viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships

Scholarships worth over £25,000 each are available for up to 250 people who are passionate about mathematics and statistics, to train as a secondary mathematics teacher in England.
The scholarship brings with it a tax-free grant of £25,000 (replacing any teacher training bursary entitlement) and two years free membership, including access to resources and events, of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the London Mathematical Society, The Royal Statistical Society and Mathematics in Education and Industry.

Professionals with extensive mathematical professional experience may be eligible, as are graduates with strongly mathematical degrees and those undertaking a Maths Subject Enhancement Course. Applicants should have accepted a place on, or be applying for, unsalaried mathematics teacher training in England. The scholarships are funded by the Department for Education and administered by Institute of Mathematics and its Applications with the London Mathematical Society, The Royal Statistical Society and Mathematics in Education and Industry.

You can apply in any one of six application rounds. The final application round closes on 28 July 2014, but you are encouraged to apply early. Full details of how to apply are available at the Institute of Mathematics website. Informal enquiries can be addressed to

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