We are forward-thinking and customer-centric, everything we do is thorough and rigorous, and is driven by passion. Our heritage, experience and scale mean we can help brands grow through more insightful decisions and actions.

Data Scientist, Sony in London

  • Working directly with game developers using a consultative approach, continuously advising on analytics, through all stages of the game development process: design, development, testing, launch, and beyond
  • Using your background in data mining, machine learning, and statistical models to extract useful information and turn it into insights that can help us improve our players’ experiences
  • Building next generation analytics data solutions using new technologies and methodsDevelopment and analysis of complex data using statistical models to support existing games
  • Performing a wide range of analysis to provide meaningful and actionable insight to improve the quality and commercial effectiveness of games
  • Creating analytical models to understand player and weapon balancing, heatmaps, player engagement, retention, and social activity.

Research Fellow, The University of Edinburgh

A post-doc position in statistical genetics is available at the Roslin Institute to determine host genetic influences underlying infectious disease outbreaks in livestock populations.
You will contribute to two international collaborative projects aiming to determine the genetic basis of infectious disease outbreaks in aquaculture. In particular, we will analyse epidemiological data from diverse fish disease challenge experiments generated within these projects with the aim to quantify genetic susceptibility, infectivity and tolerance of fish to diseases of major importance to the aquaculture industry.

Senior Statistician, Huntingdon Life Sciences

We are currently able to offer exciting opportunities to join the Statistics and Data Management department at HLS as a Senior Statistician due to the increase in demand for our services. If making imaginative and creative contributions with worldwide visibility, introducing new methods and setting the standards for our statistical work sounds like a challenge you could rise to, this vacancy could be the job for you.

Senior Data Analyst, Abcam in Cambridge, UK

Abcam is a leading web based business supplying research tools to life scientists worldwide. Our head office is in Cambridge (UK), we also have offices in Bristol (UK), Cambridge, Eugene and  San Francisco, (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Hong Kong and Hangzhou, Shanghai (China).

Our culture is one that empowers individuals, with responsibility given at an early stage. We place great emphasis on knowledge and experience. The working environment is fun and fast-paced, with everybody working together as a team to deliver great service and the best products to our customers. In addition to competitive salaries we can offer an attractive flexible benefits package which includes share options. For candidates relocating from outside of Cambridgeshire a relocation package would also be provided.

What does a Senior Data Analyst in Consumer Insights do at Abcam?This exciting role in our new Consumer Insights team will be to lead the analysis, modelling and transforming of complex consumer and sales data into actionable insights in support of customer experience and business process improvement.

Economics or Statistics in School of Public Health in Yale University

Position will report to the Principle Investigator and will entail data analysis, statistical programming, presentation development and research paper editing. Position will work with, clean and manage large data sets exploring and expanding skills and methodologies. Position will complete rigorous statistical analysis and programming in support of research projects. Position will also analyze research issues from problem identification through the development of computer programs. The successful applicant will be based at Yale's Institution for Social and Policy Studies, where s/he will join a research team of 5 other full-time economics research assistants.

domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

Proyecto APPES, una aplicación educativa para aprender estadística

APPES es una app (aplicación) para móviles y tablets, disponible también en web. El objetivo principal es el aprendizaje autónomo de la asignatura de estadística básica desde el punto de vista teórico y con aplicaciones prácticas.

Inaguramos nueva sección StatUse con el artículo "Procesos de difusión. Un nuevo reto para la Estadística" escrito por Rafael López

Inaguramos nueva sección "StatUse". Surgue con la intención de acercar los diferentes usos de la estadística en la sociedad actual. Para ello a lo largo del año os iremos publicando algunos post en los que explicaremos algunos usos de la estadística que son conocidos y otros que no son tan conocidos, para ello contaremos con la participación de algunos profesionales de la estadística que nos ayudaran en esta tarea.  

Inaguramos esta sección con el artículo "Procesos de difusión. Un nuevo reto para la Estadística" escrito por Rafael López. Podéis leerlo integramente aquí

Cursos organizados por Servei d'Estadística Aplicada

  • Mini-Curso de apoyo a la docencia con Deducer, que se realizará el día 5 de febrero.   enlace
  • Curso de introducción a la sintaxis de R mediante RStudio – MODUL I, que se realizará los días 23, 25 de febrero y 2 de marzo.    enlace
  • Curso de Estadística Básica con R mediante RStudio – MODUL II, que se realizará los días 16, 18 y 23 de marzo.    enlace

Workshop: Methodological Advances in Statistics related to BIG DATA – Cantabria, 8-12 June 2015

This international workshop will be held  at the CIEM (International Center of Mathematical Meetings in Castro Urdiales (SPAIN)), organizated by REDIUM, the spanish network of Mathematical Research Institutes.

PostDoc Position Available at NTU in Statistical Data Analysis and Software Engineering

Research Fellow (PostDoc) position is available at the School of Computer Engineering (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/SCE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, starting immediately. You will be mainly performing statistical data analysis on various industrial domains of big data sources. At the same time, software prototypes need to be developed to visualize the analytical results and for users to make use of the results. It is an industry funded project so you will be working closely with a world-wide reputable company.
The salary is highly competitive. The School of Computer Engineering is fast growing, so is the company. Singapore is also establishing two new universities. 

Postdocs in Biostatistics in Oslo

The positions are each for two years. The research themes of the two postdocs are:

1. High dimensional data in biomedicine Scientist in charge: Arnoldo Frigessi  http://www.med.uio.no/imb/english/people/aca/frigessi/index.html Mail to: Arnoldo Frigessi ( arnoldo.frigessi@medisin.uio.no)

2. Causal inference in cancer epidemiology Scientist in charge: Marit Veierød and Kjetil  Røysland http://www.med.uio.no/imb/english/people/aca/veierod/index.html  Mail to: Marit Veierød ( m.b.veierod@medisin.uio.no)

sábado, 24 de enero de 2015

Statistician, The University of Pittsburgh

The Family Medicine department is seeking a Master’s level candidate for a Statistician position that has familiarity with medical research. The Statistician will act as both research assistant and statistical analyst for various multi-site research projects. The Statistician will be responsible for maintaining and managing databases for several research studies including documenting all procedures and writing methods sections for manuscripts conducting complex statistical analyses.

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Conferencia Internacional sobre Análisis de Riesgos en Barcelona

El 2015 del 26 al 29 de Mayo se realiza en Barcelona la Conferencia Internacional sobre Análisis de Riesgos (ICRA6) es un foro internacional para la difusión de los últimos avances en el campo del análisis de riesgos, con aplicaciones para la evaluación de riesgos y la gestión de riesgos en la Vida, Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales y de Salud Pública, Economía y Finanzas, y Fiabilidad de Ingeniería, técnicos, Biológicas y Biomédicas.

La conferencia también incluirá el sexto Taller sobre Gestión de Riesgos y Seguros (RISK2015).

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Gestores bibliográficos

Los gestores bibliográficos son programas que recopilan referencias desde bases de datos, catálogos, o sitios web, las almacenan y organizan por palabras claves, autores, títulos, etc. Sirven para homogeneizar las citas, importar, exportar, y generar de manera automática listas de documentos y bibliografías. Algunos permiten insertar citas automáticamente en un procesador de textos. Se puede elegir el estilo científico con el que queremos que aparezcan las referencias. La cantidad de estilos y formatos dependen de los programas, así como las bases de datos con las que pueden trabajar, y otras muchas opciones de gestión de citas.

Tercera Olimpiada Estadística para estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de grado medio.

Poster olimpiadas estadisticaEl Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), la Facultad de Estudios Estadísticos (FEE) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO) convocan la Tercera Olimpiada Estadística para estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de grado medio.

Objetivos de la Olimpiada Bases de la convocatoria

Primera entrevista de "¿Trabajas como estadístico?" del 2015 con Leila Luján

En este 2015 volvemos con "¿Trabajas como Estadístico?".  En esta ocasión tenemos la oportunidad de entrevistar Leila Luján diplomada y licenciada en Estadística. Actualmente trabajo como técnica de investigación en el Instituto Catalán de Fonología en la Unidad de Nutrición y Cáncer. 

La entrevista completa y todas las entrevistas  se publicaran mensualmente en el apartado  "¿Trabajas como estadístico?". Puedes consultar la entrevista integra en: http://estaidea.blogspot.com.es/p/trabajas-como-estadistico.html y si quieres participar en una de ellas y contarnos tu experiencia manda un correo a emnavarretem@gmail.com

Prácticas para alumnos de último curso en Madrid

Prácticas Dpto. Research Havas Media para alumn@s de útlimo curso y graduados en Estadística.

Post-doctoral position in Perinatal and Maternal Epidemiology, McMaster University. Ontario, Canada

A post-doctoral position is available in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at McMaster University Health Sciences/Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, to work on analytic methodology in the field of perinatal and maternal epidemiology to improve the health of women and infants.

Lecturer – Statistics, University of the West of Scotland

Applications are invited from candidates with appropriate qualifications and experience in Statistics relevant to teaching and research areas within the School. Of particular interest are candidates with expertise in Environmental and/or Industrial Statistics.

Senior Lecturer in Statistics, University of Kent. Canterbury, UK

We are looking for someone with a strong research record in Statistics. Preference will be given to statisticians with expertise in stochastic processes or applied probability who can demonstrate the potential to link with and enhance the current research interests of the Statistics group.

The Statistics Group at Kent consists of 3 Professors, 3 Senior Lecturers and 7 Lecturers, one of whom currently has a NERC Fellowship. The research interests of the Statistics Group cover a wide spectrum, including both methodological and applied work. The main areas of emphasis are Bayesian methods, particularly Bayesian non-parametrics and MCMC methods, biological and ecological statistics, including strong involvement in the National Centre for Statistical Ecology (http://www.ncse.org.uk), shape statistics, financial econometrics, genetics, neuroimaging, multivariate methods and non-parametric regression.

Geospatial Scientist in Williamsburg, Virginia

The Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the College of William and Mary invites applications for a position that will begin summer 2015. The College of William & Mary seeks applicants for the position of Geospatial Scientist with the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations (ITPIR).

This position is designed to support and grow the AidData program. AidData is a partnership that seeks to (a) make aid information more accessible and usable to policymakers, civil society organizations, journalists, and researchers; and (b) produce research and create tools that enable users to more effectively target, coordinate, deliver, and evaluate aid. AidData tracks more than $5.4 trillion dollars from over 90 donor agencies, creates visualization tools and software applications to facilitate understanding of aid information, conducts rigorous impact evaluations of aid transparency innovations, and a variety of applied research activities that seek to improve understanding of aid distribution and impact. AidData has collaborated with the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, and USAID, among others.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Ingeniero Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Estadísticas en Madrid

Seleccionamos un Ingeniero con tres años de experiencia en desarrollo de aplicaciones matemáticas para gestión y estimación de cálculos de flujos de cargas eléctricas, mediante el Python. Para incorporarse en un proyecto de estable de larga duración.

Research Associate in Epidemiology and Public Health Research, University of Bristol (UK)

This job is an excellent opportunity for an ambitious and able epidemiologist or statistician who has a track record of high quality, applied, public health and/or epidemiological relevant research, to join one of the UK’s leading centres for research in population health sciences – the University of Bristol’s School of Social and Community Medicine. The post holder will work with multidisciplinary research teams to help to develop and deliver the programme of research being undertaken at Bristol as part of the work of the National Institute for Health Research’s School for Public Health Research (NIHR SPHR) and will combine this with statistical modelling of exposure trends for a cohort study of cancer risk in the UK rubber manufacturing industry funded by Cancer Research UK.

Senior Manager (Statistical Modelling), Open University in Milton Keynes (UK)

The Information Office includes a small team of information analysts who provide data and analysis to inform strategic and operational planning, decision making and external reporting requirements.

The purpose of this role is to lead a team of analysts developing and implementing statistical modelling and reporting tools related to student numbers. You and your team will develop new models for a range of business applications, review and redevelop existing models, and create reports and visualisations.

Senior Computational Statistician, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Headington, Oxford (UK)

Applications are invited for a Senior Computational Statistician within the Hay group located at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford.
We are expanding our team working on the Atlas of Baseline Risk Assessment for Infectious Diseases and this is one of two computational statistician posts that we are currently advertising. We are using data from a wide range of sources to model spatial variation in under five-year old mortality, the syndromes causing these patterns of mortality (e.g. severe diarrhoea and acute respiratory illness), and the pathogens causing these syndromes. You will lead a programme of research to develop geostatistical models that characterise spatial variation in mortality and three key disease syndromes.

Big Data research tenure track position at Ghent University in Ghent, Belgium.

Ghent University, Belgium, invites applications for a full time tenure track position dedicated to research in Big Data Science. This field draws on computer science and statistics to solve through computational, numerical and statistical means methodological problems encountered when aiming to extract in real time reliable and relevant information from massive data sets characterized by the 5 V’s: “Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value and Veracity”. The position, funded by the Special Research Fund (BOF), is a tenure track position launched within the Faculty of Sciences.

CTU Statistician, University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK

The primary purpose of this role is to work with a Senior Trial Statistician providing statistical support for 2 major grant funded trials within the Norwich Clinical Trials Unit and those in development. The post holder will have extensive contact with Trial Managers, Data Managers, and Database Programmers within the CTU. The successful candidate would also be expected to provide advice on research applications as part of the NIHR East of England Research Design Service.

Assistant or Associate Professor Statistics Faculty Position, Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia

Applications are invited for a faculty position in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Old Dominion University starting in July 2015. The appointment will be at the level of tenured or tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor based on the candidate’s qualifications. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in statistics, applied statistics or biostatistics or a closely related field, with commitment to teaching, research, and excellent communication skills. At the associate level, we are seeking an outstanding scholar with a strong research publication record, who has demonstrated consistent peer-reviewed research grant funding, and commitment to mentoring. A candidate with experience may be asked to serve as the Director of the Statistical Consulting Service within the department.

jueves, 1 de enero de 2015

Adiós al 2014. Bienvenida del 2015 (balance de un año y nuevos proyectos)

Estos últimos días con la llegada del fin de año y el comienzo del próximo año, son múltiples las entradas, los post de facebook y twitter que se han dedicado a hacer un resumen del próximo año 2014 y de escribir los nuevos própositos para el próximo año 2015. 
En Estaidea queremos no ser menos y vamos a hacer un resumen de lo que hemos hecho este año en este blog y de lo que esperamos hacer para el próximo. 

Este año hemos publicado 278 entradas (unas cuantas menos que el año anterior) siendo el mes de Abril, Julio y Agosto los que menos entradas hemos publicado y el mes de Septiembre el más productivo. La verdad es que este año ha sido duro muchas tareas profesionales y una nueva afición senderista han hecho menos productiva la faceta de bloguera, sin embargo los mensajes recibidos en Septiembre como el de Rafael o la consulta sobre becas predoctorales me animarón a no abandonar esta tarea que tanto me ilusiona.