Con motivo del Año Internacional de la Estadística, el pasado 4 de diciembre la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, impartió una conferencia sobre Ronald H. Fisher. La conferencia fue impartida por Daiel Peña (Rector de la Universidad
Carlos III). Aquí teneis el video de esta conferencia.
viernes, 24 de enero de 2014
jueves, 23 de enero de 2014
Oxford: Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Statistical Cancer Genomics
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
in Statistical Cancer Genomics
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human
Genetics, Roosevelt Drive, Headington, Oxford
Grade 7: £29,837 - £33,661 p.a.
Applications are invited for a
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Statistical Cancer Genomics to join a newly
established research group headed by Dr Christopher Yau ( based at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (WTCHG). The
research will focus on developing statistical methods for the analysis of whole
genome cancer sequencing data including modelling tumour heterogeneity and
integrative approaches for combining data from multiple sources.
miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014
PhD studentships in Statistics at the Open University in UK
We invite applications for two
full-time three-year PhD studentships in Mathematics and Statistics commencing
1st October 2014. PhD students are based at the University’s Walton Hall campus
in Milton Keynes, UK.
Studentships cover full-time fees
and include a stipend (currently £13,726 per annum + £1250 per annum to cover
training and conference participation).
PhD Studentship at Queen Mary University of London
PhD Studentship: Decision Making
in Medicine using Bayesian nets.
Applications are invited for a
funded PhD Studentship to work in the field of medical decision support. The
student will work as part of a successful collaboration between the Risk and
Information Management (RIM) Research Group in the School
of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science and the Trauma Science group
in the School of Medicine and Dentistry, which is developing new tools for
clinical reasoning, using Bayesian networks.
PhD studentship in mathematical and statistical neuroscience at the University of Exeter
A fully funded PhD studentship is
available to work with Professor John Terry and Dr Daniel Williamson
(University of Exeter). The project has two main aims. The first aim is to
understand the relationship between numerical continuation, a technique for
mapping out paths of bifurcations in parameter space, and statistical methods
in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) such as emulation and history matching, that
can be used to map these paths probabilistically. To achieve this we will start
from normal forms of co-dimension one bifurcations and build up to nonlinear
models with many parameters and complex bifurcation structures. Through
studying and comparing both methods in low dimensional cases where numerical
continuation is computationally expensive, we then aim to adapt the UQ methods
in order to map paths of bifurcations probabilistically in high dimensional
parameter spaces where UQ can efficiently operation but where continuation is
infeasible. The second aim is to apply this understanding to make patient
specific predictions regarding treatment options for people with epilepsy
through fusing mathematical models with clinical datasets recorded using
PhD studentship at the University of Edinburgh
There is a Ph.D. studentship starting in September/October 2014 at the Operational Research group at the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh on the topic "Mixed Integer Programming techniques dedicated to the robust design of aerospace system architecture". The deadline for applications is 31 January 2014. The expected starting date is September/October 2014 and the duration of the studentship is 3.5 years.
2 Post Doctoral Researcher in Physical Activity Measurement and Determinants in University of Limerick
The University of Limerick (UL) with over 13,000
students and 1,300 staff is an energetic and
enterprising institution with a proud record of innovation and excellence in
education, research and scholarship. The dynamic, entrepreneurial and
pioneering values which drive UL’s mission and strategy ensures that we capitalise on local, national and international
engagement and connectivity. We are renowned for providing an outstanding
student experience and conducting leading edge research. Our commitment
is to make a difference by shaping the future through educating and empowering
our students. UL is situated on a superb riverside campus of over 130 hectares
with the River Shannon as a unifying focal point. Outstanding recreational,
cultural and sporting facilities further enhance this exceptional learning and
research environment.
Applications are invited for the following position:
Faculty of Education & Health Sciences
Department of Physical Education
& Sports Sciences – Centre of Physical Activity & Health Research
Post Doctoral Researcher in Physical Activity Measurement and
Determinants x 2 – Specific Purpose Contract
viernes, 17 de enero de 2014
University Lectureships in Statistics (2 posts) in Cambridge
Applications are invited for University Lectureships in Statistics to commence on 1 September 2014 or by agreement. Full details can be seen here
Informal enquiries about the
positions may be made to Professor James Norris, Director of the Statistical
Laboratory (email:
Further information for
applicants is available at
Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships
Scholarships worth over £25,000 each are available for up to 250 people
who are passionate about mathematics and statistics, to train as a
secondary mathematics teacher in England.
The scholarship brings with it a tax-free grant of £25,000 (replacing any teacher training bursary entitlement) and two years free membership, including access to resources and events, of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the London Mathematical Society, The Royal Statistical Society and Mathematics in Education and Industry.
The scholarship brings with it a tax-free grant of £25,000 (replacing any teacher training bursary entitlement) and two years free membership, including access to resources and events, of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the London Mathematical Society, The Royal Statistical Society and Mathematics in Education and Industry.
jueves, 16 de enero de 2014
PhD studentship Social Statistics University of Manchester
Topics in Survey Methodology
Location: School of Social Sciences, Oxford Road, University of Manchester
Location: School of Social Sciences, Oxford Road, University of Manchester
Closing Date: 17th January 2014
Bayesian Model Comparison: Conference and Research Volume
Model uncertainty is a key
component of statistical data analysis and an integral part in the inferential
process. Because theory typically implies a range of possible competing
empirical specifications, accounting for model uncertainty is crucial for
understanding the processes under investigation, and is a necessary step in
interpreting model parameters and performing predictions. Bayesian model
comparison and model averaging is an active research area that continues to
generate new ideas and innovative approaches.
The aim of this call for papers
is to produce a research volume that examines key aspects of modern Bayesian
research on model comparison and model averaging. The volume will address
important challenges in this area with the goal of improving theoretical
foundations and practical implementation.
Workshop Big data in biomedicine. Big models? University of Warwick
Most statistical methods learn
from data using probability models. Now that data has grown to become "big
data" and the complexity of the inference is also bigger, should our
models grow? If so, which of the old lessons still apply and which need to be
revised? The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss recent
statistical modelling strategies to solve complex problems, with a focus on
biomedicine, Bayesian methods and high-dimensional inference. Some specifics
topics of interest are:
- Prior choice: objective
approaches, model separation and the value of informative priors
- High-dimensional model
selection, including graphical models and correlated data
- Bayesian non-parametrics
- Bioinformatics and medical
Bioestadístico/a para trabajar en la Unidad de Investigación en Ensayos Clínicos del Instituto de Investigación Biocruces, fundación vasca de innovación e investigación sanitaria
La Fundación Vasca de Innovación e Investigación Sanitarias BIOEF, busca: Bioestadístico/a para trabajar en la Unidad de Investigación en Ensayos Clínicos del Instituto de Investigación Biocruces en el programa de Metodología, Estadística y Gestión de Datos Avanzada de la Plataforma de Unidades de investigación clínica y ensayos clínicos. Ref.: PT13/0002/0006
Se requiere:
- Licenciatura en estadística, matemáticas, física, económicas u otras disciplinas con especialización en estadística.
- Formación postgraduada (máster o doctorado) en estadística, bioestadística, epidemiología o métodos cuantitativos de investigación.
Se requiere:
- Licenciatura en estadística, matemáticas, física, económicas u otras disciplinas con especialización en estadística.
- Formación postgraduada (máster o doctorado) en estadística, bioestadística, epidemiología o métodos cuantitativos de investigación.
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014
Instructor or Assistant Professor level in psychiatric biostatistics program. McLean Hospital
Duties & Responsibilities:
McLean’s sizeable research program includes a wide variety of clinical
and basic research in psychiatry and neuroscience, including clinical
trials; epidemiologic studies; longitudinal studies; genetics;
neuroimaging; animal behavioral and physiological experiments; and
basic molecular neuroscience. The successful candidate will join a
psychiatric biostatistics program and will be responsible for developing
collaborations with McLean investigators and participating in a
statistical consultation service.
martes, 14 de enero de 2014
Principal Biostatistician in Immune Tolerance Network. Position located in Bethesda, MD
Duties & Responsibilities:
Working closely with clinicians, statisticians, biologists and
bioinformaticans, the incumbent will provide statistical consultancy and
guidance in experimental design and approaches to analyzing data to the
functional areas of the Immune Tolerance Network (ITN). The incumbent
will contribute to the development of novel methods, as well as the
application of these and existing methods, to solve complex problems in
genomics, proteomics and statistical genetics. An initial area of focus
will be gene expression analysis.
Biostatistician in Bosch Telehealth is located in Palo Alto, CA.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Develop statistical methods using large-scale telehealth, clinical,
and financial data to link risk factors of chronic diseases to care
models and to health outcomes. - Identify/develop analytic and
validation tools and methods for decision support, such as health risk
assessment, in population-based health management. - Based on
epidemiological methods, organize the data into clinically relevant
categories and design statistical models using clinical (EMR),
telehealth, and administrative claims data to personalize care models
based on Bosch’s current and future telehealth clinical content -
Develop methods for handling large-scale clinical and survey data
including missing/incomplete and unstructured data
Urgente!!! Analista de Datos para Elda, Alicante.
La empresa FROM THE BENCH, empresa
tecnológica española con proyección internacional especializada en el
desarrollo de juegos interactivos de deportes disponibles en distintas
plataformas, situada en ELDA, precisa, ANALISTA DATOS (B I) (1)
lunes, 13 de enero de 2014
Statistical Programmer/ Analyst in Havard University
Duties & Responsibilities:
Job details Auto req ID 30850BR School/Unit Harvard School of
Public Health Sub-Unit ------------ Location USA - MA - Boston
Job Function Research Department Health Policy and Management
Salary Grade 056 Union 00 - Non Union, Exempt or Temporary Duties
& Responsibilities The statistical programmer/analyst will be an
integral member of a fast-paced, interdisciplinary team on statistical
analysis of large scale data. The incumbent works with faculty
(physicians and social scientists), research assistants and other senior
programmers to provide comprehensive data management / analysis support
for a variety of projects and personnel. Typical team projects include
studies related to quality measurement, access to care, and health care
reform. Specific responsibilities include: - Organizes, maintains
and manages data used in large research studies from multiple sources;
- Designs analytical databases and maintaining the integrity of the
databases, including merging of multiple datasets and data manipulation
to perform statistical analysis; - Manages large data sets involving
multiple years of data - Provides statistical analyses for multiple
projects including multiple logistic and linear regression, longitudinal
analysis, hierarchical models, and survey analysis. - Collaborates
with faculties and statisticians on analytical objectives. The
programmer will assist in creating a database infrastructure while
assisting study staff to create analytic datasets and reports. This
is a term-end grand funded appointment with a term-end date of February
1, 2015.
domingo, 12 de enero de 2014
Basque center for applied mathematics
El centro vasco de matematática aplicada, dió comienzo en septiembre del año 2008 en Bilbao gracias al Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno
Este centro de investigación es un centro interdisciplinario de nivel mundial sobre Matemática Aplicada que tiene por objeto fortalecer la Red Vasca de Ciencia y tecnología del sistema, mediante la realización de la investigación interdisciplinaria en las fronteras de las matemáticas, los científicos de talento y formación atracción, de modo que la excelencia de nuestros resultados son reconocidos por la Sociedad.
Este centro de investigación es un centro interdisciplinario de nivel mundial sobre Matemática Aplicada que tiene por objeto fortalecer la Red Vasca de Ciencia y tecnología del sistema, mediante la realización de la investigación interdisciplinaria en las fronteras de las matemáticas, los científicos de talento y formación atracción, de modo que la excelencia de nuestros resultados son reconocidos por la Sociedad.
Temporary Assistant Professor/Instructor in Statistics in Truman State University, Missouri
Duties & Responsibilities:
Teach undergraduate statistics classes currently offered by the
Department of Statistics and performing other duties as assigned. Other
duties could include advising, mentoring students in research, or
service to the university and community.
sábado, 11 de enero de 2014
Opina sobre el apartado ¿Trabajas como estadístico?
Necesito vuestra ayuda, y por ello, he escrito este post con el fin de valorar e intentar mejor el apartado de ¿Trabajas como estadístico? para este próximo año. Os invito a cumplimientar este cuestionario, cuyos resultados serán de gran utilidad para mejorar este apartado.
Gracias de antemano por vuestra colaboración. Un saludo Eva M. Navarrete Muñoz
Gracias de antemano por vuestra colaboración. Un saludo Eva M. Navarrete Muñoz
Postdoctoral Fellow in Spatio-Temporal Statistics and Statistical Ecology. University of Missouri
Duties & Responsibilities:
The Department of Statistics and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Sciences at the University of Missouri invites applications for a
postdoctoral fellow in spatio-temporal statistics with emphasis in
statistical ecology. The position will focus on the development of
innovative spatio-temporal dynamical models for a variety of problems in
wildlife ecology. The postdoctoral fellow will reside at the University
of Missouri and will be supervised by Chris Wikle (Statistics) and Josh
Millspaugh (Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences), and will have the
opportunity to interact with faculty from both departments as well as a
vibrant group of postdoctoral fellows in both spatio-temporal statistics
and wildlife ecology. In addition, depending on the fellow’s interest,
there are optional opportunities to participate in fieldwork and data
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor - Mathematics & Applied Mathematics in Johns Hopkins University
PDuties & Responsibilities:
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Department of Applied Mathematics and
Statistics Department of Mathematics Bloomberg Distinguished
Professor Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a
Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in the area of the Mathematical
Foundations of Data Intensive Computation and Inference. This position
is one of 50 new Bloomberg Distinguished Professorships designated for
outstanding scholars at the associate or full professor rank who carry
out interdisciplinary research and teaching in areas identified for
significant growth at the University. The position will include joint
tenure in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics in the
Whiting School of Engineering and the Department of Mathematics in the
Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. The holder of this Bloomberg
Distinguished Professorship will participate in the research and
teaching activities of both departments and would devote 50% of his/her
effort to each department. Applicants should possess distinguished
records of achievement in research and teaching in areas of mathematics
and statistics applicable to the representation and analysis of large
data sets. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae
and a list of publications to Review of
applications will begin on February 28, 2014, and will continue until
the position is filled. Johns Hopkins University is committed to
enhancing the diversity of its faculty and encourages applications from
women and minorities. The Johns Hopkins University is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics in Oregon State University
Duties & Responsibilities:
Develop and maintain independent and collaborative research programs;
consistently obtain external funding; advance the University’s research
agenda in the area of biostatistics; teach undergraduate and graduate
courses; advise and mentor MPH and PhD students; provide service to the
University, profession, and field of public health.
150 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales didácticos on line
Cuaderno Intercultural publicaba hace ya algún tiempo una nueva sección en su web con 150 herramientas gratuitas que permiten crear materiales didácticos (información, ejercicios, actividades,...) sin necesidad de descargar ningun programa, todo de forma online
viernes, 10 de enero de 2014
Práctica/Becario Beca Advanced Analytics (Investigación de mercados) en Madrid
de último curso de matemáticas, estadística o económicas con alto nivel de
inglés y perfil muy analítico interesados en realizar sus prácticas en un
entorno tecnológico.
Experiencia Laboral: No
es necesaria
Estudios mínimos: Grado
Becas prácticas profesionales en documentación y estadística, Generalitat Valenciana
Convocatoria de dos becas destinadas a graduados o
licenciados en Matemáticas o en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas.
Realizarán las prácticas en el Servicio de Análisis de Políticas
Públicas de la Dirección General de Análisis y Políticas Públicas del
Gabinete del President, sito en Valencia, colaborando en el análisis
estadístico de datos.
Convocatoria de 1 becas de formación para Estadístico en el Observatorio Estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer correspondientes al período 2014-2015
El Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, a través de
la Delegación del Gobierno para la Violencia de Género, convoca para los
ejercicios 2014 y 2015 la concesión de cuatro becas de formación en el
Observatorio Estatal de Violencia sobre la Mujer.
Estas becas de formación tienen como finalidad contribuir a la formación de personas físicas en materias dirigidas a favorecer la igualdad de trato y la erradicación de las distintas formas de violencia contra la mujer.
Estas becas de formación tienen como finalidad contribuir a la formación de personas físicas en materias dirigidas a favorecer la igualdad de trato y la erradicación de las distintas formas de violencia contra la mujer.
- Licenciatura o grado en Estadística, Sociología o Economía
- Experiencia en la creación, gestión y explotación de bases de datos.
- Conocimientos y experiencia en el uso del paquete estadístico SPSS
- Nivel avanzado de inglés, oral y escrito. -
Formación Específica:
- Conocimientos de estadística aplicados a las ciencias sociales.
- Conocimientos en materia de violencia de género.
Plaza de profesor Titular de Universidad de Cordoba en el Departamento de Matemáticas.
Actividades docentes e investigadoras a realizar por quien obtenga la plaza:
Docentes: Docencia en las asignaturas «Álgebra
lineal y Geometría I» y «Álgebra Lineal y Geometría II», de la
Titulación de Graduado/a en Física, y otras propias del Área.
Investigadoras: Estudio de hipersuperficies
espaciales de curvatura media constante o controlada en Robertson-Walker
generalizados y otros espaciotiempos. Problemas de tipo
Más información en:
Oferta de beca de investigación en estadística aplicada en el centro de matemática aplicadas del País Vasco.
Buscan un doctor en Estadística o Matemáticas (fecha del doctorado 1/1/2003 - 31/12/2010), con publicaciones relevantes e investigaciones propias en el campo de estadística aplicada, modelización estadística, bioestadística o estadística aplicada a la Epidemiología o a las Ciencias Ambientales.
Técnico de proceso de datos en Conecta research and consulting
Perfil de los candidatos: Diplomados/as o graduados/as en Estadística.
Funciones: Incorporación al departamento de Producción y Proceso de datos como Técnico de proceso de datos
Funciones: Incorporación al departamento de Producción y Proceso de datos como Técnico de proceso de datos
- Diseño de muestras y cuestionarios
- Preparación y depuración de BBDD
- Tabulación y explotación de datos obtenidos en las encuestas
- Realización de análisis estadísticos
- Labores de Apoyo a departamento cuantitativo
- Prestar apoyo a la Data Analyst
- Elaborar informes estadísticos de ventas, consumos medios, mix de producto, etc.
jueves, 9 de enero de 2014
Análisis de estudios de cohortes en ciencias de la salud (Regresión de Poisson y de Cox) en la UMH
Los días 2 y 3 de Abril del 2014 tendrá lugar en la Universidad Miguel Hernández un curso de los modelos de regresión de
Poisson y regresión de Cox utilizados para el análisis estadístico de
datos en ciencias de la salud coordinado por Jesús Vioque y Eva M. Navarrete en el que el profesor Aurelio Tobías nos mostrára los usos de estos análisis con el programa Stata.
lunes, 6 de enero de 2014
Si aún no lo conoces consulta Freshbiostats, un interesante blog para discutir, compartir y aprender sobre la Bioestadística

Los autores son miembros activos de Biostatnet procedentes de diferentes áreas de conocimiento, pero unidos por un compromiso con la investigación, la interdisciplinariedad y la colaboración.
En ella podrás encontrar, desde código de R muy intersante, noticias para bioestadísticos, impresiones sobre workshop, reflexiones sobre nuevos análisis, sobre nuevas aplicaciones, y muchas más cosas de gran utilidad.
domingo, 5 de enero de 2014
El año internacional de la Estadística toca su fin, y empieza World of Statistics.

- Aumentar la conciencia pública sobre el poder y el impacto
de la estadística en todos los aspectos de nuestra sociedad.
- Promover la estadística como una profesión, especialmente entre la gente joven.
- Fomentar la creatividad y el desarrollo de las ciencias de la probabilidad y la estadística
- Promover la estadística como una profesión, especialmente entre la gente joven.
- Fomentar la creatividad y el desarrollo de las ciencias de la probabilidad y la estadística
Durante este año, han sido numerosos los eventos que se han
realizado con este propósito a nivel mundial como en España. Como ha sido
reconocido por comité directivo
Statistics2013, España ha sido reconocido junto a Bulgaria y a México
como uno de los grandes colaboradores en el evento.
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