Los alumnos prefieren los
seminarios grupales como metodología de
aprendizaje para web 2.0
M. Garcia de la Hera1, E.M. Navarrete-Muñoz1, D. Giménez Monzó1, S. Hernandez Sanchez2, M.C. Davó Blanes3, J. Vioque López1
1 Miguel Hernandez University, History of Science and Ginecology Department (SPAIN)
2 Miguel Hernandez University, Pathology and Surgery Department (SPAIN)
3 Alicante University, Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and History of Science (SPAIN)
2 Miguel Hernandez University, Pathology and Surgery Department (SPAIN)
3 Alicante University, Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and History of Science (SPAIN)
Introducción: Las tecnologías de la web 2.0 son una herramienta
cada día más utilizada en todos los ámbitos, incluida la práctica médica. El
uso de estas herramientas por parte de los alumnos puede mejorar algunos
aspectos de su práctica médica futura así como el propio aprendizaje en otras
áreas, dados los beneficios en la adquisición de competencias que tiene esta
Objetivo: Valorar , desde el punto de vista del discente, qué metodología docente es más útil para
aprender a usar herramientas web 2.0.
Metodología: Esta experiencia se realizó en el curso 2010/2011
con un grupo de 8 alumnas que cursaron la asignatura optativa de “Aplicaciones
informáticas en la práctica médica” de la licenciatura de Medicina en la
universidad Miguel Hernández. La asignatura posee una carga lectiva de 4.5
créditos. La unidad didáctica en la que se centra esta experiencia fue “herramientas
colaborativas de web 2.0 para la planificación y organización de la práctica
medica”. Los subunidades desarrolladas en esta unidad fueron Web 2.0 (concepto,
utilidad, aplicaciones), aplicaciones de la web 2.0 (google calendar, doodle, google
docs) y las redes sociales en la práctica médica. Las competencias trabajadas
fueron instrumentales (capacidad de análisis y síntesis de la información, capacidad
de organización y planificación del tiempo de la materia, capacidad de gestión
de la información, habilidades de comunicación oral), personales (capacidad de
trabajo en equipo, despertar el razonamiento critico), sistémicas (aprendizaje
autónomo, adaptación a nuevas situaciones, trabajar con responsabilidad, liderazgo,
saber sintetizar y comunicar la información relevante) y especificas (adaptarse
y conocer las TICS, software para poder llevar a cabo gestión y planificación
de la práctica médica, identificar fuentes de información, aplicación de los
conocimientos aprendidos a la práctica médica). Para el abordaje de cada uno de
los contenidos se empleó una técnica metodológica distinta. Estas estrategias incluyeron
un seminario grupal en la subunidad 1, videos, tutoriales webs y clase
magistral; trabajo autónomo en la subunidad 2 y visualización de un video y un
debate dirigido grupal en la subunidad 3. La valoración de los alumnos sobre
las actividades se recogió registró mediante un cuestionario ad hoc.
Todas las alumnas declararon
estar muy satisfechas con las metodologías utilizadas para el desarrollo de
esta unidad afirmando haber disfrutado más que con las clases magistrales y haber aprendido más que si hubieran tenido
un examen. El 75% de las alumnas tenían nulos o muy pocos conocimientos previos
sobre el concepto y la aplicación de las herramientas de web 2.0 en la práctica
médica. Respecto a la utilidad percibida por las participantes para aprender
sobre web 2.0 destacan el seminario (37.5%), los videos (25.0%), tutoriales
webs (25.0%) y el discurso dirigido (12.5%). Entre las razones que argumentaban
para elegir una u otra metodología destacan “aprender experimentando”, “ver de
forma gráfica los conceptos” y “trabajar en equipo”. En el 95% de los casos al
finalizar la asignatura entre los tres conceptos aprendidos en la asignatura
destacaron la web 2.0 en primer lugar.
El uso de otras metodologías diferentes
a la clase magistral es bien acogida y aceptada por las estudiantes. La estrategia
valorada fue el seminario ya que les permite experimentar en su propio proceso
de aprendizaje y les ayuda a asimilar los
conocimientos, facilitando un aprendizaje más duradero.
Versión en inglés.
Introduction: The web 2.0 is the most useful technology in all fields,
including that of medical practice. If students use this tool they will
improve some skills in their future practice and also in the
teaching-learning process. This technology provided them acquisitions of
competencies acquisitions such as collaborative work as show in
Aim: To assess which methodology is the most useful for learning Web 2.0 from students’ point of view.
Methods: This experience was performed in the 2010/2011 academic year with a group of 8 students who completed the optional subject “Computer applications in medical practice” for the Bachelor of Medicine at the University Miguel Hernández. The subject has 45 hours of lessons. This experience was developed in the teaching unit called “Collaborative tools of the Web 2.0 for planning and organization in the medical practice”. The developed subunits in this unit were “Web 2.0 (definition, use and applications)”, “Web 2.0 applications (google calendar, doodle, google docs)” and “Social networks in the practice of medicine”. The worked competencies in this unit were: 1) Instrumental competencies (abilities to analyze and to synthesize information, abilities to manage and resolve conflicts, oral skills); 2) Personal competencies (collaborative work, development of critical thinking); 3) Systemic competencies (autonomous learning, adaptation new situations, responsible work, leadership); 4) Specific competencies (The ability to use technology interactively in the practice medical, identifying sources of information, application of knowledge learned in medical practice). Several different methodological strategies were used for the development of the subunits and the acquisition of skills. In the subunit “Web 2.0 (definition, use and applications)”, we used a seminar, in the subunit “Web 2.0 applications (google calendar, doodle, google docs)”, we used a web tutorials, lectures and video and in the subunit “Social networks in the practice of medicine”, we used video viewing and group discussion led. The students’ assessment of the activities was obtained with an ad hoc questionnaire.
Results: The students were highly satisfied with the methodology used in the lectures and the students claimed to learn more which this methodology instead of doing an exam. 75% of the students have little previous knowledge about the definition and application in the practice of medicine of Web 2.0. Regarding students point of view the most useful methodologies to learn web 2.0 were the seminar (37.5%), the videos (25.0%), web tutorials (25.0%) and group discussion led (12.5%). Among the reasons argued to choose one or other methodology highlighted “learning for experience”, “graphically see the concepts” and “collaborative work”. In 95% of cases in a final questionnaire of the subject, the students remembered some concepts about web 2.0 in the first place among the three concepts more remembered about learning.
Conclusions. Using other methods than lecture is welcomed and accepted by the students. The most useful methodology was seminar owing to allow them to experience in their own learning and help them assimilate the knowledge, facilitating their learning last longer.
Keywords: Seminars, Methodology, Experience.Aim: To assess which methodology is the most useful for learning Web 2.0 from students’ point of view.
Methods: This experience was performed in the 2010/2011 academic year with a group of 8 students who completed the optional subject “Computer applications in medical practice” for the Bachelor of Medicine at the University Miguel Hernández. The subject has 45 hours of lessons. This experience was developed in the teaching unit called “Collaborative tools of the Web 2.0 for planning and organization in the medical practice”. The developed subunits in this unit were “Web 2.0 (definition, use and applications)”, “Web 2.0 applications (google calendar, doodle, google docs)” and “Social networks in the practice of medicine”. The worked competencies in this unit were: 1) Instrumental competencies (abilities to analyze and to synthesize information, abilities to manage and resolve conflicts, oral skills); 2) Personal competencies (collaborative work, development of critical thinking); 3) Systemic competencies (autonomous learning, adaptation new situations, responsible work, leadership); 4) Specific competencies (The ability to use technology interactively in the practice medical, identifying sources of information, application of knowledge learned in medical practice). Several different methodological strategies were used for the development of the subunits and the acquisition of skills. In the subunit “Web 2.0 (definition, use and applications)”, we used a seminar, in the subunit “Web 2.0 applications (google calendar, doodle, google docs)”, we used a web tutorials, lectures and video and in the subunit “Social networks in the practice of medicine”, we used video viewing and group discussion led. The students’ assessment of the activities was obtained with an ad hoc questionnaire.
Results: The students were highly satisfied with the methodology used in the lectures and the students claimed to learn more which this methodology instead of doing an exam. 75% of the students have little previous knowledge about the definition and application in the practice of medicine of Web 2.0. Regarding students point of view the most useful methodologies to learn web 2.0 were the seminar (37.5%), the videos (25.0%), web tutorials (25.0%) and group discussion led (12.5%). Among the reasons argued to choose one or other methodology highlighted “learning for experience”, “graphically see the concepts” and “collaborative work”. In 95% of cases in a final questionnaire of the subject, the students remembered some concepts about web 2.0 in the first place among the three concepts more remembered about learning.
Conclusions. Using other methods than lecture is welcomed and accepted by the students. The most useful methodology was seminar owing to allow them to experience in their own learning and help them assimilate the knowledge, facilitating their learning last longer.
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