ICREA opens 20 senior research positions.
Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. degree obtained preferably before 2007, with four years of international exposure at pre-doctoral and/or post-doctoral level. Only very strong candidates with an outstanding research record and excellent leadership capabilities will be considered.
Successful applicants will have a permanent contract with ICREA and will work at universities or research centres in Catalonia. ICREA researchers are required to make substantial contributions to their own areas of research and have a strong impact in the Catalan research system by becoming active members and leaders of the Catalan research community.
Scholars who have a permanent position in the Catalan research system will not be accepted as candidates.
Successful candidates will be required to join the host institution no later than September 2012.
Salaries will be in line with those paid at Catalan universities. ICREA research professors will be subject to an evaluation of their research progress and general performance after a three-year period and subsequently every five years. The evaluations will be carried out by external evaluation committees that will assess scientific production as well as research activity. A positive evaluation will lead to a salary increase.
Applications must be submitted electronically via this website before 2:00 pm (local time) on Monday, 2 May 2011.
The application includes:
1. An on-line form where you fill in your personal and professional data, a statement on research interests (2000 characters maximum), a list of the 5 most relevant publications, a statement of purpose (3000 characters maximum) and:
2. A single .pdf file (maximum 4 Mb) containing the candidate's CV in English.
3. Two reference letters in English in .pdf or .doc format. The candidate should directly ask the first two of the four scholars listed in the application form to attach a reference letter online using the link provided by the applicant. The two reference letters must be attached before 2:00 pm (local time) on Monday, 2 May 2011. If necessary, the other two referees listed in the application form will be contacted directly by ICREA.
4. An expression of interest document from the host institution(s). The candidate must directly contact each institution (university or research centre in Catalonia) that he/she is interested in and obtain the institution's acceptance. The host institution's expression of interest form must be downloaded directly by the institution using the link provided by the applicant. At the link, the institution will find the information needed to submit the form (both electronically and by post). The form (in both formats) must be received by ICREA before 2:00pm (local time) on Monday, 2 May 2011.
The candidate may seek acceptance at more than one institution. In this case each institution must submit a separate expression of interest form to ICREA (both electronically and by post).
Additional information:
1. Keep your username and password in a safe place. You will need them to access and modify your application. Once logged in, you can fill in your application. You may also click on the Applicant label where a menu will appear with 2 options: Your profile and Applications History. By clicking on Applications History you can see the status of your application, including the referees and host institutions who have already attached the files. Those documents are necessary in order that your application is evaluated. To go back to your application click on Your profile.
2. You will obtain the links to be sent to the referees and host institution(s) you have listed in your application once you submit your Application. Once you submit your application you can go back to it and modify all the information except your Name, Surname, Date of birth, the information about referees and the already informed hosts.
Protection of personal data: In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, we hereby inform you that the personal data provided on this form and in your curriculum vitae will be included in our HUMAN RESOURCES file. This file is subject to our responsibility and the information contained therein shall be used for the purpose of communicating with you and completing the researcher selection process you have registered for. We hereby guarantee that your personal data will be handled in a confidential manner. This data is provided voluntarily, and you have the right to access the information contained in our file that concerns you, correct any errors, have your information deleted, or oppose its processing. With regard to the personal data concerning other individuals that you are required to provide us with within the framework of this selection process, prior to communicating said data you must inform the parties concerned of the points indicated in the preceding paragraphs. Having been duly informed in this document of the purposes for which your personal data will be used and of your rights with respect to said data, you hereby expressly consent and authorize the INSTITUCIÓ CATALANA DE RECERCA I ESTUDIS AVANÇATS to process, for the purposes indicated above, the personal data that you have freely provided. This authorization shall remain valid until cancelled by the owner of the data in question
Más información
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011
Post-Doctoral Position in Biostatistics Toulouse France
Post-Doctoral position in Biostatistics: Individualized post-therapeutic follow-up using prognostic factors and type of first events
Responsable: Thomas Filleron
Tel: +33 (0) 5-67-61-63-95
Mail: filleron.thomas@claudiusregaud.frEsta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra los robots de spam, necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla
Lieu: Institut Claudius Regaud. 20-24 rue du Pont Saint Pierre. 31052
Toulouse Cedex, France
In oncology, after curative treatment for cancer, patients enter into a surveillance phase and are followed in a regular manner in order to detect relapses. For some cancer sites, many patients will relapse early and others will never relapse. However, most visits are planned irrespective of prognosis. Recently, we proposed a statistical method founded on an adaptation of the schedule of follow-up visits based on the dynamic process of the first event type: loco-regional relapse, metastases, or second cancer according to prognostic factors (Ataman 2006, Filleron 2009).
The main objective of this project is to develop statistical methodology which can allow the planning of follow-up visits in an optimal way based on a competing risks model (Fine and Gray 1998) with a component for cure (Jeong 2006), which takes account of the first event type and prognostic factors associated with the different event types. The model parameters can then be used to estimate event-specific cumulative incidences functions, whose quantiles can be used to plan visits around the time points where the events are most likely to occur. The aim of this modelling approach is to propose a lighter follow-up schedule for patients at very low risk of relapse and thus optimise resources in terms of the number of consultations
and visits in the long term.
Information: This project is in collaboration with biostatisticians from the Lille and Marseille Cancer Institutes. This project obtained a grant from the French National Cancer Institute
Candidate profile:
Education: PhD in biostatistics, Epidemiology or Public Health
Experience: good knowledge in biostatistics, survival analysis, competing risks. Thorough technical knowledge of Stata and/or R programming.
Duration: 18 months
Date of start: as soon as possible
References :
- Ataman O, Barrett A, Filleron T, Kramar A. Optimization of follow up timing from study of patterns of first failure after primary treatment. An example from patients with NSCLC. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2006; 78 (1):95-100.
- Filleron T, Barrett A, Ataman O, Kramar A. Planning post-therapeutic oncology surveillance visits based on individual risk. Medical Decision Making. 2009; 29: 570-579
- Fine, J, Gray RJ. A proportional hazards model for subdistribution of a competing risk. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 1999; 94(446):496–509.
- Jeong JH. A new parametric family for modelling cumulative incidence functions: application to breast cancer data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A. 2006; 169: 289-303.
Responsable: Thomas Filleron
Tel: +33 (0) 5-67-61-63-95
Mail: filleron.thomas@claudiusregaud.frEsta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra los robots de spam, necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla
Lieu: Institut Claudius Regaud. 20-24 rue du Pont Saint Pierre. 31052
Toulouse Cedex, France
In oncology, after curative treatment for cancer, patients enter into a surveillance phase and are followed in a regular manner in order to detect relapses. For some cancer sites, many patients will relapse early and others will never relapse. However, most visits are planned irrespective of prognosis. Recently, we proposed a statistical method founded on an adaptation of the schedule of follow-up visits based on the dynamic process of the first event type: loco-regional relapse, metastases, or second cancer according to prognostic factors (Ataman 2006, Filleron 2009).
The main objective of this project is to develop statistical methodology which can allow the planning of follow-up visits in an optimal way based on a competing risks model (Fine and Gray 1998) with a component for cure (Jeong 2006), which takes account of the first event type and prognostic factors associated with the different event types. The model parameters can then be used to estimate event-specific cumulative incidences functions, whose quantiles can be used to plan visits around the time points where the events are most likely to occur. The aim of this modelling approach is to propose a lighter follow-up schedule for patients at very low risk of relapse and thus optimise resources in terms of the number of consultations
and visits in the long term.
Information: This project is in collaboration with biostatisticians from the Lille and Marseille Cancer Institutes. This project obtained a grant from the French National Cancer Institute
Candidate profile:
Education: PhD in biostatistics, Epidemiology or Public Health
Experience: good knowledge in biostatistics, survival analysis, competing risks. Thorough technical knowledge of Stata and/or R programming.
Duration: 18 months
Date of start: as soon as possible
References :
- Ataman O, Barrett A, Filleron T, Kramar A. Optimization of follow up timing from study of patterns of first failure after primary treatment. An example from patients with NSCLC. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2006; 78 (1):95-100.
- Filleron T, Barrett A, Ataman O, Kramar A. Planning post-therapeutic oncology surveillance visits based on individual risk. Medical Decision Making. 2009; 29: 570-579
- Fine, J, Gray RJ. A proportional hazards model for subdistribution of a competing risk. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 1999; 94(446):496–509.
- Jeong JH. A new parametric family for modelling cumulative incidence functions: application to breast cancer data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A. 2006; 169: 289-303.

Se oferta una beca de investigación en el Centro Español de Metrología. Este centro está involucrado en el proyecto europeo ENV07 MeteoMet financiado por la Unión Europea.
El candidato debe tener una experiencia previa en al menos uno (siendo más de un preferido) de los siguientes campos:
Análisis estadístico
Análisis de serie de datos histórica
La duración de la beca es de 12 meses. Fecha de inicio es noviembre de 2011. la persona de contacto es: Dr. Andrea Merlone, a.merlone @ inrim.it, +39 011 3919 734. La fecha límite de presentación de solicitudes es a las 23:59 h del viernes 06 de mayo 2011. Las fechas de las entrevistas serán entre el 27 de mayo y 13 de junio 2011. Todas las solicitudes deben ser enviadas a través www.emrponline.eu/ pply.html. La solicitud consiste en un Programa de Investigación (una descripción del trabajo a realizar), CV, carta de presentación,y hoja de datos Excel.
Más información
Población: San Fernando De Henares
Provincia: Madrid
País: España
Categorías: Informática y telecomunicaciones - Análisis
Nivel: Becario / Prácticas
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: La marca Yves Rocher nació en 1959 de la visión de un hombre, Yves Rocher, que creía en la cosmética a base de plantas y en la democratización de la belleza para todas las mujeres.
Implantado en los 5 continentes y más de 1600 tiendas en el mundo, Yves Rocher es la única marca cosmética que controla todas las etapas de sus productos, desde la planta a la piel, combinando la venta de productos de belleza con la prestación de servicios estéticos.
Buscamos gente joven, apasionada por el mundo de la imagen, la cosmética y la belleza, para incorporarse a nuestro equipo de Marketing estadístico en oficinas centrales.
Principales funciones:
*Extracciones clientes VPM;VPC;VPI
*Segmentacion clientes
*Análisis indicadores Gestión clientes
Se ofrece:
Posibilidad de desarrollo en un equipo joven y multinacional.
Formación de la Marca
Incorporación Inmediata
Beca remunerada + Ticket Restaurant
Beneficios Sociales
Estudios mínimos: Cursando: Licenciado - Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en: Provincia Puesto Vacante
Requisitos mínimos: *Estar cursando último año de grado en Estadística / Matemáticas / Ingeniería Técnica en Informática o posgrado en alguna de estas materias.
*Poder firmar acuerdo de colaboración mínimo por 6 meses a jornada completa con tu Universidad / Escuela.
*Imprescindible buen conocimiento de SAS
*Inglés intermedio a nivel escritura y lectura
Requisitos deseados: *Se valorará idioma Francés
Tipo de contrato: Otros contratos
Duración: Minimo 6 meses
Jornada laboral: Completa
Horario: Completa de Lunes a Jueves, Viernes intensiva.
Comisiones / incentivos: 420 netos + Ticket Restaurant +Beneficios Sociales
Más información
Población: San Fernando De Henares
Provincia: Madrid
País: España
Categorías: Informática y telecomunicaciones - Análisis
Nivel: Becario / Prácticas
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: La marca Yves Rocher nació en 1959 de la visión de un hombre, Yves Rocher, que creía en la cosmética a base de plantas y en la democratización de la belleza para todas las mujeres.
Implantado en los 5 continentes y más de 1600 tiendas en el mundo, Yves Rocher es la única marca cosmética que controla todas las etapas de sus productos, desde la planta a la piel, combinando la venta de productos de belleza con la prestación de servicios estéticos.
Buscamos gente joven, apasionada por el mundo de la imagen, la cosmética y la belleza, para incorporarse a nuestro equipo de Marketing estadístico en oficinas centrales.
Principales funciones:
*Extracciones clientes VPM;VPC;VPI
*Segmentacion clientes
*Análisis indicadores Gestión clientes
Se ofrece:
Posibilidad de desarrollo en un equipo joven y multinacional.
Formación de la Marca
Incorporación Inmediata
Beca remunerada + Ticket Restaurant
Beneficios Sociales
Estudios mínimos: Cursando: Licenciado - Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en: Provincia Puesto Vacante
Requisitos mínimos: *Estar cursando último año de grado en Estadística / Matemáticas / Ingeniería Técnica en Informática o posgrado en alguna de estas materias.
*Poder firmar acuerdo de colaboración mínimo por 6 meses a jornada completa con tu Universidad / Escuela.
*Imprescindible buen conocimiento de SAS
*Inglés intermedio a nivel escritura y lectura
Requisitos deseados: *Se valorará idioma Francés
Tipo de contrato: Otros contratos
Duración: Minimo 6 meses
Jornada laboral: Completa
Horario: Completa de Lunes a Jueves, Viernes intensiva.
Comisiones / incentivos: 420 netos + Ticket Restaurant +Beneficios Sociales
Más información
Analista Estadístico Con Spss Madrid
Título de la oferta: Analista Estadístico Con Spss
Fecha: 11/03/2011
Empresa: Exis-ti
Sector: Informática: Consultorías y Servicios
Nº de empleados: 250 - 1000
Descripción: En EXIS TI proponemos un amplio catálogo de productos y servicios dentro del sector de las Tecnologías de la Información. Nos volcamos en mejorar los resultados de nuestros clientes, realizando y optimizando todo su potencial. La experiencia y las personas son los pilares de nuestro éxito. Además, EXIS TI cuenta con el apoyo de grandes corporaciones y sociedades de inversión que impulsan nuestro proyecto y respaldan nuestra labor. Algunas de ellas son Société Générale Assets Management y Aleph Inversiones. Todo con una única pretensión: ayudar a nuestros clientes a lograr sus objetivos.
Otras ofertas: Ver más ofertas de esta empresa
Perfil del candidato
Área 1: Producción - Calidad
Profesión 1: Investigación y Desarrollos
Requisitos: - Experiencia en SPSS
Requisitos deseados:
- Se valora disponibilidad incorporación inmediata
Años de experiencia mínima: 1
Descripción de la oferta
Salario: A convenir
Tipo de jornada Laboral: Jornada completa
Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
País puesto vacante: España
Provincia puesto vacante: Madrid
Población: Madrid
Funciones a desarrollar: Es una compañía de consultoría y desarrollo en tecnología de la información que lleva operando en el mercado tecnológico desde 1996. Con un equipo de más de 300 profesionales y sus propios centros de I+D y de producción de software, la compañía dispone de una amplia oferta de soluciones completas, que abarcan desde la consultoría integral, de procesos, tecnología, comunicación y seguridad, hasta la reingeniería, diseño, desarrollo, implantación y soporte de soluciones, o los servicios outsorcing.
Con presencia en Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Valladolid y Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Exis cuenta con una amplia cartera de clientes de primer orden en prácticamente todos los sectores de actividad económica
Exis cuenta con la mayor gama de productos y soluciones en el ámbito de las comunicaciones y la mensajería instantánea, con una serie de capacidades y prestacionesúnicas actualmente en el mercado.
Necesitamos incorporar un analista estadístico con experiencia en el uso de la herramienta SPSS
Número de vacantes: 1
Más información
Fecha: 11/03/2011
Empresa: Exis-ti
Sector: Informática: Consultorías y Servicios
Nº de empleados: 250 - 1000
Descripción: En EXIS TI proponemos un amplio catálogo de productos y servicios dentro del sector de las Tecnologías de la Información. Nos volcamos en mejorar los resultados de nuestros clientes, realizando y optimizando todo su potencial. La experiencia y las personas son los pilares de nuestro éxito. Además, EXIS TI cuenta con el apoyo de grandes corporaciones y sociedades de inversión que impulsan nuestro proyecto y respaldan nuestra labor. Algunas de ellas son Société Générale Assets Management y Aleph Inversiones. Todo con una única pretensión: ayudar a nuestros clientes a lograr sus objetivos.
Otras ofertas: Ver más ofertas de esta empresa
Perfil del candidato
Área 1: Producción - Calidad
Profesión 1: Investigación y Desarrollos
Requisitos: - Experiencia en SPSS
Requisitos deseados:
- Se valora disponibilidad incorporación inmediata
Años de experiencia mínima: 1
Descripción de la oferta
Salario: A convenir
Tipo de jornada Laboral: Jornada completa
Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
País puesto vacante: España
Provincia puesto vacante: Madrid
Población: Madrid
Funciones a desarrollar: Es una compañía de consultoría y desarrollo en tecnología de la información que lleva operando en el mercado tecnológico desde 1996. Con un equipo de más de 300 profesionales y sus propios centros de I+D y de producción de software, la compañía dispone de una amplia oferta de soluciones completas, que abarcan desde la consultoría integral, de procesos, tecnología, comunicación y seguridad, hasta la reingeniería, diseño, desarrollo, implantación y soporte de soluciones, o los servicios outsorcing.
Con presencia en Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Valladolid y Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Exis cuenta con una amplia cartera de clientes de primer orden en prácticamente todos los sectores de actividad económica
Exis cuenta con la mayor gama de productos y soluciones en el ámbito de las comunicaciones y la mensajería instantánea, con una serie de capacidades y prestacionesúnicas actualmente en el mercado.
Necesitamos incorporar un analista estadístico con experiencia en el uso de la herramienta SPSS
Número de vacantes: 1
Más información
Estadístico Junior en Bcn
Población: Sant Cugat Del Vallès
Provincia: Barcelona
País: España
Puesto vacante: Estadístico Junior
Categorías: Administración de empresas - Consultoría
Nivel: Especialista
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: Somos una Consultoría de Recursos Humanos especializada en motivación y clima laboral. Buscamos un Diplomado/a en Estadística para colaborar en el tratamiento y análisis estadístico de las encuestas así como en la generación de los informes correspondientes. Ocasionalmente realizará tareas de apoyo en las tareas y proyectos en que sea necesario.
El puesto requiere una persona ordenada y metódica, con una buena capacidad de aprendizaje y consciente de la importancia de trabajar de forma precisa y sin errores.
No se requiere experiencia.
El salario se negociará en función de la valía aportada, oscilando entre 15.000 y 20.000 euros. Además de la retribución fija participará en los beneficios de la empresa y disfrutará del resto de ventajas sociales (ticket restaurante, teléfono,...)
Existe un muy buen ambiente de trabajo en el equipo y esperamos que la persona se integre con rapidez y contribuya a mantenerlo.
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Requisitos mínimos: Requisitos mínimos:
- Conocimiento de SPSS
- Dominio de MS Office (Power Point, Excel, Word,...)
- Catalán a un nivel medio (tanto hablado como escrito) ya que algunos proyectos son en catalán
- Que le guste el trabajo en equipo
Requisitos deseados:
- No es imprescindible, pero se valorará conocimiento de inglés
Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
Jornada laboral: Completa
Salario: 15.000 € - 21.000 € Bruto/año
Más información
Población: Sant Cugat Del Vallès
Provincia: Barcelona
País: España
Puesto vacante: Estadístico Junior
Categorías: Administración de empresas - Consultoría
Nivel: Especialista
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: Somos una Consultoría de Recursos Humanos especializada en motivación y clima laboral. Buscamos un Diplomado/a en Estadística para colaborar en el tratamiento y análisis estadístico de las encuestas así como en la generación de los informes correspondientes. Ocasionalmente realizará tareas de apoyo en las tareas y proyectos en que sea necesario.
El puesto requiere una persona ordenada y metódica, con una buena capacidad de aprendizaje y consciente de la importancia de trabajar de forma precisa y sin errores.
No se requiere experiencia.
El salario se negociará en función de la valía aportada, oscilando entre 15.000 y 20.000 euros. Además de la retribución fija participará en los beneficios de la empresa y disfrutará del resto de ventajas sociales (ticket restaurante, teléfono,...)
Existe un muy buen ambiente de trabajo en el equipo y esperamos que la persona se integre con rapidez y contribuya a mantenerlo.
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Requisitos mínimos: Requisitos mínimos:
- Conocimiento de SPSS
- Dominio de MS Office (Power Point, Excel, Word,...)
- Catalán a un nivel medio (tanto hablado como escrito) ya que algunos proyectos son en catalán
- Que le guste el trabajo en equipo
Requisitos deseados:
- No es imprescindible, pero se valorará conocimiento de inglés
Tipo de contrato: Indefinido
Jornada laboral: Completa
Salario: 15.000 € - 21.000 € Bruto/año
Más información
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011
Puesto vacante: Estadístico
Categorías: Estadístico
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción del puesto:
* Centro de Salud, necesita incorporar un ESPECIALISTA EN ESTADÍSTICA EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES.
* Se ofrece contrato indefinido y beneficios sociales (seguro de salud).
* Media jornada (20 horas), con flexibilidad horaria para su realización. 875 € brutos mensuales en 12 pagas, 822€ netos
Licenciado en Estadística, Licenciado en Psicología, Sociología, con conocimiento y experiencia en análisis estadístico. Conocimiento y experiencia en análisis de supervivencia.
Dos años de experiencia en puestos similares, con experiencia en el uso especializado de spss, access y excel.
Información de contacto:
http://www.tavad.com/index.htm. Tfno 913 161 377 y mail info@tavad.com
Categorías: Estadístico
Personal a cargo: 0
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción del puesto:
* Centro de Salud, necesita incorporar un ESPECIALISTA EN ESTADÍSTICA EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES.
* Se ofrece contrato indefinido y beneficios sociales (seguro de salud).
* Media jornada (20 horas), con flexibilidad horaria para su realización. 875 € brutos mensuales en 12 pagas, 822€ netos
Licenciado en Estadística, Licenciado en Psicología, Sociología, con conocimiento y experiencia en análisis estadístico. Conocimiento y experiencia en análisis de supervivencia.
Dos años de experiencia en puestos similares, con experiencia en el uso especializado de spss, access y excel.
Información de contacto:
http://www.tavad.com/index.htm. Tfno 913 161 377 y mail info@tavad.com
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011
Research Assistant /Research Associate Professor in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Company Information: The Department of Biostatistics at the Gillings School of Global Public Health and the Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute (TRACS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are seeking a non-tenure track Research Assistant or Research Associate Professor. TRACS is funded by an institutional grant from NIH and provides campus wide support to researchers pursuing innovative interdisciplinary studies, including but not limited to the UNC Medical, Nursing, and Dental Schools. The Gillings School of Public Health is actively committed to diversity. We strongly encourage applications from women, minorities and individuals with disabilities. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Position Title: Research Assistant /Research Associate Professor
Duties & Responsibilities: This selected individual will collaborate with biomedical researchers on diverse projects spanning clinical trials, observational studies, and population science research and will engage in independent methodological research.
Position Qualifications: Ph.D. in Biostatistics or Statistics and possess good communication skills.
Salary Range: Commensurate with rank
Benefits: Benefits will be discussed with candidates during the interview process.
Web Site: www.sph.unc.edu/bios
Application Address: To apply, use the electronic submission website at http://jobs.unc.edu/2500791 and upload PDF versions of CV, cover letter, and research and teaching statements. Candidates must also arrange for three letters of recommendation to arrive via email at bseagrov@bios.unc.edu and subsequently in hard copy to: Betsy Seagroves Department of Biostatistics CB #7420, McGavran-Greenberg Hall The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7420
Contact Email: bseagrov@bios.unc.edu
Application Deadline: This position will remain open until filled.
Position Title: Research Assistant /Research Associate Professor
Duties & Responsibilities: This selected individual will collaborate with biomedical researchers on diverse projects spanning clinical trials, observational studies, and population science research and will engage in independent methodological research.
Position Qualifications: Ph.D. in Biostatistics or Statistics and possess good communication skills.
Salary Range: Commensurate with rank
Benefits: Benefits will be discussed with candidates during the interview process.
Web Site: www.sph.unc.edu/bios
Application Address: To apply, use the electronic submission website at http://jobs.unc.edu/2500791 and upload PDF versions of CV, cover letter, and research and teaching statements. Candidates must also arrange for three letters of recommendation to arrive via email at bseagrov@bios.unc.edu and subsequently in hard copy to: Betsy Seagroves Department of Biostatistics CB #7420, McGavran-Greenberg Hall The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7420
Contact Email: bseagrov@bios.unc.edu
Application Deadline: This position will remain open until filled.
Company Information: CALGB (Stat Center)
Duties & Responsibilities: Perform a variety of duties involving the application of intermediate statistical and technical skills to the design of research studies, and to the collection, compilation and analysis of statistical data. Functions independently as a member of a research/study team. Provide statistical input in the design, execution and analysis of scientifically conducted studies. Participate in the development of operations and procedures for the collection, editing, verification and management of statistical data. Participate in developing data collection forms for scientific studies. Operate one or more systems of computer hardware and statistical analysis software for the management and analysis of data. Participate in the preparation of written reports and oral presentations that summarize the analysis of data, interpret the findings and provide conclusions and recommendations. Perform other related duties incidental to the work described herein. The above statements describe the general nature and level of work being performed by individuals assigned to this classification. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and duties required of personnel so classified.
Position Qualifications: Work requires a minimum of a Master's degree in statistics, (bio) statistics or related field and no relevant experience, or a Bachelors degree in statistics, (bio)statistics or related field and 2 years relevant experience, or an equivalent combination or relevant education and/or work experience.
Salary Range:
Web Site: http://www.hr.duke.edu/jobs/apply/index.php
Duties & Responsibilities: Perform a variety of duties involving the application of intermediate statistical and technical skills to the design of research studies, and to the collection, compilation and analysis of statistical data. Functions independently as a member of a research/study team. Provide statistical input in the design, execution and analysis of scientifically conducted studies. Participate in the development of operations and procedures for the collection, editing, verification and management of statistical data. Participate in developing data collection forms for scientific studies. Operate one or more systems of computer hardware and statistical analysis software for the management and analysis of data. Participate in the preparation of written reports and oral presentations that summarize the analysis of data, interpret the findings and provide conclusions and recommendations. Perform other related duties incidental to the work described herein. The above statements describe the general nature and level of work being performed by individuals assigned to this classification. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and duties required of personnel so classified.
Position Qualifications: Work requires a minimum of a Master's degree in statistics, (bio) statistics or related field and no relevant experience, or a Bachelors degree in statistics, (bio)statistics or related field and 2 years relevant experience, or an equivalent combination or relevant education and/or work experience.
Salary Range:
Web Site: http://www.hr.duke.edu/jobs/apply/index.php
Postdoctoral Fellow in Ecological Statistics in University of Notre Dame
Duties & Responsibilities: A postdoctoral fellowship in statistical methods applied to paleoecological problems is available at the University of Notre Dame. The position is part of PALEON, a PaleoEcological Observatory Network to Assess Terrestrial Ecosystem Models, and is supported in part be Notre Dame's Environmental Change Initiative (ND-ECI). PALEON is an initiative to statistically estimate changes in forest composition in the northeastern U.S. over the past 2000 years using paleoecological data and to assimilate these estimates into ecosystem models. The postdoctoral fellow will lead the development of statistical models, based on spatial statistics, state space, and data assimilation methods, for the initiative, interacting with statisticians, paleoecologists, paleoclimatologists, and ecosystem modelers. The fellow will be supervised by Dr. Jason McLachlan at Notre Dame and Dr. Chris Paciorek at UC Berkeley, with extensive interaction with other PALEON team members. Specific modeling challenges may include spatio-temporal modeling of paleoecological data, state-space modeling informed by ecological models, modeling uncertainty in radiocarbon dating, and spatial modeling of vegetation based on colonial settlement-era historical records. PALEON is an interdisciplinary research group of paleoecologists, statisticians, and ecosystem modelers working together to study how climate variations shape forest dynamics across a range of timescales. Specific goals include developing a coherent inferential framework with rigorous estimates of uncertainty for paleoecological data, applying these techniques to reconstruct variations in forested ecosystems for the last 2000 years from the Great Lakes to New England, and then assimilating the results into a suite of regional-scale ecosystem models. Postdoctoral researchers will work closely with each other and other members of the PALEON team towards these goals. Further details about PALEON may be found at www.paleonproject.org . The position is available for a two-year period, subject to annual performance review.
Position Qualifications: Ph.D. in statistics or a related field. Strong applicants will possess a background in Bayesian statistical modeling, especially spatial modeling, state space modeling, or data assimilation. Applicants must be interested in working at the interface of statistics and ecology.
Salary Range: Competitive
Benefits: All benefits associated with full-time employment at the University of Notre Dame
Web Site: www.nd.edu
Application Address: Please email your CV and a cover letter with the names and contact information of three references to Jason McLachlan (jmclachl@nd.edu).
Contact Email: jmclachl@nd.edu
Application Deadline: We will consider applications on a rolling deadline. Funding is available for an immediate start, but we will consider start dates as late as summer 2011.
Position Qualifications: Ph.D. in statistics or a related field. Strong applicants will possess a background in Bayesian statistical modeling, especially spatial modeling, state space modeling, or data assimilation. Applicants must be interested in working at the interface of statistics and ecology.
Salary Range: Competitive
Benefits: All benefits associated with full-time employment at the University of Notre Dame
Web Site: www.nd.edu
Application Address: Please email your CV and a cover letter with the names and contact information of three references to Jason McLachlan (jmclachl@nd.edu).
Contact Email: jmclachl@nd.edu
Application Deadline: We will consider applications on a rolling deadline. Funding is available for an immediate start, but we will consider start dates as late as summer 2011.
Quantitative analysis in China
Company Information: Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. ( GTJA ) was founded on August 18th 1999, through the merger of former Guotai Securities Co., Ltd. and Junan Securities Co., Ltd. and additional stock issue. Registered capital of GTJA is RMB 4.7 billion, and the three biggest shareholders of GTJA are Shanghai State-owned Asset Management Co., Ltd., Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Investment Holdings Corp. With 3 subsidiaries, 5 branches, 23 regional marketing headquarters and 113 business offices covering 28 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities under the direct administration of State Government and special administrative region all over China, GTJA is one of the largest securities companies in China in terms of company size, business scope and geographical coverage.
Position Title: Quantitative Analyst
Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Analysing financial and marketing data 2. Building models for risk analysis 3. Review and evaluating Quantitative models
Position Qualifications: Ph. D. in statistics or econometrics from academically recognized institutes, with sound theoretical training, hands-on experience in programming, data analysis experience. Must be team player, motivated, hard-working, 25K-40K annual. Located in Shanghai, China, No relocation package.
Salary Range: 25K-40K
Benefits: Standard
Web Site: www.gtja.com
Application Address: wangzheng008026@gtjas.com
Contact Email: Mr. Wang
Position Title: Quantitative Analyst
Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Analysing financial and marketing data 2. Building models for risk analysis 3. Review and evaluating Quantitative models
Position Qualifications: Ph. D. in statistics or econometrics from academically recognized institutes, with sound theoretical training, hands-on experience in programming, data analysis experience. Must be team player, motivated, hard-working, 25K-40K annual. Located in Shanghai, China, No relocation package.
Salary Range: 25K-40K
Benefits: Standard
Web Site: www.gtja.com
Application Address: wangzheng008026@gtjas.com
Contact Email: Mr. Wang
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute
Company Information: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute is world-renowned, leading research breakthroughs and medical innovations for more than 80 years. The Institute continues its dedication to translating innovative research findings to outstanding patient care. This commitment to excellence will move the CHOP Research Institute from a world-class research institute to the undisputed leader in improving the health of children. Research today at Children's Hospital reflects the institution's commitment to improve child health and concentrates on basic, translational and clinical research on issues of importance and relevance to child health.
Position Title: Senior Statistician
Duties & Responsibilities: The Center for Outcomes Research (COR) is a research center devoted to improving healthcare through developing and applying outcomes methodology to important medical problems, with an emphasis on health services research and health economics. The COR works closely with other health services researchers at CHOP and the University of Pennsylvania, including the Medical School, the Wharton School of Business, the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics and the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy The Statistician will join an academic multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, statisticians, and economists from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Wharton School of Business, in developing and implementing statistical methods in outcomes research. This position is for a statistician with very strong computing skills, specifically in SAS and R. The position requires working collaboratively in a research setting. Experience working in the field of outcomes research, disparities research, and assessment of effectiveness of care as well as on federal grants is a plus. Success in this role will require the candidate to be able to collaborate in-/out-side of the department, and the ability to clearly communicate the results of the work. A commitment to the highest standards of excellence and quality are expected. • Acts as a COR resource for the development of models and the analyses of very large and complex administrative data. • Manipulates large national claims databases and performs linkages of files from different databases to prepare analysis files for model development. • Creates SAS programs to manipulate, analyze and graphically display research data. • Provides assistance in proposal preparation, creation and management of databases • Prepares results for review by investigator, prepares reposts and scientific appendices. • Able to learn new computational techniques and statistical software • Uses risk and/or severity adjustment systems in data analysis. • Collaborates with medical and hospital staff leaders to determine new needs for information.
Position Qualifications: • Masters or PhD in Statistics is required • Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in Health Services Research. • Proficient in SAS and R, Proficient in Microsoft Access, Excel, and PowerPoint. • Familiar with standard databases structures (e.g. Access, SQL) including, but not limited, data access, queries, and structure. • Extensive experience working with large datasets, combining data from a multitude of sources and using the dataset to measure performance. • Experience with observational studies • Experience with experimental design. • Proficient in methodological techniques • Excellent understanding of computer systems analysis • Ability to manage multiple projects, work independently, and implement problem-solving capabilities. • Ability to convey complex or technical information in a manner that others can easily understand • Experience with collaboration on academic manuscripts. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS • Interest in Health Services Research and Outcomes Research • Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills. • Must be able to work independently, realizing the maximum intellectual benefit for themselves and the project. • Excellent oral and written communication skills. • Ability to communicate well with investigators and staff. • Ability to document variable development. • Organization skills necessary for successful completion and documentation of simultaneous projects. • Ability to work under stress and meet deadlines. • Demonstrates independence in decision-making. • Demonstrates creativity in problem solving. • Demonstrates strong motivating and leadership skills. • Team Oriented. All CHOP employees who work in a patient building or who provide patient care are required to receive an annual influenza vaccine unless they are granted a medical or religious exemption.
Salary Range:
Web Site: www.research.chop.edu
Application Address: Please complete a profile on our website at www.chop.edu/careers and apply to Requisition #11-23166.
Contact Email: tonkinc@email.chop.edu
Application Deadline: 09/09/2011
Position Title: Senior Statistician
Duties & Responsibilities: The Center for Outcomes Research (COR) is a research center devoted to improving healthcare through developing and applying outcomes methodology to important medical problems, with an emphasis on health services research and health economics. The COR works closely with other health services researchers at CHOP and the University of Pennsylvania, including the Medical School, the Wharton School of Business, the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics and the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy The Statistician will join an academic multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, statisticians, and economists from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Wharton School of Business, in developing and implementing statistical methods in outcomes research. This position is for a statistician with very strong computing skills, specifically in SAS and R. The position requires working collaboratively in a research setting. Experience working in the field of outcomes research, disparities research, and assessment of effectiveness of care as well as on federal grants is a plus. Success in this role will require the candidate to be able to collaborate in-/out-side of the department, and the ability to clearly communicate the results of the work. A commitment to the highest standards of excellence and quality are expected. • Acts as a COR resource for the development of models and the analyses of very large and complex administrative data. • Manipulates large national claims databases and performs linkages of files from different databases to prepare analysis files for model development. • Creates SAS programs to manipulate, analyze and graphically display research data. • Provides assistance in proposal preparation, creation and management of databases • Prepares results for review by investigator, prepares reposts and scientific appendices. • Able to learn new computational techniques and statistical software • Uses risk and/or severity adjustment systems in data analysis. • Collaborates with medical and hospital staff leaders to determine new needs for information.
Position Qualifications: • Masters or PhD in Statistics is required • Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in Health Services Research. • Proficient in SAS and R, Proficient in Microsoft Access, Excel, and PowerPoint. • Familiar with standard databases structures (e.g. Access, SQL) including, but not limited, data access, queries, and structure. • Extensive experience working with large datasets, combining data from a multitude of sources and using the dataset to measure performance. • Experience with observational studies • Experience with experimental design. • Proficient in methodological techniques • Excellent understanding of computer systems analysis • Ability to manage multiple projects, work independently, and implement problem-solving capabilities. • Ability to convey complex or technical information in a manner that others can easily understand • Experience with collaboration on academic manuscripts. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS • Interest in Health Services Research and Outcomes Research • Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills. • Must be able to work independently, realizing the maximum intellectual benefit for themselves and the project. • Excellent oral and written communication skills. • Ability to communicate well with investigators and staff. • Ability to document variable development. • Organization skills necessary for successful completion and documentation of simultaneous projects. • Ability to work under stress and meet deadlines. • Demonstrates independence in decision-making. • Demonstrates creativity in problem solving. • Demonstrates strong motivating and leadership skills. • Team Oriented. All CHOP employees who work in a patient building or who provide patient care are required to receive an annual influenza vaccine unless they are granted a medical or religious exemption.
Salary Range:
Web Site: www.research.chop.edu
Application Address: Please complete a profile on our website at www.chop.edu/careers and apply to Requisition #11-23166.
Contact Email: tonkinc@email.chop.edu
Application Deadline: 09/09/2011
Técnico de apoyo a la investigación en Andalucia
Qué se ofrece:
La oportunidad de formar parte de una organización de reconocido prestigio, innovadora y pionera en el desarrollo de programas de acreditación en el ámbito de la Salud, donde podrá participar en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y estudios relacionados con la calidad y la acreditación sanitaria.
Desarrollo y redacción de proyectos e informes de investigación aplicada para su publicación.
Definición de estrategias de búsqueda documental.
Lectura crítica de la literatura científica.
Manejo de bases de datos.
Análisis de datos.
Soporte documental en la realización de comunicaciones a congresos y artículos científicos.
Requisitos mínimos:
Licenciatura en alguna de las siguientes disciplinas: Farmacia, Biología, Sociología, Medicina, Psicología, Documentación y Diplomatura o Licenciatura en Estadística.
Inglés: Nivel mínimo B2, según el Marco Europeo Común de Referencia (MERC).
Participación en proyectos de investigación.
Se valorará:
Formación específica relacionada con las tareas a desarrollar (metodología de investigación y/o desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, definición de estrategias de búsqueda documental, y lectura crítica de la literatura científica).
Tesis doctoral en desarrollo y/o finalizada.
Número de comunicaciones en congresos.
Número de artículos científicos publicados.
Nivel de usuario avanzado en aplicaciones orientadas a investigación cuantitativa y/o cualitativa.
Tras un periodo de análisis en el que se seleccionarán los/las candidatos/as cuyo currículo cumpla con los requisitos mínimos establecidos, se pondrá en marcha una segunda fase en la que los/las candidatos/as preseleccionados/as realizarán pruebas individuales y una entrevista personal, destinadas a valorar su nivel de adecuación al perfil competencial requerido.
Aquellos/as candidatos/as, cuya candidatura haya resultada apta a tenor del resultado de las pruebas que conforman el proceso de selección, formarán parte de una bolsa de empleo teniendo en cuenta, para su orden prelación, la puntuación obtenida.
Para solicitar la incorporación al proceso de selección, los/las candidatos/as deberán remitir su currículo, a través del portal de empleo Infojobs: www.infojobs.net
El plazo para envío solicitudes e introducción de datos curriculares se cerrará a las 13:00 horas del día 28 de marzo de 2.011
Más información
La oportunidad de formar parte de una organización de reconocido prestigio, innovadora y pionera en el desarrollo de programas de acreditación en el ámbito de la Salud, donde podrá participar en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y estudios relacionados con la calidad y la acreditación sanitaria.
Desarrollo y redacción de proyectos e informes de investigación aplicada para su publicación.
Definición de estrategias de búsqueda documental.
Lectura crítica de la literatura científica.
Manejo de bases de datos.
Análisis de datos.
Soporte documental en la realización de comunicaciones a congresos y artículos científicos.
Requisitos mínimos:
Licenciatura en alguna de las siguientes disciplinas: Farmacia, Biología, Sociología, Medicina, Psicología, Documentación y Diplomatura o Licenciatura en Estadística.
Inglés: Nivel mínimo B2, según el Marco Europeo Común de Referencia (MERC).
Participación en proyectos de investigación.
Se valorará:
Formación específica relacionada con las tareas a desarrollar (metodología de investigación y/o desarrollo de proyectos de investigación, definición de estrategias de búsqueda documental, y lectura crítica de la literatura científica).
Tesis doctoral en desarrollo y/o finalizada.
Número de comunicaciones en congresos.
Número de artículos científicos publicados.
Nivel de usuario avanzado en aplicaciones orientadas a investigación cuantitativa y/o cualitativa.
Tras un periodo de análisis en el que se seleccionarán los/las candidatos/as cuyo currículo cumpla con los requisitos mínimos establecidos, se pondrá en marcha una segunda fase en la que los/las candidatos/as preseleccionados/as realizarán pruebas individuales y una entrevista personal, destinadas a valorar su nivel de adecuación al perfil competencial requerido.
Aquellos/as candidatos/as, cuya candidatura haya resultada apta a tenor del resultado de las pruebas que conforman el proceso de selección, formarán parte de una bolsa de empleo teniendo en cuenta, para su orden prelación, la puntuación obtenida.
Para solicitar la incorporación al proceso de selección, los/las candidatos/as deberán remitir su currículo, a través del portal de empleo Infojobs: www.infojobs.net
El plazo para envío solicitudes e introducción de datos curriculares se cerrará a las 13:00 horas del día 28 de marzo de 2.011
Más información
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Si eres uno de los que este blog te ha sido de utilidad para encontrar trabajo. Podrías escribirnos y compartir tu experiencia con todos nosotros. Escribe a emnavarretem@gmail.com
Empresa: ACCORDFIN busca estadístico en Madrid
Accordfin es una importante entidad financiera especializada en créditos al consumo, perteneciente a la multinacional Auchan.
Estamos especializados en productos y servicios financieros (tarjetas de pago en establecimiento, tarjetas bancarias y préstamos personales), apostando por soluciones de financiación simples e innovadoras al alcance de todos.
En España más de 1 millón y medio de clientes confían en la calidad de nuestros servicios. Nuestros productos se ofrecen a través de más de 300 establecimientos mediante acuerdos con entidades de primer nivel en el sector de la gran distribución.
Con más de 1700 colaboradores y 6 millones de clientes repartidos en 11 países, su doble experiencia en Banca- Distribución y su capacidad de innovación hacen de nuestra compañía uno de los líderes en tarjetas de pago de todo Europa.
Ubicación: Alcobendas, Madrid
Perfil de los candidatos/as: Diplomados/as en Estadística
Puesto: Técnico Analista JR SAS BASE
Funciones: Participación en el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias:
•Elaborando estudios previos a las estrategias (recobros, gestión..etc).
•Realizando los controles y trámites relativos a las bases de datos (formalización de necesidades, calificación de los datos, mantenimiento y seguimiento).
•Creando seguimientos e informes (scoring, motor llamadas salientes…)
•Estudios deseados Estadística o Informática (FP o estudios universitarios).
•Dominio de paquete office principalmente Excel.
•Capacidad analítica y de síntesis: debe aportar soluciones.
•Flexibilidad: buena adaptación a los cambios.
•Autonomía y proactividad: debe ser capaz de identificar riesgos y proponer planes de acciones adaptados.
Contrato: Indefinido
Salario: Según valía de candidato
Interesados/as: Enviar CV a:srodrigo@aronde.es
Estamos especializados en productos y servicios financieros (tarjetas de pago en establecimiento, tarjetas bancarias y préstamos personales), apostando por soluciones de financiación simples e innovadoras al alcance de todos.
En España más de 1 millón y medio de clientes confían en la calidad de nuestros servicios. Nuestros productos se ofrecen a través de más de 300 establecimientos mediante acuerdos con entidades de primer nivel en el sector de la gran distribución.
Con más de 1700 colaboradores y 6 millones de clientes repartidos en 11 países, su doble experiencia en Banca- Distribución y su capacidad de innovación hacen de nuestra compañía uno de los líderes en tarjetas de pago de todo Europa.
Ubicación: Alcobendas, Madrid
Perfil de los candidatos/as: Diplomados/as en Estadística
Puesto: Técnico Analista JR SAS BASE
Funciones: Participación en el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias:
•Elaborando estudios previos a las estrategias (recobros, gestión..etc).
•Realizando los controles y trámites relativos a las bases de datos (formalización de necesidades, calificación de los datos, mantenimiento y seguimiento).
•Creando seguimientos e informes (scoring, motor llamadas salientes…)
•Estudios deseados Estadística o Informática (FP o estudios universitarios).
•Dominio de paquete office principalmente Excel.
•Capacidad analítica y de síntesis: debe aportar soluciones.
•Flexibilidad: buena adaptación a los cambios.
•Autonomía y proactividad: debe ser capaz de identificar riesgos y proponer planes de acciones adaptados.
Contrato: Indefinido
Salario: Según valía de candidato
Interesados/as: Enviar CV a:srodrigo@aronde.es
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
Post-Doc Researcher in Statistical Genomics in Cataluña
The CNAG is a new high-performance genome sequencing centre created in 2010 by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Generalitat de Catalunya which is aimed at consolidating Spain’s status as a leading player in the strategic area of genomics research.
The CNAG's primary mission is to carry out large-scale DNA sequence analysis projects in human and other species in collaboration with researchers in Catalonia, Spain and internationally.
One of the primary goals will be to generate and interpret the genome data that will help understand the way a human or other genome functions so that this information can then be used for the improvement of human health and the sustainable and durable generation of nourishment. The two main axes of activity will be the production of large amounts of DNA sequence efficiently and its informatics handling. We are seeking a researcher for the bioinformatics and statistics team.
The successful candidate will work for the Director of Bioinformatics and Statistics.
Candidate Profile:
*PhD or equivalent in Statistics, Biostatistics, Population Genetics or a closely related discipline
*Competence with Unix operating systems with an excellent working knowledge of one or more of the following languages: C, C++, Perl, Pynthon, R
*Previous experience in high-throughput genomics analysis (i.e., sequencing, expression, proteomics, GWAS) would be an advantage
*Able to work independently on his/her specific tasks and as part of a team integrating a system
*Good written and spoken English is essential
Job conditions:
*Working week: 40 hours
*Type of contract: Temporary
*Holiday leave: 23 days (for each full year worked)
*Leave for personal matters: 9 days (for each full year worked)
*Starting date: ASAP
Job Ref: Postdoc Statistical Genomics
Hours: Full Time
Location: Barcelona (City)
Working Term: Temporary
Application Deadline: 21/04/2011
Más información
The CNAG is a new high-performance genome sequencing centre created in 2010 by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Generalitat de Catalunya which is aimed at consolidating Spain’s status as a leading player in the strategic area of genomics research.
The CNAG's primary mission is to carry out large-scale DNA sequence analysis projects in human and other species in collaboration with researchers in Catalonia, Spain and internationally.
One of the primary goals will be to generate and interpret the genome data that will help understand the way a human or other genome functions so that this information can then be used for the improvement of human health and the sustainable and durable generation of nourishment. The two main axes of activity will be the production of large amounts of DNA sequence efficiently and its informatics handling. We are seeking a researcher for the bioinformatics and statistics team.
The successful candidate will work for the Director of Bioinformatics and Statistics.
Candidate Profile:
*PhD or equivalent in Statistics, Biostatistics, Population Genetics or a closely related discipline
*Competence with Unix operating systems with an excellent working knowledge of one or more of the following languages: C, C++, Perl, Pynthon, R
*Previous experience in high-throughput genomics analysis (i.e., sequencing, expression, proteomics, GWAS) would be an advantage
*Able to work independently on his/her specific tasks and as part of a team integrating a system
*Good written and spoken English is essential
Job conditions:
*Working week: 40 hours
*Type of contract: Temporary
*Holiday leave: 23 days (for each full year worked)
*Leave for personal matters: 9 days (for each full year worked)
*Starting date: ASAP
Job Ref: Postdoc Statistical Genomics
Hours: Full Time
Location: Barcelona (City)
Working Term: Temporary
Application Deadline: 21/04/2011
Más información
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011
Estadístico/Epidemiólogo Farmacéutico
Puesto vacante: Estadístico/Epidemiólogo Farmacéutico
Categorías: Marketing y comunicación - Investigación de mercados
Nivel: Especialista
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: Importante laboratorio farmacéutico precisa:
Estadísitico / Epidemiólogo
-Cálculo de tamaño muestral
-Revisión protocolo: diseño y metodologia
-Revisión CRDs EECC, PGDs, PAEs, DVPs,desviaciones de protocolo (EECC)
-Revisión Informes finales
- Revisión documentos internacionales
- Redacción documentos internos
- Liderazgo y seguimiento Comité BOS
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: Al menos 2 años
Tipo de contrato: De duración determinada
Jornada laboral: Completa
Más información
Puesto vacante: Estadístico/Epidemiólogo Farmacéutico
Categorías: Marketing y comunicación - Investigación de mercados
Nivel: Especialista
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: Importante laboratorio farmacéutico precisa:
Estadísitico / Epidemiólogo
-Cálculo de tamaño muestral
-Revisión protocolo: diseño y metodologia
-Revisión CRDs EECC, PGDs, PAEs, DVPs,desviaciones de protocolo (EECC)
-Revisión Informes finales
- Revisión documentos internacionales
- Redacción documentos internos
- Liderazgo y seguimiento Comité BOS
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: Al menos 2 años
Tipo de contrato: De duración determinada
Jornada laboral: Completa
Más información
lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011
Forecast estatistico en Madrid
etalle de la oferta de trabajo
Ofertas de trabajo de ADC RECURSOS HUMANOS
funciones del puesto
Desde ADC Recursos Humanos seleccionamos a un profeisonal con experiencia para incorporar en una de nuestras compañías clientes, una reconocida empresa multinacional cuya actividad se enmarca en el sector del cuidado de la salud.
La vacante a cubrir por el candidato seleccionado será:
Las funciones a desempeñar se pueden resumir en las siguientes:
- Gestión de previsión de ventas
- Forecast estadístico
- Planificación de eventos promocionales y nuevos productos.
- Gestión y control de aprovisionamiento de productos desde las plantas al almacén central.
puestos vacantes
1 puestos
- CFGS ámbito económico-financiero
- Experiencia previa en puestos de trabajo con funciones similares
- Nivel muy alto de inglés
- Alto manejo ofimático, especialmente de Excel y Access.
- Experiencia con los sistemas de gestión empresarial SAP y APO
Requisitos deseados:
- Experiencia en departamentos de Logística de entornos multinacionales
- Conocimientos de portugues o alemán
lugar de trabajo
Provincia: Madrid
Localidad: Madrid
se ofrece
Se ofrece: La contratación tendrá una duración estimada de 6 meses aproximadamente, se trata de una sustitución por maternidad, cuya remuneración girará en torno a la cantidad de 20.000- 23.000 euros brutos anuales.
Tipo Contrato: De duración determinada
Jornada laboral: Completa: Hasta las 17:00
Horario: L a V:9-17 h
´Más información
Ofertas de trabajo de ADC RECURSOS HUMANOS
funciones del puesto
Desde ADC Recursos Humanos seleccionamos a un profeisonal con experiencia para incorporar en una de nuestras compañías clientes, una reconocida empresa multinacional cuya actividad se enmarca en el sector del cuidado de la salud.
La vacante a cubrir por el candidato seleccionado será:
Las funciones a desempeñar se pueden resumir en las siguientes:
- Gestión de previsión de ventas
- Forecast estadístico
- Planificación de eventos promocionales y nuevos productos.
- Gestión y control de aprovisionamiento de productos desde las plantas al almacén central.
puestos vacantes
1 puestos
- CFGS ámbito económico-financiero
- Experiencia previa en puestos de trabajo con funciones similares
- Nivel muy alto de inglés
- Alto manejo ofimático, especialmente de Excel y Access.
- Experiencia con los sistemas de gestión empresarial SAP y APO
Requisitos deseados:
- Experiencia en departamentos de Logística de entornos multinacionales
- Conocimientos de portugues o alemán
lugar de trabajo
Provincia: Madrid
Localidad: Madrid
se ofrece
Se ofrece: La contratación tendrá una duración estimada de 6 meses aproximadamente, se trata de una sustitución por maternidad, cuya remuneración girará en torno a la cantidad de 20.000- 23.000 euros brutos anuales.
Tipo Contrato: De duración determinada
Jornada laboral: Completa: Hasta las 17:00
Horario: L a V:9-17 h
´Más información
Analista y creación de modelos estadísticos Madrid
detalle de la oferta de trabajo
Empresa: Bayes forecast
Bayes es una compañía que construye modelos predictivos de forma masiva respecto a las operaciones, los clientes y los mercados de las organizaciones. Estos modelos son el núcleo de los sistemas de atención dinámica que producen microdecisiones de forma reiterada y continua.
Bayes hace Business Intelligence cuantitativo, mediante:
- Análisis de marketing cuantitativo
- Sistemas de previsión
- Sistemas de atención dinámica a la demanda
Ofertas de trabajo de Bayes forecast
funciones del puesto
La función del Analista es la organización de la información dinámica y la creación de modelos estadísticos que permitan la sistematización de la actividad predictiva y la comprensión de los mecanismos dinámicos subyacentes a los datos
puestos vacantes
1 puestos
Licenciado o doctor en Matemáticas, Estadística, Econometría o Ingeniería.
Requisitos mínimos:
*Manejo de lenguajes de programación
*Excelente nivel en el entorno ofimática WINDOWS y OFFICE.
Requisitos deseados:
*Conocimientos en series temporales (Modelos ARIMA y función de transferencia)
*Conocimientos de inferencia bayesiana
lugar de trabajo
Provincia: Madrid
Localidad: Madrid
se ofrece
Jornada laboral: Completa
Más información
Empresa: Bayes forecast
Bayes es una compañía que construye modelos predictivos de forma masiva respecto a las operaciones, los clientes y los mercados de las organizaciones. Estos modelos son el núcleo de los sistemas de atención dinámica que producen microdecisiones de forma reiterada y continua.
Bayes hace Business Intelligence cuantitativo, mediante:
- Análisis de marketing cuantitativo
- Sistemas de previsión
- Sistemas de atención dinámica a la demanda
Ofertas de trabajo de Bayes forecast
funciones del puesto
La función del Analista es la organización de la información dinámica y la creación de modelos estadísticos que permitan la sistematización de la actividad predictiva y la comprensión de los mecanismos dinámicos subyacentes a los datos
puestos vacantes
1 puestos
Licenciado o doctor en Matemáticas, Estadística, Econometría o Ingeniería.
Requisitos mínimos:
*Manejo de lenguajes de programación
*Excelente nivel en el entorno ofimática WINDOWS y OFFICE.
Requisitos deseados:
*Conocimientos en series temporales (Modelos ARIMA y función de transferencia)
*Conocimientos de inferencia bayesiana
lugar de trabajo
Provincia: Madrid
Localidad: Madrid
se ofrece
Jornada laboral: Completa
Más información
Consultores y Analistas Spss-clementine - Madrid
Empresa Inbenta
Oferta Consultores y Analistas Spss-clementine - Madrid
Provincia Madrid - España
Imprescindible Residir en Provincia Puesto
Perfil INBENTA busca titulados en Estadística, Matemáticas, Ingenierías o Empresariales, familiarizados con el vocabulario y el negocio de las Telecomunicaciones, con conocimientos avanzados en las siguientes herramientas spss y clementine
Se valorará positivamente conocimientos en Business Objects y BBDD, asi como experiencia previa en el sector de las telecomunicaciones.
Los candidatos deberán ser dinámicos, proactivos creativos y comunicativos
Experiencia 3-5 años
Puesto Los candidatos desarrollaran tareas de desarrollo y modelizaciÓn de acorde a los requerimientos del departamento de Marketing en continua colaboración con otros departamentos como Sistemas y Productos.
Se ofrece un excelente ambiente de trabajo con un equipo humano muy profesional y de gran calidad. Podrá participar en proyectos donde se aplican últimas tecnologías e I+D, en muchos casos con una importante componente de negocio.
Nivel profesional Empleado
Jornada Jornada completa
Honorarios 24000 € - 33000 € Bruto/año
Tipo contrato Obra o servicio
Funciones Analista - Consultor
Tecnología spss clementine business objects oracle teradata .
Más información
Oferta Consultores y Analistas Spss-clementine - Madrid
Provincia Madrid - España
Imprescindible Residir en Provincia Puesto
Perfil INBENTA busca titulados en Estadística, Matemáticas, Ingenierías o Empresariales, familiarizados con el vocabulario y el negocio de las Telecomunicaciones, con conocimientos avanzados en las siguientes herramientas spss y clementine
Se valorará positivamente conocimientos en Business Objects y BBDD, asi como experiencia previa en el sector de las telecomunicaciones.
Los candidatos deberán ser dinámicos, proactivos creativos y comunicativos
Experiencia 3-5 años
Puesto Los candidatos desarrollaran tareas de desarrollo y modelizaciÓn de acorde a los requerimientos del departamento de Marketing en continua colaboración con otros departamentos como Sistemas y Productos.
Se ofrece un excelente ambiente de trabajo con un equipo humano muy profesional y de gran calidad. Podrá participar en proyectos donde se aplican últimas tecnologías e I+D, en muchos casos con una importante componente de negocio.
Nivel profesional Empleado
Jornada Jornada completa
Honorarios 24000 € - 33000 € Bruto/año
Tipo contrato Obra o servicio
Funciones Analista - Consultor
Tecnología spss clementine business objects oracle teradata .
Más información
Consultor de Inteligencia de Negocio e Informática en Madrid
Perfil de los candidatos:
Consultor de Inteligencia de Negocio e Informática.
•Diseño y Ejecución de consultas periódicas.
•Elaboración de informes.
•Realización y organización de BBDD en Access.
•Programación de macros.
•Experiencia de 5 años realizando funciones similares.
•Licenciatura Universitaria en Matemáticas/ Estadística /Informática.
•Conocimientos avanzados de Excel y Access.
•Conocimientos avanzados en MySQL, QMF o SAS.
•Inglés nivel medio-alto.
•Persona metódica y organizada.
Contrato: Obra o servicio (puesto estable).
Salario: Según valía del candidato + Tickets comida + Variable por cumplimiento de objetivos.
•Enviar CV a: raquel.carbajo@avanzasa.es
Perfil de los candidatos:
Consultor de Inteligencia de Negocio e Informática.
•Diseño y Ejecución de consultas periódicas.
•Elaboración de informes.
•Realización y organización de BBDD en Access.
•Programación de macros.
•Experiencia de 5 años realizando funciones similares.
•Licenciatura Universitaria en Matemáticas/ Estadística /Informática.
•Conocimientos avanzados de Excel y Access.
•Conocimientos avanzados en MySQL, QMF o SAS.
•Inglés nivel medio-alto.
•Persona metódica y organizada.
Contrato: Obra o servicio (puesto estable).
Salario: Según valía del candidato + Tickets comida + Variable por cumplimiento de objetivos.
•Enviar CV a: raquel.carbajo@avanzasa.es
Early stage researcher (PhD student) in Mathematics (M/F) in Luxembourg
Science, Technology and Communication
Early stage researcher (PhD student) in Mathematics (M/F)
• Ref : F1-060008
• 3-year fixed term contract, renewable for one year, 40h/week
• Student AND employee status
• Writing a PhD thesis in one of the following areas: Stochastic Analysis, Geometric Stochastic Analysis, Mathematical Finance
• A limited teaching activity of 2 hours per week
• Master degree (or Diploma degree) in Mathematics of high quality
• solid knowledge in Stochastic Analysis
• dedication for doing Mathematics with serious research interests in probability theory
• willingness to integrate in an existing team
• good written and oral skills in English
• some basic knowledge of French and/or German
• a dynamic research unit in a newly created university
• excellent working conditions in an international and inspiring environment
• a competitive salary
Research Fields
Mathematics - Other
Comment/web site for additional job details
• Application deadline: April 10, 2010 (or later, till the position is filled by a qualified candidate).
• Applications (in English/French/German) with the usual supporting documents (CV, certificates, names of referees, letters of recommendations) should be sent before the deadline preferable via email to anton.thalmaier@uni.lu with a clear indication of the code F1-060008 in the subject line or via mail to
Prof. Dr. Anton Thalmaier
University of Luxembourg, Mathematics Research Unit, FSTC
Campus Kirchberg, 6, rue Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
Further information
• Prof. Anton Thalmaier ( anton.thalmaier@uni.lu )
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer
Early stage researcher (PhD student) in Mathematics (M/F)
• Ref : F1-060008
• 3-year fixed term contract, renewable for one year, 40h/week
• Student AND employee status
• Writing a PhD thesis in one of the following areas: Stochastic Analysis, Geometric Stochastic Analysis, Mathematical Finance
• A limited teaching activity of 2 hours per week
• Master degree (or Diploma degree) in Mathematics of high quality
• solid knowledge in Stochastic Analysis
• dedication for doing Mathematics with serious research interests in probability theory
• willingness to integrate in an existing team
• good written and oral skills in English
• some basic knowledge of French and/or German
• a dynamic research unit in a newly created university
• excellent working conditions in an international and inspiring environment
• a competitive salary
Research Fields
Mathematics - Other
Comment/web site for additional job details
• Application deadline: April 10, 2010 (or later, till the position is filled by a qualified candidate).
• Applications (in English/French/German) with the usual supporting documents (CV, certificates, names of referees, letters of recommendations) should be sent before the deadline preferable via email to anton.thalmaier@uni.lu with a clear indication of the code F1-060008 in the subject line or via mail to
Prof. Dr. Anton Thalmaier
University of Luxembourg, Mathematics Research Unit, FSTC
Campus Kirchberg, 6, rue Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
Further information
• Prof. Anton Thalmaier ( anton.thalmaier@uni.lu )
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer
PhD position in Optimization in Netherlands
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Job Description:
The research group "Optimization" at TU Delft, The Netherlands, has an open PhD position in the project:
A position for a PhD student (assistent in opleiding) is available at TU Delft. The appointment is for four years starting any time within the year 2011. The position is part of a research project on Semidefinite Programming and Harmonic Analysis, that is financed by the VIDI grant 639.032.917 from NWO, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
The research topic is at the crossroads between discrete mathematics, linear algebra, analysis and optimization. No specific preknowledge is required, except having received a solid mathematical education and a Master's degree; students who are about to finish their Master's degree are also encouraged to apply.
The salary and terms of employment are in accordance with the "CAO-onderzoekinstellingen". The starting gross salary is EUR 2042/month and the salary increases with every year. Additional funds are available to cover travel expenses and fees for conferences and workshops, a research stay abroad and the printing of the PhD thesis. Moreover, next to a strong scientific environment (we have close connections to the other Dutch universities and to the center for mathematics and computer science, CWI Amsterdam), TU Delft offers attractive working conditions and initial help with housing for foreigners.
For more information about the project, consult:
or contact:
Frank Vallentin
E-Mail: f.vallentin@tudelft.nl
WWW: http://www.cwi.nl/~vallenti
An application, which should be sent to f.vallentin@tudelft.nl should consist of a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a description of the university education, examination marks, and, if possible, a copy of the M.Sc thesis. The deadline for application is on April 15, 2011.
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
Apr 15 2011
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Job Description:
The research group "Optimization" at TU Delft, The Netherlands, has an open PhD position in the project:
A position for a PhD student (assistent in opleiding) is available at TU Delft. The appointment is for four years starting any time within the year 2011. The position is part of a research project on Semidefinite Programming and Harmonic Analysis, that is financed by the VIDI grant 639.032.917 from NWO, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.
The research topic is at the crossroads between discrete mathematics, linear algebra, analysis and optimization. No specific preknowledge is required, except having received a solid mathematical education and a Master's degree; students who are about to finish their Master's degree are also encouraged to apply.
The salary and terms of employment are in accordance with the "CAO-onderzoekinstellingen". The starting gross salary is EUR 2042/month and the salary increases with every year. Additional funds are available to cover travel expenses and fees for conferences and workshops, a research stay abroad and the printing of the PhD thesis. Moreover, next to a strong scientific environment (we have close connections to the other Dutch universities and to the center for mathematics and computer science, CWI Amsterdam), TU Delft offers attractive working conditions and initial help with housing for foreigners.
For more information about the project, consult:
or contact:
Frank Vallentin
E-Mail: f.vallentin@tudelft.nl
WWW: http://www.cwi.nl/~vallenti
An application, which should be sent to f.vallentin@tudelft.nl should consist of a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a description of the university education, examination marks, and, if possible, a copy of the M.Sc thesis. The deadline for application is on April 15, 2011.
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
Apr 15 2011
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011
Oposicion para Estadisticos en Bruselas
Administradores AD 5 Y AD 7 (ámbitos: Administración pública, Derecho, Economía, Auditoria, Finanzas, Estadística)
Unión Europea
Oficina Europea de Selección de Personal (EPSO)
European Personnel Selection Office
Avenue de Cortenbergh / Kortenberglaan 80, 1000 Brussels
Número de plazas: 320
Ver en el apartado general desglose de candidatos aprobados por oposición y ámbito.
La Oficina Europea de Selección de Personal (EPSO) organiza las siguientes oposiciones generales con vistas a la constitución de una lista de reserva para la contratación de administradores, EPSO/AD/206/11 (AD 5) Y EPSO/AD/207/11 (AD 7).
Más información
Administradores AD 5 Y AD 7 (ámbitos: Administración pública, Derecho, Economía, Auditoria, Finanzas, Estadística)
Unión Europea
Oficina Europea de Selección de Personal (EPSO)
European Personnel Selection Office
Avenue de Cortenbergh / Kortenberglaan 80, 1000 Brussels
Número de plazas: 320
Ver en el apartado general desglose de candidatos aprobados por oposición y ámbito.
La Oficina Europea de Selección de Personal (EPSO) organiza las siguientes oposiciones generales con vistas a la constitución de una lista de reserva para la contratación de administradores, EPSO/AD/206/11 (AD 5) Y EPSO/AD/207/11 (AD 7).
Más información
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011
Investigador Epidemiólogo Sociedad/Fundación Española de Reumatología
Descripción: El trabajo se desarrollará en la Unidad de Investigación de la SER. C/Recoletos (Madrid) en la que participará en función de su perfil en cualquiera de las diferentes actividades de la Unidad:
• Apoyo al desarrollo de documentos consensos, guías de práctica clínica e informes técnicos para la administración.
• Apoyo en el diseño de proyectos de investigación
• Apoyo en la elaboración de protocolos y formularios de recogida de variables médicas y/o sociodemográficas, etc.
• Coordinación proyectos con el equipo investigador (Comité Científico e investigadores de hospitales participantes)
• Difusión (Borradores de manuscritos científicos)
Edad máxima para el puesto: 65 años.
Remuneración anual: Según experiencia y valía del candidato/a
Ventajas sociales o económicas: Jornada laboral:
De L a J de 9 a 6 y viernes de 8 a 2.
(*) Posibilidad de contratación a tiempo parcial/media jornada
Descripción: El trabajo se desarrollará en la Unidad de Investigación de la SER. C/Recoletos (Madrid) en la que participará en función de su perfil en cualquiera de las diferentes actividades de la Unidad:
• Apoyo al desarrollo de documentos consensos, guías de práctica clínica e informes técnicos para la administración.
• Apoyo en el diseño de proyectos de investigación
• Apoyo en la elaboración de protocolos y formularios de recogida de variables médicas y/o sociodemográficas, etc.
• Coordinación proyectos con el equipo investigador (Comité Científico e investigadores de hospitales participantes)
• Difusión (Borradores de manuscritos científicos)
Edad máxima para el puesto: 65 años.
Remuneración anual: Según experiencia y valía del candidato/a
Ventajas sociales o económicas: Jornada laboral:
De L a J de 9 a 6 y viernes de 8 a 2.
(*) Posibilidad de contratación a tiempo parcial/media jornada
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
Máster Europeo en Salud Pública - Europubhealth

Siete universidades europeas y la escuela americana de Salud Pública de Mailman ofrecen conjuntamenteEuropubhealth, un Máster integrado e innovador de 2 años de duración (120 ECTS) destinado a estudiantes de excelencia. Desde 2006, el programa ha unido a centros de excelencia en Salud Pública para materializar una oferta europea con el objetivo de formar profesionales que sean capaces de:
Analizar y dirigir los determinantes de los problemas de salud desde la perspectiva de la población.
Proponer, planificar, implementar y evaluar políticas basadas en la evidencia culturalmente apropiadas, así como intervenciones para la mejora efectiva de la salud de la población en contextos internacionales, nacionales y locales.
Más información
Convocatoria de 6 Becas CISAL para la formación de investigadores en Salud Laboral

ElCentro de Investigación en Salud Laboral (CISAL) convoca 6 becas para la formación de investigadores en salud laboral. Las becas, de un curso académico, incluyen la realización del Máster en Salud Laboral de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra y la participación en proyectos de investigación del CISAL.
Las becas, destinadas a diplomados y licenciados, están dotadas de una retribución mensual y cubren, total o parcialmente, la matrícula del Máster en Salud Laboral (itinerario de investigación).
Los mejores proyectos finales podrán optar a becas para cursar el programa de doctorado en Biomedicina de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
La fecha límite para presentar las solicitudes es el 30 de mayo de 2011.
Más información
Licenciado en Estadística Proyecto de investigación: “Red de investigación en SIDA” en Madrid
CENTRO DE INFORMACIÓN ADMINISTRATIVA (CIA) de 10 de marzo de 2011. Fin Plazo de presentación: 17 de marzo de 2011.
Más información
CENTRO DE INFORMACIÓN ADMINISTRATIVA (CIA) de 10 de marzo de 2011. Fin Plazo de presentación: 17 de marzo de 2011.
Más información
Four Postdoctoral positions in mathematics or mathematical statistics Uppsala University
Uppsala University
Job Description:
Four Postdoctoral positions in mathematics or mathematical statistics
at the Department of Mathematics
The department conducts research and provides education at graduate and undergraduate level in broad areas of mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics and mathematical logic. We also have an active research group in financial mathematics, and Uppsala's Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics is closely linked to the department. The number of employees is nearly 100, of which approximately 30 are doctoral students.
Duties: The work consists of at least 80 percent of research and no more than 20 percent teaching.
Recruitment Period: The period of employment is 2 years with the desired start date 2011-07-01.
Prerequisites: To be eligible for a position as postdoctoral researcher the applicant's Ph.D. degree must have been obtained no more than three years prior to the application date; however, for example periods of sick leave or parental leave are deducted from the three-year period.
Ranking criteria: In ranking eligible candidates, special importance will be given to scientific skills.
In filling these positions the university aims to recruit the persons who, in the combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, are judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of the department.
The university is striving for a more even gender balance in its research and teaching staff, and women are especially encouraged to apply for these positions.
Personal circumstances that may be of positive relevance in merit evaluation, for example parental leave, should be mentioned in the list of qualifications (CV).
For further information about the position, please contact Professor Johan Tysk, phone +46 18 471 32 08 (johan.tysk@math.uu.se). Union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco, +46 18 471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO / ST, +46 18 471 1996, and Stefan Djurström, Seko, +46 18 471 3315.
How to apply: The application should include the following documents: a Curriculum Vitae (CV) with a list of scientific publications, a transcript of the PhD degree, and name and email addresses for two reference persons.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than 31 May, 2011, UFV-PA 2011/416
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
May 31 2011
Uppsala University
Job Description:
Four Postdoctoral positions in mathematics or mathematical statistics
at the Department of Mathematics
The department conducts research and provides education at graduate and undergraduate level in broad areas of mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics and mathematical logic. We also have an active research group in financial mathematics, and Uppsala's Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics is closely linked to the department. The number of employees is nearly 100, of which approximately 30 are doctoral students.
Duties: The work consists of at least 80 percent of research and no more than 20 percent teaching.
Recruitment Period: The period of employment is 2 years with the desired start date 2011-07-01.
Prerequisites: To be eligible for a position as postdoctoral researcher the applicant's Ph.D. degree must have been obtained no more than three years prior to the application date; however, for example periods of sick leave or parental leave are deducted from the three-year period.
Ranking criteria: In ranking eligible candidates, special importance will be given to scientific skills.
In filling these positions the university aims to recruit the persons who, in the combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, are judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of the department.
The university is striving for a more even gender balance in its research and teaching staff, and women are especially encouraged to apply for these positions.
Personal circumstances that may be of positive relevance in merit evaluation, for example parental leave, should be mentioned in the list of qualifications (CV).
For further information about the position, please contact Professor Johan Tysk, phone +46 18 471 32 08 (johan.tysk@math.uu.se). Union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco, +46 18 471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO / ST, +46 18 471 1996, and Stefan Djurström, Seko, +46 18 471 3315.
How to apply: The application should include the following documents: a Curriculum Vitae (CV) with a list of scientific publications, a transcript of the PhD degree, and name and email addresses for two reference persons.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than 31 May, 2011, UFV-PA 2011/416
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
May 31 2011
Postdoctoral position in Canada
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada
Job Description:
Applications are invited for a one year Postdoctoral position in Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, starting September 1, 2011. Applicants must have completed a PhD in Mathematics before the beginning of the appointment. Preference will be given to candidates with background in dynamical systems and differential geometry. Knowledge of classical mechanics is especially welcome.
All applicants must submit a letter of interest, a Curriculum Vitae, and the name and address of at least 2 scientific referees. Only e-mail applications will be considered, and are to be addressed to Dr. Manuele Santoprete, e-mail: msantopr@wlu.ca and/or Dr. Cristina Stoica, email: cstoica@wlu.ca. Review of applications will begin on April 1, 2011 and continue until the position has been filled.
Wilfrid Laurier University is situated in Waterloo, Ontario, at 100km South-West of Toronto. The city of Waterloo is a thriving community, home of two universities, the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Maple software company and the Blackberry designer and manufacturer, Research In Motion. More about the region of Waterloo can be found at http://explorewaterlooregion.com/about/
Job Categories:
Postdoctoral fellowships
Deadline for Application:
Apr 1 2011
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada
Job Description:
Applications are invited for a one year Postdoctoral position in Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, starting September 1, 2011. Applicants must have completed a PhD in Mathematics before the beginning of the appointment. Preference will be given to candidates with background in dynamical systems and differential geometry. Knowledge of classical mechanics is especially welcome.
All applicants must submit a letter of interest, a Curriculum Vitae, and the name and address of at least 2 scientific referees. Only e-mail applications will be considered, and are to be addressed to Dr. Manuele Santoprete, e-mail: msantopr@wlu.ca and/or Dr. Cristina Stoica, email: cstoica@wlu.ca. Review of applications will begin on April 1, 2011 and continue until the position has been filled.
Wilfrid Laurier University is situated in Waterloo, Ontario, at 100km South-West of Toronto. The city of Waterloo is a thriving community, home of two universities, the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Maple software company and the Blackberry designer and manufacturer, Research In Motion. More about the region of Waterloo can be found at http://explorewaterlooregion.com/about/
Job Categories:
Postdoctoral fellowships
Deadline for Application:
Apr 1 2011
Assistant professor in mathematics in France
Telecom ParisTech
Job Description:
TELECOM ParisTech (formerly Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST), Paris) is seeking applicants for a faculty position in the Mathematical team of the Computer Science and Networks department. ParisTech is one of the recently formed collegiate universities in France, and brings together eleven of its best academic institutions.
The position ("Maître de Conférences") is equivalent to a tenured US assistant professor. Particular interest is in candidates with a research orientation broadly related to the area of large graphs, random graphs and related fields. Higher priority will be given to the overall innovation, originality, and promise of the candidate’s work than to any specific sub-area of research.
An earned Ph.D., the ability to pursue a research program, and a strong teaching commitment to both graduate and undergraduate levels are required. The ability to teach courses related to probability and/or optimization and/or theoretical computer science is appreciated. French speaking is welcome but not mandatory.
Applications received by April 18th 2011 will be given full consideration. They should include a cover letter, a detailed resume, a list of publications, a statement of research interests (max. 3 pages), and three reference letters.
All material should be emailed to
Professor L. Decreusefond
Email : Laurent.Decreusefond@telecom-paristech.fr
Related sites:
Career, salary, etc
Research activities of the math group
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
Apr 18 2011
Telecom ParisTech
Job Description:
TELECOM ParisTech (formerly Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST), Paris) is seeking applicants for a faculty position in the Mathematical team of the Computer Science and Networks department. ParisTech is one of the recently formed collegiate universities in France, and brings together eleven of its best academic institutions.
The position ("Maître de Conférences") is equivalent to a tenured US assistant professor. Particular interest is in candidates with a research orientation broadly related to the area of large graphs, random graphs and related fields. Higher priority will be given to the overall innovation, originality, and promise of the candidate’s work than to any specific sub-area of research.
An earned Ph.D., the ability to pursue a research program, and a strong teaching commitment to both graduate and undergraduate levels are required. The ability to teach courses related to probability and/or optimization and/or theoretical computer science is appreciated. French speaking is welcome but not mandatory.
Applications received by April 18th 2011 will be given full consideration. They should include a cover letter, a detailed resume, a list of publications, a statement of research interests (max. 3 pages), and three reference letters.
All material should be emailed to
Professor L. Decreusefond
Email : Laurent.Decreusefond@telecom-paristech.fr
Related sites:
Career, salary, etc
Research activities of the math group
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
Apr 18 2011
Full Professor of Mathematics in Austria
University of Innsbruck
Job Description:
The University of Innsbruck, Austria, invites applications for the position of
University Professor of Mathematics
at the Department of Mathematics (http://www.uibk.ac.at/mathematik/) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics.
Responsibilities include:
• Representing the subject of “Mathematics” both in research and teaching.
• The focus of research should be in a current field of Applied Mathematics. Special emphasis should be given to developing mathematical methods for solving problems in the natural sciences and technology.
• Interdisciplinary cooperation, especially with research groups at the University of Innsbruck.
The University of Innsbruck is committed to increasing the percentage of female employees and therefore explicitly invites women to apply. In the case of equivalent qualification, women will be given preference.
Applications should be submitted no later than April 30, 2011 and should include the usual documentation (in particular, curriculum vitae with a description of the scientific and occupational development, lists of scientific and other publications, talks and projects, description of completed, ongoing and intended research activities, copies of the five most important publications). All documents must be submitted in digital form and in English (CD-ROM, e-mail, etc.) to Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Fakultäten Servicestelle, Standort Technikerstraße 17, A-6020 Innsbruck (fss-technik@uibk.ac.at). Hardcopy (paper) is optional.
The full, authoritative text in German (published in the official bulletin of the University of March 16, 2011) as well as additional information on the current status of the application process may be found at:
o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karlheinz TÖCHTERLE
R e k t o r
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
Apr 30 2011
University of Innsbruck
Job Description:
The University of Innsbruck, Austria, invites applications for the position of
University Professor of Mathematics
at the Department of Mathematics (http://www.uibk.ac.at/mathematik/) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics.
Responsibilities include:
• Representing the subject of “Mathematics” both in research and teaching.
• The focus of research should be in a current field of Applied Mathematics. Special emphasis should be given to developing mathematical methods for solving problems in the natural sciences and technology.
• Interdisciplinary cooperation, especially with research groups at the University of Innsbruck.
The University of Innsbruck is committed to increasing the percentage of female employees and therefore explicitly invites women to apply. In the case of equivalent qualification, women will be given preference.
Applications should be submitted no later than April 30, 2011 and should include the usual documentation (in particular, curriculum vitae with a description of the scientific and occupational development, lists of scientific and other publications, talks and projects, description of completed, ongoing and intended research activities, copies of the five most important publications). All documents must be submitted in digital form and in English (CD-ROM, e-mail, etc.) to Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Fakultäten Servicestelle, Standort Technikerstraße 17, A-6020 Innsbruck (fss-technik@uibk.ac.at). Hardcopy (paper) is optional.
The full, authoritative text in German (published in the official bulletin of the University of March 16, 2011) as well as additional information on the current status of the application process may be found at:
o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karlheinz TÖCHTERLE
R e k t o r
Job Categories:
Universities and colleges
Deadline for Application:
Apr 30 2011
Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Algebraic Geometry in Netherlands
Faculty of Science
Maximum Salary: € 4,970 gross/month
Vacancy number: 62.23.11
Closing date: 14 April 2011
Job description
As an assistant professor you will join the Mathematical Physics (MP) group. Your research should be in Algebraic Geometry in the widest possible sense. Possible fields of interest: Algebraic Groups, Moduli Spaces or Integrable Systems.
You will develop and teach courses within the general curriculum of students of Mathematics. You attract and manage external research funding and supervise PhD students. You perform outreach activities and will help attract more mathematics students.
As a candidate for this position you have:
• a PhD in mathematics;
• several years of postdoctoral experience;
• a track record in mathematics research in the relevant domain evidenced by publications in important peer reviewed journals and talks at conferences and workshops;
• teaching experience and good teaching skills, as well as a clear vision on academic teaching; you should have acquired the Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) or be willing to acquire this within two years;
• the ability to attract and manage external research funding;
• the ability to supervise PhD students;
• the ability to perform outreach activities and to help attract more mathematics students;
• good proficiency in English, spoken and written;
• fluency in Dutch, or willingness to learn Dutch in order to teach in Dutch after 2 years.
The Mathematics Department in Nijmegen is part of the Institute for Mathematics, Astro and Particle Physics, abbreviated IMAPP. The Mathematics division in IMAPP consists of three groups: Algebra and Logic, Applied Stochastics, and Mathematical Physics. The opening for the tenure track assistant professor is in the Mathematical Physics (MP) group. This group has three chairs: Analysis, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. The main research themes in MP are Noncommutative Geometry, Lie groups, Special Functions and Symplectic Geometry.
Website: http://www.ru.nl/math/
Conditions of employment
Employment: 1,0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on a fulltime employment: € 4,970 gross/month
The monthly salary will be between €3,195 and €4,970 (Salary scale 11 or 12) on a full-time basis, depending on qualifications and experience.
Duration of the contract: Initially for a period of 5 years with possibility of tenure.
Additional conditions of employment
The initial appointment will be temporary, for a period of 5 years. Upon satisfactory completion of the review period it will become permanent.
Other Information
You are requested to submit a covering letter, a curriculum vita, a list of publications and/or invited talks at conferences and the names of at least two referees.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview and will be asked to give a sample lecture.
Additional Information
Prof. dr. Gert Heckman
Telephone: +31 24 3653233
E-mail: g.heckman@math.ru.nl
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancy number 62.23.11) before 14 April 2011 by sending your application -preferably by email- to:
RU Nijmegen, FNWI, P&O, mrs. M. Vossen
PO Box 9010, 6500 GL, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Telephone: +31 24 3652131
E-mail: vacatures@science.ru.nl
Maximum Salary: € 4,970 gross/month
Vacancy number: 62.23.11
Closing date: 14 April 2011
Job description
As an assistant professor you will join the Mathematical Physics (MP) group. Your research should be in Algebraic Geometry in the widest possible sense. Possible fields of interest: Algebraic Groups, Moduli Spaces or Integrable Systems.
You will develop and teach courses within the general curriculum of students of Mathematics. You attract and manage external research funding and supervise PhD students. You perform outreach activities and will help attract more mathematics students.
As a candidate for this position you have:
• a PhD in mathematics;
• several years of postdoctoral experience;
• a track record in mathematics research in the relevant domain evidenced by publications in important peer reviewed journals and talks at conferences and workshops;
• teaching experience and good teaching skills, as well as a clear vision on academic teaching; you should have acquired the Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) or be willing to acquire this within two years;
• the ability to attract and manage external research funding;
• the ability to supervise PhD students;
• the ability to perform outreach activities and to help attract more mathematics students;
• good proficiency in English, spoken and written;
• fluency in Dutch, or willingness to learn Dutch in order to teach in Dutch after 2 years.
The Mathematics Department in Nijmegen is part of the Institute for Mathematics, Astro and Particle Physics, abbreviated IMAPP. The Mathematics division in IMAPP consists of three groups: Algebra and Logic, Applied Stochastics, and Mathematical Physics. The opening for the tenure track assistant professor is in the Mathematical Physics (MP) group. This group has three chairs: Analysis, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. The main research themes in MP are Noncommutative Geometry, Lie groups, Special Functions and Symplectic Geometry.
Website: http://www.ru.nl/math/
Conditions of employment
Employment: 1,0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on a fulltime employment: € 4,970 gross/month
The monthly salary will be between €3,195 and €4,970 (Salary scale 11 or 12) on a full-time basis, depending on qualifications and experience.
Duration of the contract: Initially for a period of 5 years with possibility of tenure.
Additional conditions of employment
The initial appointment will be temporary, for a period of 5 years. Upon satisfactory completion of the review period it will become permanent.
Other Information
You are requested to submit a covering letter, a curriculum vita, a list of publications and/or invited talks at conferences and the names of at least two referees.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview and will be asked to give a sample lecture.
Additional Information
Prof. dr. Gert Heckman
Telephone: +31 24 3653233
E-mail: g.heckman@math.ru.nl
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancy number 62.23.11) before 14 April 2011 by sending your application -preferably by email- to:
RU Nijmegen, FNWI, P&O, mrs. M. Vossen
PO Box 9010, 6500 GL, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Telephone: +31 24 3652131
E-mail: vacatures@science.ru.nl
Matemáticos,Físicos y Estadísticos para Consultor Madrid, Bcn y Bilbao
Puesto vacante: Matemáticos,Físicos y Estadísticos para Consultor
Categorías: Administración de empresas - Consultoría
Nivel: Empleado
Número de vacantes: 15
Descripción de la oferta: Management Solutions
ManagementSolutions es una firma multinacional de servicios profesionales de consultoría y asesoramiento empresarial. Realizamos proyectos de estrategia, organización, procesos y eficiencia operativa, control y gestión de riesgos y tecnologías relacionadas. Trabajamos fundamentalmente en el sector financiero y en los sectores de energía y telecomunicaciones.
ManagementSolutions desarrolla su actividad a través de 15 oficinas, 8 en Europa y 7 en America, con un equipo multidisciplinar de más de 900 profesionales.
Para más información acerca de la Firma visita: www.msspain.com
- Tratamiento estadístico de datos (data mining).
- Modelización predictiva de eventos crediticios y comerciales mediante técnicas multivariantes (análisis cluster, regresión lineal, regresión logística, probit ordenado).
- Modelización de eventos temporales (series temporales, modelos ARIMA).
- Desarrollo de modelos de simulación (Monte Carlo).
- Revisión y validación de modelos de rating y scoring, RAROC y parámetros de riesgo.
- Apoyo matemático al negocio: Desarrollo de algoritmos, Estadística y Probabilidad.
- Proyectos de I+D.
- Utilización de software estadístico y matemático (SAS, SPSS, Clementine, Matlab).
Se ofrece
Participar y especializarse en los proyectos de consultoría más relevantes del sector, para las mayores compañías, líderes en sus respectivos mercados. Trabajar junto al ¿top management¿ empresarial, ante sus retos nacionales e internacionales. Integración en un extraordinario equipo de profesionales, cuyos valores y cultura corporativa son una referencia en el sector. Plan de formación continuado y plan de carrera claramente definido, donde la evaluación de los profesionales depende exclusivamente de sus ¿propios meritos¿. Integración en un extraordinario equipo de profesionales, cuyos valores y cultura corporativa son una referencia en el sector. Sistema de promoción anual que garantiza el constante crecimiento profesional maximizando el potencial de todos nuestros profesionales.
- Contrato laboral indefinido
- Estabilidad laboral
- Proyección internacional
Más información
Categorías: Administración de empresas - Consultoría
Nivel: Empleado
Número de vacantes: 15
Descripción de la oferta: Management Solutions
ManagementSolutions es una firma multinacional de servicios profesionales de consultoría y asesoramiento empresarial. Realizamos proyectos de estrategia, organización, procesos y eficiencia operativa, control y gestión de riesgos y tecnologías relacionadas. Trabajamos fundamentalmente en el sector financiero y en los sectores de energía y telecomunicaciones.
ManagementSolutions desarrolla su actividad a través de 15 oficinas, 8 en Europa y 7 en America, con un equipo multidisciplinar de más de 900 profesionales.
Para más información acerca de la Firma visita: www.msspain.com
- Tratamiento estadístico de datos (data mining).
- Modelización predictiva de eventos crediticios y comerciales mediante técnicas multivariantes (análisis cluster, regresión lineal, regresión logística, probit ordenado).
- Modelización de eventos temporales (series temporales, modelos ARIMA).
- Desarrollo de modelos de simulación (Monte Carlo).
- Revisión y validación de modelos de rating y scoring, RAROC y parámetros de riesgo.
- Apoyo matemático al negocio: Desarrollo de algoritmos, Estadística y Probabilidad.
- Proyectos de I+D.
- Utilización de software estadístico y matemático (SAS, SPSS, Clementine, Matlab).
Se ofrece
Participar y especializarse en los proyectos de consultoría más relevantes del sector, para las mayores compañías, líderes en sus respectivos mercados. Trabajar junto al ¿top management¿ empresarial, ante sus retos nacionales e internacionales. Integración en un extraordinario equipo de profesionales, cuyos valores y cultura corporativa son una referencia en el sector. Plan de formación continuado y plan de carrera claramente definido, donde la evaluación de los profesionales depende exclusivamente de sus ¿propios meritos¿. Integración en un extraordinario equipo de profesionales, cuyos valores y cultura corporativa son una referencia en el sector. Sistema de promoción anual que garantiza el constante crecimiento profesional maximizando el potencial de todos nuestros profesionales.
- Contrato laboral indefinido
- Estabilidad laboral
- Proyección internacional
Más información
Beca Metodología en el Banco Popular Madrid
Se precisa incorporar un Becario para que Contribuya al desarrollo de modelos estadísticos en el ámbito de riesgos financieros.
Las funciones a realizar serán las siguientes:
- Colaborar en el diseño y desarrollo de modelos estadísticos de scoring/rating para la gestión de riesgos financieros
- Apoyar la construcción de parámetros de riesgo: PD, LGD y EAD
Más información
Las funciones a realizar serán las siguientes:
- Colaborar en el diseño y desarrollo de modelos estadísticos de scoring/rating para la gestión de riesgos financieros
- Apoyar la construcción de parámetros de riesgo: PD, LGD y EAD
Más información
Oferta laboral en Peru
Socios en Salud está buscando un profesional en Informática y Estadística jornada completa. Esta persona se dedicará a producir estadísticas, asesorar en el uso de técnicas a los coordinadores de diferentes proyectos, generar reportes basados en los sistemas de información, evaluar bases de datos e interpretar resultados para una adecuada toma de decisiones y contribuir a lograr los objetivos de las institución
Contar como mínimo 3 años de experiencia en el Análisis de información en el campo de la Salud y manejo de Base de Datos.
- Estudios Universitarios en Estadística.
- Inglés avanzado.
- Conocimiento de Softwares estadístico (SPSS, SAS, Epiinfo u otros)
- Manejo de datos médicos.
- Manejo de base de datos Oracle y SQL.
- Conocimiento de Windows 2003 Server y Linux.
- Aptitud para el análisis de procesos de negocio y modelamiento de datos.
Fecha: 8 de junio de 2010
Localidad: San Borja
Departamento: Lima
Salario: a tratar
Comienzo: Inmediato
Duración: definido
Tipo de trabajo: Tiempo Completo
Solicitudes: Enviar CV Vitae vía email CON EXPECTATIVAS SALARIALES y el título de EST
Empresa: Socios en Salud Sucursal Perú
Contacto: Claudia de la Cruz
E-mail: rrhh_ses@pih.org
Socios en Salud está buscando un profesional en Informática y Estadística jornada completa. Esta persona se dedicará a producir estadísticas, asesorar en el uso de técnicas a los coordinadores de diferentes proyectos, generar reportes basados en los sistemas de información, evaluar bases de datos e interpretar resultados para una adecuada toma de decisiones y contribuir a lograr los objetivos de las institución
Contar como mínimo 3 años de experiencia en el Análisis de información en el campo de la Salud y manejo de Base de Datos.
- Estudios Universitarios en Estadística.
- Inglés avanzado.
- Conocimiento de Softwares estadístico (SPSS, SAS, Epiinfo u otros)
- Manejo de datos médicos.
- Manejo de base de datos Oracle y SQL.
- Conocimiento de Windows 2003 Server y Linux.
- Aptitud para el análisis de procesos de negocio y modelamiento de datos.
Fecha: 8 de junio de 2010
Localidad: San Borja
Departamento: Lima
Salario: a tratar
Comienzo: Inmediato
Duración: definido
Tipo de trabajo: Tiempo Completo
Solicitudes: Enviar CV Vitae vía email CON EXPECTATIVAS SALARIALES y el título de EST
Empresa: Socios en Salud Sucursal Perú
Contacto: Claudia de la Cruz
E-mail: rrhh_ses@pih.org
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011
Grupo de dinámica fuera del equilibrio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Requisitos: •Recién licenciados y alumnos de último curso.
•Buen expediente académico en Física o Matemática Aplicada (al menos 2/4 o 7,5/10).
•Buen conocimiento de Inglés.
Se valorará: •Tener conocimientos de programación.
Funciones: Tesis doctoral en Física Estadística. El candidato realizará tareas de investigación en Física Estadística, en particular, en Procesos Estocásticos y en el estudio de las implicaciones de las conexiones entre Física Estadística y Teoría de la Información. El candidato estará integrado en un grupo teórico dinámico, con activas colaboraciones internacionales. El candidato adquirirá las habilidades necesarias para investigar en temas punteros en Física Estadística.
Contrato: Beca-contrato predoctoral (diversas convocatorias a lo largo del año)
Duración: 4 años
Salario bruto: 1142euros/mes o más (dependiendo de la convocatoria)
Contacto: Francisco J. Cao
email: francao@fis.ucm.es
web: http://www.ucm.es/info/oeqdyn/
•Buen expediente académico en Física o Matemática Aplicada (al menos 2/4 o 7,5/10).
•Buen conocimiento de Inglés.
Se valorará: •Tener conocimientos de programación.
Funciones: Tesis doctoral en Física Estadística. El candidato realizará tareas de investigación en Física Estadística, en particular, en Procesos Estocásticos y en el estudio de las implicaciones de las conexiones entre Física Estadística y Teoría de la Información. El candidato estará integrado en un grupo teórico dinámico, con activas colaboraciones internacionales. El candidato adquirirá las habilidades necesarias para investigar en temas punteros en Física Estadística.
Contrato: Beca-contrato predoctoral (diversas convocatorias a lo largo del año)
Duración: 4 años
Salario bruto: 1142euros/mes o más (dependiendo de la convocatoria)
Contacto: Francisco J. Cao
email: francao@fis.ucm.es
web: http://www.ucm.es/info/oeqdyn/
Trabajo de consultora financiera para un proyecto con el Banco Santander
* Strong C++ skills: MULTITHREADING (VERY IMPORTANT), Concurrent Programming
(Critical Sections, Locks, Semaphores, Monitors), Object Oriented
Programming (OOP), Design Patterns.
* Strong understanding of ASYNCHRONOUS APIs.
* Basic knowledge of Java.
NICE TO HAVE (not required):
* Hands-on experience with some commercial messaging library (i.e. TIBCO,
IBM MQ Series, JMS, MS MQ Series).
* Good mathematical skills.
NICE TO HAVE (not required):
* Basic knowledge of standard statistics.
* Basic knowledge/experience of financial markets.
* Basic English.
Contactar con:
Maximiliano Martínez
Móvil: (0034) 696993311
Fijo: (0034) 902 876227
Fax: (0034) 91 603 2091
c/Severo Ochoa 3 - Planta baja - 28230 - Las Rozas de Madrid
c/Pinar 5 - 28006 - Madrid
Avda. Diagonal 640 - 6º A - 08028 - Barcelona
* Strong C++ skills: MULTITHREADING (VERY IMPORTANT), Concurrent Programming
(Critical Sections, Locks, Semaphores, Monitors), Object Oriented
Programming (OOP), Design Patterns.
* Strong understanding of ASYNCHRONOUS APIs.
* Basic knowledge of Java.
NICE TO HAVE (not required):
* Hands-on experience with some commercial messaging library (i.e. TIBCO,
IBM MQ Series, JMS, MS MQ Series).
* Good mathematical skills.
NICE TO HAVE (not required):
* Basic knowledge of standard statistics.
* Basic knowledge/experience of financial markets.
* Basic English.
Contactar con:
Maximiliano Martínez
Móvil: (0034) 696993311
Fijo: (0034) 902 876227
Fax: (0034) 91 603 2091
c/Severo Ochoa 3 - Planta baja - 28230 - Las Rozas de Madrid
c/Pinar 5 - 28006 - Madrid
Avda. Diagonal 640 - 6º A - 08028 - Barcelona
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011
Statisticians, bioinformaticians, or R programmers
Fecha Límite: 25/03/2011
The Biomedical Research Unit at the Institut de Recerca Vall d’Hebron is offering 1 open post doc position for statisticians, bioinformaticians, or R programmers to support molecular diagnostics.
Our research is focused on the molecular, translational and clinical aspects of prostate cancer (PC), ovarian cancer (OC) and endometrial cancer (EC). The candidate will work together with a young and motivated multidisciplinary team in projects based on clinical needs and unresolved clinical problems.
• The candidate should be able to indentify and validate diagnostic, prognostic and predictive profiles from genomic (Taqman, microarray) and proteomic data (DIGE, LC-MS/MS SRM).
• Knowledge of machine learning / classification techniques (Random Forests, SVM etc.), crossvalidation techniques and strong R programming skills are required.
• Experience in "classic" experimental design, bioinformatics (BioConductor etc),IVD development will be plus
• Fluent in spoken and written English
• Capacity of independent reasoning combined with the willingness to work within a group is essential
Type of contract and salary:
We offer a inicial contract for 18 months with the possibility of extension.
Salary will depend on the candidates profile.
If the description is interesting and you think you can fill the requirements, please consider sending en email con a CV and a cover letter to:
Dr. Andreas Doll
Biomedical Research and Translational Oncology
Vall Hebron Reserach Institute
The Biomedical Research Unit at the Institut de Recerca Vall d’Hebron is offering 1 open post doc position for statisticians, bioinformaticians, or R programmers to support molecular diagnostics.
Our research is focused on the molecular, translational and clinical aspects of prostate cancer (PC), ovarian cancer (OC) and endometrial cancer (EC). The candidate will work together with a young and motivated multidisciplinary team in projects based on clinical needs and unresolved clinical problems.
• The candidate should be able to indentify and validate diagnostic, prognostic and predictive profiles from genomic (Taqman, microarray) and proteomic data (DIGE, LC-MS/MS SRM).
• Knowledge of machine learning / classification techniques (Random Forests, SVM etc.), crossvalidation techniques and strong R programming skills are required.
• Experience in "classic" experimental design, bioinformatics (BioConductor etc),IVD development will be plus
• Fluent in spoken and written English
• Capacity of independent reasoning combined with the willingness to work within a group is essential
Type of contract and salary:
We offer a inicial contract for 18 months with the possibility of extension.
Salary will depend on the candidates profile.
If the description is interesting and you think you can fill the requirements, please consider sending en email con a CV and a cover letter to:
Dr. Andreas Doll
Biomedical Research and Translational Oncology
Vall Hebron Reserach Institute
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011
Scientific Programmer/Statistician Havard
The statistical genetics research group of Dr. Liming Liang at Harvard School of Public Health invites applications for a Scientific Programmer/Statistician to help design, implement, and test computationally-efficient algorithms for management, checking, and analysis of genetic data; provide technical advice to faculty, students, and staff; and assist in the execution and completion of scientific research projects. The successful candidate will join a collegial and productive research team focused on the statistical design and analysis of genome-wide studies of human complex diseases/traits such as gene expression, DNA methylation, asthma, breast cancer, diabetes and/or heart disease.
Necessary technical qualifications for the position include excellent C/C++ programming skills, experience with Perl/Python, R/S-Plus/SAS, Unix/Linux/Windows environment, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Statistics or related discipline or equivalent practical experience, and an interest in working on cutting edge computational and statistical problems in human genetics. Strong background in statistics and mathematics and knowledge of genetics, are desirable.
Necessary personal qualifications include a strong work ethic, flexibility in adapting to changing research needs, and the ability to work independently combined with willingness to work in a highly interactive and collegial group. This is an opportunity to work in a challenging and rewarding research area that constantly poses new technical and computational problems. Generous salary support is available based on level of experience.
Additional Information:
Please submit a resume, academic transcripts (if graduated within the last 5 years), and at least 3 references letter by email to Liming Liang, lliang@hsph.harvard.edu. Address: Department of Epidemiology and Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Building 2, Room 211A, 655 Huntington Ave, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Phone: 617.432.5896.
Applications from minority and female candidates are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an AA/EOE.
Necessary technical qualifications for the position include excellent C/C++ programming skills, experience with Perl/Python, R/S-Plus/SAS, Unix/Linux/Windows environment, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Statistics or related discipline or equivalent practical experience, and an interest in working on cutting edge computational and statistical problems in human genetics. Strong background in statistics and mathematics and knowledge of genetics, are desirable.
Necessary personal qualifications include a strong work ethic, flexibility in adapting to changing research needs, and the ability to work independently combined with willingness to work in a highly interactive and collegial group. This is an opportunity to work in a challenging and rewarding research area that constantly poses new technical and computational problems. Generous salary support is available based on level of experience.
Additional Information:
Please submit a resume, academic transcripts (if graduated within the last 5 years), and at least 3 references letter by email to Liming Liang, lliang@hsph.harvard.edu. Address: Department of Epidemiology and Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Building 2, Room 211A, 655 Huntington Ave, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Phone: 617.432.5896.
Applications from minority and female candidates are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an AA/EOE.
Postdoctoral Research Position in Statistical Genetics Havard
The statistical genetics research group of Dr. Liming Liang at Harvard School of Public Health invites applicants to a 2-3 year Postdoctoral Fellow position emphasizing the statistical designs and analysis of genome-wide studies for human complex diseases and traits. Our group focuses on (1) analysis of gene expression and methylation data, (2) new statistical approaches for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data, and (3) new statistical framework to maximize the informativeness of multiple phenotypes and elucidate how genetic and epigenetic variants and their interaction with environmental factors involve in pathogenesis of complex diseases/traits. The fellows will work closely with Dr. Liang, with other quantitative Ph.D's in his group, and with collaborators at HSPH, HMS and The Broad Institute. Fellows will be mentored to facilitate transition to independent research careers by emphasizing acquisition of analytic, writing, and other research skills. Review of applications begins immediately.
Applicants should have a doctoral degree in Statistics/Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Computer Science or other relevant discipline with strong quantitative research background; practical experience working with large scale genetic data sets, developing new methods, and producing high-quality published work, are desirable.
Additional Information:
Please submit a brief statement of interest, CV, contact information for at least 3 references, and one sample publication by email to Liming Liang, lliang@hsph.harvard.edu. Address: Department of Epidemiology and Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Building 2, Room 211A, 655 Huntington Ave, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Phone: 617.432.5896.
Applications from minority and female candidates are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an AA/EOE.
The statistical genetics research group of Dr. Liming Liang at Harvard School of Public Health invites applicants to a 2-3 year Postdoctoral Fellow position emphasizing the statistical designs and analysis of genome-wide studies for human complex diseases and traits. Our group focuses on (1) analysis of gene expression and methylation data, (2) new statistical approaches for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data, and (3) new statistical framework to maximize the informativeness of multiple phenotypes and elucidate how genetic and epigenetic variants and their interaction with environmental factors involve in pathogenesis of complex diseases/traits. The fellows will work closely with Dr. Liang, with other quantitative Ph.D's in his group, and with collaborators at HSPH, HMS and The Broad Institute. Fellows will be mentored to facilitate transition to independent research careers by emphasizing acquisition of analytic, writing, and other research skills. Review of applications begins immediately.
Applicants should have a doctoral degree in Statistics/Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Computer Science or other relevant discipline with strong quantitative research background; practical experience working with large scale genetic data sets, developing new methods, and producing high-quality published work, are desirable.
Additional Information:
Please submit a brief statement of interest, CV, contact information for at least 3 references, and one sample publication by email to Liming Liang, lliang@hsph.harvard.edu. Address: Department of Epidemiology and Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Building 2, Room 211A, 655 Huntington Ave, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Phone: 617.432.5896.
Applications from minority and female candidates are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an AA/EOE.
Postdoctoral Research Position in Statistical Genetics
Two post-doctoral positions are available in the statistical genetics research group of Dr. Alkes Price, a faculty member at the Harvard School of Public Health. The fellows will work closely with Dr. Price, with other quantitative Ph.D.'s in his group, and with collaborators at HSPH, HMS and The Broad Institute. Questions that we aim to answer include: (1) Which scoring statistics for genome-wide association studies in populations of mixed ancestry provide maximum power to identify disease genes, accounting for admixture association, imputation and fine-mapping, and family relationships, (2) What is the contribution of different classes of genetic variation to the heritability of disease and gene expression traits, and (3) Which new statistical approaches will maximize the informativeness of resequencing data for identifying disease genes in homogeneous, structured and/or admixed populations.
Exceedingly strong quantitative research background; practical experience working with large real-world genetic data sets, developing new methods, and producing high-quality published work. Preference will be given to candidates with degrees in computer science or other applied quantitative fields.
Additional Information:
Please submit a brief statement of interest, CV, contact information for at least 3 references, and one sample publication by email to Vickie Beaulieu, (vbeaulie@hsph.harvard.edu).
Applications from minority and female candidates are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an AA/EOE.
Two post-doctoral positions are available in the statistical genetics research group of Dr. Alkes Price, a faculty member at the Harvard School of Public Health. The fellows will work closely with Dr. Price, with other quantitative Ph.D.'s in his group, and with collaborators at HSPH, HMS and The Broad Institute. Questions that we aim to answer include: (1) Which scoring statistics for genome-wide association studies in populations of mixed ancestry provide maximum power to identify disease genes, accounting for admixture association, imputation and fine-mapping, and family relationships, (2) What is the contribution of different classes of genetic variation to the heritability of disease and gene expression traits, and (3) Which new statistical approaches will maximize the informativeness of resequencing data for identifying disease genes in homogeneous, structured and/or admixed populations.
Exceedingly strong quantitative research background; practical experience working with large real-world genetic data sets, developing new methods, and producing high-quality published work. Preference will be given to candidates with degrees in computer science or other applied quantitative fields.
Additional Information:
Please submit a brief statement of interest, CV, contact information for at least 3 references, and one sample publication by email to Vickie Beaulieu, (vbeaulie@hsph.harvard.edu).
Applications from minority and female candidates are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an AA/EOE.
martes, 8 de marzo de 2011
Trabajo en consultaria analítica Neo-Metrics
La empresa Neo-Metrics, dedicada a dar servicio de consultoría analítica y de negocio a grandes multinacionales, está interesada en contratar consultores juniors o seniors con gran potencial, con conocimientos de estadísticas, minería de datos, SAS y SQL. Es un trabajo con un perfil muy analítico. En caso que alguno esté interesado puede enviar el curriculum a través de la página web de Neo-Metrics, o bien a la atención de la siguiente persona de contacto: Penélope Garzón penelope.garzon@neo-metrics.com C/ Arequipa 1 - 28043 Madrid Tel: (+34) 91.382.45.54
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011
Postdoc en el Tecnológico de Monterrey
La Cátedra de Investigación en Cadena de Suministro del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey abre una plaza para un Investigador Postdoctoralde tiempo completo en el área de "Modelos, Algoritmos y Heurísticas paraDiseño Territorial orientado a arcos". El Postdoctorante trabajará estrechamente con el Prof. José Luis GonzálezVelarde y su grupo de investigación, así como con el Grupo de Ingeniería deSistemas de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, y estará involucrado detiempo completo en labores de investigación, cuyo énfasis principal será elestudio y desarrollo de algoritmos eficientes de solución a problemas dediseño de territorios para logística inversa. Dicho proyecto es financiadopor el CONACYT de México. El proyecto postdoctoral está planeado a 12 meses con fecha de iniciotentativa de Agosto de 2011.
CREDENCIALES - Grado de doctor (no más de 3 años de antigüedad a la fecha de inicio), eninvestigación de operaciones, ingeniería industrial, computación, o áreasafines. - Formación/interés destacado en una o más de las siguientes áreas:programación matemática, programación entera, métodos de optimización exacta(branch-and-cut, branch-and-price), métodos heurísticos o metaheurísticos,optimización estocástica, optimización multi-objetivo. - Sólida habilidad de programación - Sólida habilidad de comunicación en idioma inglés (escrita y verbal). - Nota: No es requisito tener ciudadanía mexicana. CONTACTO Interesados deben someter: (a) carta de autopostulación; (b) curriculum vitae; (c) 2 cartas de recomendación (español o inglés), una de ellaspreferentemente del director de tesis doctoral dirigido al Prof. José LuisGonzález Velarde a la dirección de abajo. Se sugiere enviar los documentosvía electrónica.
FECHA LIMITE Se aceptarán solicitudes hasta el 31/Mayo/2011.
José Luis González Velarde
Profesor Titular
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Av. E. Garza Sada Sur 2501 64849
Monterrey, N. L., México
+52 (81) 8158-2042
CREDENCIALES - Grado de doctor (no más de 3 años de antigüedad a la fecha de inicio), eninvestigación de operaciones, ingeniería industrial, computación, o áreasafines. - Formación/interés destacado en una o más de las siguientes áreas:programación matemática, programación entera, métodos de optimización exacta(branch-and-cut, branch-and-price), métodos heurísticos o metaheurísticos,optimización estocástica, optimización multi-objetivo. - Sólida habilidad de programación - Sólida habilidad de comunicación en idioma inglés (escrita y verbal). - Nota: No es requisito tener ciudadanía mexicana. CONTACTO Interesados deben someter: (a) carta de autopostulación; (b) curriculum vitae; (c) 2 cartas de recomendación (español o inglés), una de ellaspreferentemente del director de tesis doctoral dirigido al Prof. José LuisGonzález Velarde a la dirección de abajo. Se sugiere enviar los documentosvía electrónica.
FECHA LIMITE Se aceptarán solicitudes hasta el 31/Mayo/2011.
José Luis González Velarde
Profesor Titular
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Av. E. Garza Sada Sur 2501 64849
Monterrey, N. L., México
+52 (81) 8158-2042
Cursos en el Servei d'Estadística de la UAB
Curso de introducción a R, que se realizará los días 5, 6, 7 y 8de Abril de 2011Más información
Curso de introducción a los Modelos Mixtos con R, que se realizarálos días 3, 4, 5 y 6 de Mayo de 2011.Más información
Curso de introducción a los Modelos Mixtos con R, que se realizarálos días 3, 4, 5 y 6 de Mayo de 2011.Más información
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
Postgraduate Studentships
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Kent
The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at Kent offers a lively research culture with a thriving group of taught and research postgraduate students. We expect to award several PhD studentships in 2011 to highly motivated applicants interested in doctoral studies in mathematics, statistics or actuarial science.
In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), Kent was ranked 24th out of 159 institutions for world-leading research, with eight of our subject areas (including statistics) in the top ten nationwide. Kent is among the best research-intensive universities in the UK, with over 55% of our research deemed to be world-leading or internationally excellent. Details of the research undertaken by the School can be found at:
SMSAS PhD studentships cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate and provide a maintenance grant at the same rate as the UK Research Councils (£13,590 per annum in 2010-11).
Entry Requirements
Our studentships are open to candidates of all nationalities applying to the PhD programme in Actuarial Science, Mathematics or Statistics. All candidates must have (or expect to gain) a good Honours degree (either first or upper second class) and preferably an MMath or Masters degree in a relevant subject.
For further information on the school and the possibility of doctoral studies at Kent, contact imspg-admiss@kent.ac.uk
To ensure full consideration for a SMSAS studentship, please submit your complete application before 25 March 2011.
To apply please fill in the online application form available at http://www.kent.ac.uk/studying/postgrad/apply/index.html
University of Kent
The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at Kent offers a lively research culture with a thriving group of taught and research postgraduate students. We expect to award several PhD studentships in 2011 to highly motivated applicants interested in doctoral studies in mathematics, statistics or actuarial science.
In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), Kent was ranked 24th out of 159 institutions for world-leading research, with eight of our subject areas (including statistics) in the top ten nationwide. Kent is among the best research-intensive universities in the UK, with over 55% of our research deemed to be world-leading or internationally excellent. Details of the research undertaken by the School can be found at:
SMSAS PhD studentships cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate and provide a maintenance grant at the same rate as the UK Research Councils (£13,590 per annum in 2010-11).
Entry Requirements
Our studentships are open to candidates of all nationalities applying to the PhD programme in Actuarial Science, Mathematics or Statistics. All candidates must have (or expect to gain) a good Honours degree (either first or upper second class) and preferably an MMath or Masters degree in a relevant subject.
For further information on the school and the possibility of doctoral studies at Kent, contact imspg-admiss@kent.ac.uk
To ensure full consideration for a SMSAS studentship, please submit your complete application before 25 March 2011.
To apply please fill in the online application form available at http://www.kent.ac.uk/studying/postgrad/apply/index.html
Research Associate in Medical Statistics
University College London - Epidemiology and Public Health
Full Time
The appointment will be on UCL Grade 7. The salary range will be £31,778-£38,441 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.
Duties and Responsibilities
Applications are sought from experienced statisticians with expertise in analysing large longitudinal datasets. The post holder will lead statistical analyses on large longitudinal datasets in CALIBER (CArdiovascular disease research LInking Bespoke studies and Electronic Records), exploiting the linkage of the national register of acute coronary syndromes (MINAP) with the primary care record from the General Practice Research Database (GPRD), resulting in over 50,000 coronary endpoints. You will work closely with clinicians and other researchers, and take responsibility for the design, analysis, and reporting of results for peer reviewed publications. The post is funded by the Wellcome Trust for a period of 30 months in the first instance.
Key Requirements
Applicants must have a postgraduate qualification in medical statistics or closely related discipline, and experience working as a statistician in collaborative clinical research leading to peer reviewed publications. Expertise in key aspects of study design and analysis, particularly applied to large, longitudinal datasets (for example, survival analysis, Bayesian approaches, and multi-level modeling) is required. Experience in the use of statistical packages is essential together with good verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to explain complex statistical issues to non-statisticians. A knowledge of electronic health records (in primary care and disease registries) is desirable but not essential.
Further Details
For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ and search on Reference Number 1178456. Interested candidates are invited to contact Prof Harry Hemingway for an informal discussion about this post: email: h.hemingway@ucl.ac.uk, telephone: 020 3108 3084. If you have any queries regarding the application process please contact Floriana Bortolotti (020 7679 1681, f.bortolotti@ucl.ac.uk). UCL Taking Action for Equality
Closing Date 28 Mar 2011
Latest time for the submission of applications Midday
Interview date 8th April
Full Time
The appointment will be on UCL Grade 7. The salary range will be £31,778-£38,441 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.
Duties and Responsibilities
Applications are sought from experienced statisticians with expertise in analysing large longitudinal datasets. The post holder will lead statistical analyses on large longitudinal datasets in CALIBER (CArdiovascular disease research LInking Bespoke studies and Electronic Records), exploiting the linkage of the national register of acute coronary syndromes (MINAP) with the primary care record from the General Practice Research Database (GPRD), resulting in over 50,000 coronary endpoints. You will work closely with clinicians and other researchers, and take responsibility for the design, analysis, and reporting of results for peer reviewed publications. The post is funded by the Wellcome Trust for a period of 30 months in the first instance.
Key Requirements
Applicants must have a postgraduate qualification in medical statistics or closely related discipline, and experience working as a statistician in collaborative clinical research leading to peer reviewed publications. Expertise in key aspects of study design and analysis, particularly applied to large, longitudinal datasets (for example, survival analysis, Bayesian approaches, and multi-level modeling) is required. Experience in the use of statistical packages is essential together with good verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to explain complex statistical issues to non-statisticians. A knowledge of electronic health records (in primary care and disease registries) is desirable but not essential.
Further Details
For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ and search on Reference Number 1178456. Interested candidates are invited to contact Prof Harry Hemingway for an informal discussion about this post: email: h.hemingway@ucl.ac.uk, telephone: 020 3108 3084. If you have any queries regarding the application process please contact Floriana Bortolotti (020 7679 1681, f.bortolotti@ucl.ac.uk). UCL Taking Action for Equality
Closing Date 28 Mar 2011
Latest time for the submission of applications Midday
Interview date 8th April
Research Assistant in Statistics
University College London - Institute of Child Health, Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Full Time
The appointment will be on UCL Grade 6. The salary range will be £27,796 - £29,318 per annum depending on skills and experience, inclusive of London Allowance.
Duties and Responsibilities
We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher/statistician to join the MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health to work on a portfolio of projects consisting of various genetic epidemiology projects, including genomewide association studies and investigation of gene- environment interactions. This post offers an excellent opportunity to undertake important research that helps to identify the contribution of genetic and environmental factors on our health. It will allow the researcher to develop and apply their skills and use a range of research methods within the context of a multidisciplinary research group and extensive research collaborations. The post is initially funded for 30 months.
Key Requirements
Applicants must have an MSc in statistics or genetic epidemiology or another relevant discipline. The postholder must have experience of handling large and complex datasets, including file manipulation using standard software packages such as Stata, PLINK, R, SAS, MLwin or Mplus. A good working knowledge of research methods in statistics and/or genetic epidemiology is essential. The postholder must have good written and verbal communication skills as well as the ability to work as part of a team and independently.
Further Details
For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ and search on Reference Number 1178292. If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact Daniel Henniker on d.henniker@ich.ucl.ac.uk or 020 7905 2742, UCL Taking Action for Equality
Closing Date 17 Mar 2011
Interview date 29/03/2011
Full Time
The appointment will be on UCL Grade 6. The salary range will be £27,796 - £29,318 per annum depending on skills and experience, inclusive of London Allowance.
Duties and Responsibilities
We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher/statistician to join the MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health to work on a portfolio of projects consisting of various genetic epidemiology projects, including genomewide association studies and investigation of gene- environment interactions. This post offers an excellent opportunity to undertake important research that helps to identify the contribution of genetic and environmental factors on our health. It will allow the researcher to develop and apply their skills and use a range of research methods within the context of a multidisciplinary research group and extensive research collaborations. The post is initially funded for 30 months.
Key Requirements
Applicants must have an MSc in statistics or genetic epidemiology or another relevant discipline. The postholder must have experience of handling large and complex datasets, including file manipulation using standard software packages such as Stata, PLINK, R, SAS, MLwin or Mplus. A good working knowledge of research methods in statistics and/or genetic epidemiology is essential. The postholder must have good written and verbal communication skills as well as the ability to work as part of a team and independently.
Further Details
For further details about the vacancy and how to apply on line please go to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ and search on Reference Number 1178292. If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact Daniel Henniker on d.henniker@ich.ucl.ac.uk or 020 7905 2742, UCL Taking Action for Equality
Closing Date 17 Mar 2011
Interview date 29/03/2011
University Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Statistics (2 posts). Termina el plazo mañana
University of Cambridge - Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Salary: £27,319 - £35,646 pa
Limit of tenure: 3 years
Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Statistics, to be held in the Statistical Laboratory. The Fellowships are available for three years, commencing on 1 September 2011. Appointment will be made at an appropriate point on the University's Postdoctoral Research Associate scale. The successful candidates will have a PhD and have demonstrated a capability to produce world class research. These Research Fellowships are associated with a major expansion of personnel and activities in core statistical methodology and its applications.
Applications should be sent by email to the Director of the Statistical Laboratory (email: vacancies@statslab.cam.ac.uk) and should include a full curriculum vitae, list of publications and the contact details of two academic referees. Applicants are required to include a research proposal of not more than 2 pages setting out their research aims and objectives. The application should be accompanied by a completed form CHRIS/6 Parts I and III (downloadable from http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/). Applicants should ask their referees to email references directly to the Director of the Statistical Laboratory (email as above) to arrive by the closing date.
Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor A.P. Dawid (email: a.p.dawid@statslab.cam.ac.uk).
Further particulars can be found at www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/Vacancies/.
Please quote reference LF07669 when applying.
Quote Reference: LF07669,
Closing Date: 4 March 2011
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
Salary: £27,319 - £35,646 pa
Limit of tenure: 3 years
Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Statistics, to be held in the Statistical Laboratory. The Fellowships are available for three years, commencing on 1 September 2011. Appointment will be made at an appropriate point on the University's Postdoctoral Research Associate scale. The successful candidates will have a PhD and have demonstrated a capability to produce world class research. These Research Fellowships are associated with a major expansion of personnel and activities in core statistical methodology and its applications.
Applications should be sent by email to the Director of the Statistical Laboratory (email: vacancies@statslab.cam.ac.uk) and should include a full curriculum vitae, list of publications and the contact details of two academic referees. Applicants are required to include a research proposal of not more than 2 pages setting out their research aims and objectives. The application should be accompanied by a completed form CHRIS/6 Parts I and III (downloadable from http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/). Applicants should ask their referees to email references directly to the Director of the Statistical Laboratory (email as above) to arrive by the closing date.
Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor A.P. Dawid (email: a.p.dawid@statslab.cam.ac.uk).
Further particulars can be found at www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/Vacancies/.
Please quote reference LF07669 when applying.
Quote Reference: LF07669,
Closing Date: 4 March 2011
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
Research Fellow in Clinical Trial Statistics Imperial College London
Salary: £36,040 - £47,450
The Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU) is a clinical trials unit working across Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS trust, the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and affiliated NHS trusts to deliver world class clinical trials of all phases. Core staff are based predominately within the National Heart and Lung Institute and the School of Public Health.
The post will be based within the International Centre for Circulatory Health (ICCH) and within the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU). As the post-holder, you will be expected to provide statistical support for a wide range of clinical trials and research studies within the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Groups (ICTU-CM) and ICCH. You will also be expected to spend time working closely with staff within the wider Imperial Clinical Trials Unit to provide statistical support to the work of other trials and studies taking place across the unit. You will also play a key role in the evolution of a statistical and methodological group supporting clinical trials of all phases.
You must have a PhD in Statistics, Epidemiology or a related quantitative subject, or equivalent experience. Experience of clinical trial analysis, a high analytical ability and co-authorship of published papers or abstracts are also essential to this post.
This post is full-time and fixed-term for 2 years in the first instance, and is based at St Mary's Campus.
Informal enquiries are to be directed to Professor Neil Poulter (n.poulter@imperial.ac.uk) or Professor Deborah Ashby (deborah.ashby@imperial.ac.uk).
Our preferred method of application is online via our website http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (please select "Job Search" then enter the job title or vacancy reference number into "Keywords"). Please complete and upload an application form as directed.
Alternatively, if you are unable to apply online, please contact the HR Assistant on 020 7594 1956 or email rb.recruitment@imperial.ac.uk to request an application form.
Job Reference: RB020-11
Closing Date: 24 March 2011
Interview Date: 4 April 2011
The Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU) is a clinical trials unit working across Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS trust, the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and affiliated NHS trusts to deliver world class clinical trials of all phases. Core staff are based predominately within the National Heart and Lung Institute and the School of Public Health.
The post will be based within the International Centre for Circulatory Health (ICCH) and within the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU). As the post-holder, you will be expected to provide statistical support for a wide range of clinical trials and research studies within the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Groups (ICTU-CM) and ICCH. You will also be expected to spend time working closely with staff within the wider Imperial Clinical Trials Unit to provide statistical support to the work of other trials and studies taking place across the unit. You will also play a key role in the evolution of a statistical and methodological group supporting clinical trials of all phases.
You must have a PhD in Statistics, Epidemiology or a related quantitative subject, or equivalent experience. Experience of clinical trial analysis, a high analytical ability and co-authorship of published papers or abstracts are also essential to this post.
This post is full-time and fixed-term for 2 years in the first instance, and is based at St Mary's Campus.
Informal enquiries are to be directed to Professor Neil Poulter (n.poulter@imperial.ac.uk) or Professor Deborah Ashby (deborah.ashby@imperial.ac.uk).
Our preferred method of application is online via our website http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (please select "Job Search" then enter the job title or vacancy reference number into "Keywords"). Please complete and upload an application form as directed.
Alternatively, if you are unable to apply online, please contact the HR Assistant on 020 7594 1956 or email rb.recruitment@imperial.ac.uk to request an application form.
Job Reference: RB020-11
Closing Date: 24 March 2011
Interview Date: 4 April 2011
Becario Estadística o Matemáticas EUROSTARS Bcn
Puesto vacante: Becario Estadística o Matemáticas
Categorías: Marketing y comunicación - Investigación de mercados
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: Gran compañía líder en el sector hotelero con más de 2000 hoteles asociados en 40 países de tres continentes diferentes y considerado como el cuarto consorcio hotelero a nivel mundial y el primero a nivel europeo busca jovenes profesionales como consecuencia de la fuerte expansión de nuestra cadena tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Necesitamos incorporar a un Becario para el departamento de REVENUE.
Colaborará en la optimización de ingresos, en el análisis de la competencia y la gestión de las tarifas en función de los acontecimientos o eventos de la ciudad de origen del hotel.
Colaborará en el control riguroso de la evolución de las ventas de nuestros hoteles.
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Requisitos mínimos: Estar realizando Diplomatura de Estadística o Licenciatura de Matemáticas y haber superado el 50% de los créditos para poder realizar Convenio de Prácticas.
Más información
Puesto vacante: Becario Estadística o Matemáticas
Categorías: Marketing y comunicación - Investigación de mercados
Número de vacantes: 1
Descripción de la oferta: Gran compañía líder en el sector hotelero con más de 2000 hoteles asociados en 40 países de tres continentes diferentes y considerado como el cuarto consorcio hotelero a nivel mundial y el primero a nivel europeo busca jovenes profesionales como consecuencia de la fuerte expansión de nuestra cadena tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Necesitamos incorporar a un Becario para el departamento de REVENUE.
Colaborará en la optimización de ingresos, en el análisis de la competencia y la gestión de las tarifas en función de los acontecimientos o eventos de la ciudad de origen del hotel.
Colaborará en el control riguroso de la evolución de las ventas de nuestros hoteles.
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: No Requerida
Requisitos mínimos: Estar realizando Diplomatura de Estadística o Licenciatura de Matemáticas y haber superado el 50% de los créditos para poder realizar Convenio de Prácticas.
Más información
Minitab es el principal software del mundo para la enseñanza de estadística, para ello buscamos un tutor/a de formación continua(on line o a distancia) para empresa, duración 80 horas, disponibilidad por la mañana.Muy importante conocer el programa y su manejo, además se valorará experiencia en la formación.
Información de contacto
Código del anuncio OM\2011\001065
Interesados consultar el siguiente enlace:
Más información
Minitab es el principal software del mundo para la enseñanza de estadística, para ello buscamos un tutor/a de formación continua(on line o a distancia) para empresa, duración 80 horas, disponibilidad por la mañana.Muy importante conocer el programa y su manejo, además se valorará experiencia en la formación.
Información de contacto
Código del anuncio OM\2011\001065
Interesados consultar el siguiente enlace:
Más información
Spatial Analysis in Epidemiology in Turin

Durante el 20, 21 y 22 de junio de 2011 se celebrará en Turín (Italia) el curso "Análisis espacial en Epidemiología". El curso está organizado por los proyectos Ineq-Cities (Socio-economic inequalities in mortality: evidence and policies in cities of Europe), EPIWORK (Developint the Framework for an epidemic forecast infraestructure) y el Master de Epidemiología de la Universidad de Turín.
Este curso se dirige a personal epidemiológico, personal biestadístico, personas interesadas en salud pública y epidemiología, estudiantes de master de estos ámbitos.
Díptico del curso
miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011
Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: Al menos 3 años
Requisitos mínimos: - Titulación: Diplomado en Estadística, Licenciado en Ingeniería de Software o Matemáticas.
Conocimientos requeridos:
- Bases de Datos (Access, SQLserver)
- Conocimientos matemáticos y estadísticos.
- Herramientas de Análisis (STATA, SPSS, otras)
- Manejo de herramientas Office (Excel (a nivel macros), otros).
- Inglés medio.
- Análisis y resolutivo
- Trato con personas
- Aprender y compartir conocimientos
- Trabajo en equipo
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Estudios mínimos: Diplomado - Estadística
Experiencia mínima: Al menos 3 años
Requisitos mínimos: - Titulación: Diplomado en Estadística, Licenciado en Ingeniería de Software o Matemáticas.
Conocimientos requeridos:
- Bases de Datos (Access, SQLserver)
- Conocimientos matemáticos y estadísticos.
- Herramientas de Análisis (STATA, SPSS, otras)
- Manejo de herramientas Office (Excel (a nivel macros), otros).
- Inglés medio.
- Análisis y resolutivo
- Trato con personas
- Aprender y compartir conocimientos
- Trabajo en equipo
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Entradas (Atom)