jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Columbia University

Duties & Responsibilities: A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University. The position involves methodological and applied research in statistical genetics. Relevant examples include developing statistical and computational methods for population-based and family-based designs in the context of large-scale sequencing studies, methodology development in the field of network genetics. Application areas include the genetics of psychiatric diseases.
Position Qualifications: Qualifications are a PhD in statistics, biostatistics, computer science or other quantitative field, and strong programming skills (R or C).

Salary Range: Competitive

Application Address: To apply, send cover letter describing your research interests, CV and names of two references to Iuliana Ionita-Laza at ii2135@columbia.edu.

Contact Email: ii2135@columbia.edu

Application Deadline: until position is filled

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