lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

useR! 2013 Call for abstracts

We are happy to inform you that abstract submission and registration for useR! 2013 is now available online, see

This meeting of the R user community will take place at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain, July 10-12, 2013. Pre-conference tutorials will be offered on July 9. A list of tutorials is available at
Participants are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract for oral or poster presentation at the conference. Contributed oral presentations will be allowed 17 minutes, followed by 3 minutes discussion. Following previous conferences, all participants are invited to present a Lightning Talk, for which no abstract is required. The format for Lightning Talks is a 15-slide version of Pecha Kucha. Participants wishing to give a Lightning Talk must provide an informative title on their registration form. Registration will open shortly.

For regular talks and posters, please use the recently updated LaTeX or Microsoft Word/LibreOffice Writer abstract templates available at the conference website:

The deadline for abstract submission is March 31.

The preferred method of abstract and tutorial proposal submission is via the web form at the conference website:

We look forward to seeing you at useR! 2013 in Albacete!

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