martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Professorship for Applied Mathematics in Germany

The Faculty for Mathematics and Informatics of the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany, invites applications for a W2-Professorship for Applied Mathematics at the Institute for Numerical and for Applied Mathematics to be filled for a period of 5 years, non-permanent, starting at October 1st, 2013.
We are looking for an internationally renowned scientist, whose research is on interdisciplinary problems in applied mathematics and who is a committed representative of this field in science as well as in teaching.
The candidate is expected to participate in the obligatory teaching load of the Institute for Numerical and for Applied Mathematics, also for Bachelor-Students, especially at the level of beginners, and in the supervision of Bachelor- and Master's theses.

The research area of the candidate should connect to the research done at the Institute for Numerical and for Applied Mathematics, i.e. analysis, image processing, numerics, calculus of variations, or scientific computing.

Cooperation with partners from the University and with external partners is expected, as well as collaboration with existing and with planned research networks, particularly in the fields of Medicine and Sciences.

Prerequisite for the application are academic achievements made as a Juniorprofessor (assistant professor), by a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification), as a member of the academic staff of a university or non-university research institute, or in a research position in business, industry, administration or other relevant fields in Germany or abroad.

We actively encourage applications from suitably qualified women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered.

We also welcome applications from candidates with severe disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will be preferentially considered. Applications with the usual documents (CV, certificates, list of publications, list of taught lectures and courses, scientific background, research plan) should be sent electronically in ONE pdf-file until March 31st, 2013 to

Dealine:31 de March 2013

Westfälische Wilhelms-University
Dekan – Faculty 10 Mathematics and Informatics
Einsteinstr. 62
D-48149 Münster, Germany

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