This meeting of the R user community will take place at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain, July 10-12, 2013. Pre-conference tutorials will be offered on July 9. A list of tutorials is available at
Participants are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract for oral or poster presentation at the conference. Contributed oral presentations will be allowed 17 minutes, followed by 3 minutes discussion. Following previous conferences, all participants are invited to present a Lightning Talk, for which no abstract is required. The format for Lightning Talks is a 15-slide version of Pecha Kucha. Participants wishing to give a Lightning Talk must provide an informative title on their registration form. Registration will open shortly.
For regular talks and posters, please use the recently updated LaTeX or Microsoft Word/LibreOffice Writer abstract templates available at the conference website:
The deadline for abstract submission is March 31.
The preferred method of abstract and tutorial proposal submission is via the web form at the conference website:
We look forward to seeing you at useR! 2013 in Albacete!
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