domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Statistician/Analyst - European Male Ageing Study. Manchester, UK

In most developed countries life expectancy is increasing. Against this backdrop of an ageing population a major disparity is that men tend to die an average of five-six years earlier than women. The European Male Ageing Study (EMAS) was one of a number of male specific ageing studies set up over the last decade, with the implicit intention of addressing this gender imbalance. The EMAS cohort consists of community-dwelling men, aged between 40 and 79 years at baseline, recruited using population-based registers in eight European centres during 2003- 2005. The consortium consists of the coordinating centre based in Manchester [UK], together with the other collaborating centres in Florence [Italy], Leuven [Belgium], Lódz [Poland], Malmö [Sweden], Santiago de Compostela [Spain], Szeged [Hungary] and Tartu [Estonia].

One of the main aims of EMAS has been to examine the impact of reproductive hormones on age-related declines in physical and psychological functioning and quality of life in middle-aged and older European men. Data has been collected to cover a number of domains including: hormones; cognitive function; sexual health; musculoskeletal health; metabolism/cardiovascular; obesity and genetics.

The multicentre nature of the study provides the opportunity to look at geographic variability in these outcomes and the prospective design will allow the further investigation of possible cause and effect relationships.

The post is available for two years in the first instance with the possibility of extension. Part-time working or job share will be considered.

The University of Manchester values a diverse workforce and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

For further information and to apply for this vacancy please visit our website.

Salary: £29,541 to £36,298 per annum

If you are unable to apply online please request an application form by emailing quoting the reference number: M&HS-03682 or by calling 0161 275 4499.

Closing date: 5 December 2013

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