viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Senior Lecturer / Reader in Statistics and Climate Impacts. Durham University

We are seeking 4 posts in Climate Impacts Research as part of Durham University’s Strategic Investment Programme. These posts will be linked to the new Climate Impact Research Centre (CIRC) which aims to generate world leading research that makes a significant contribution to knowledge of climate impacts and can influence policy and practice. As well as leading theoretically and methodologically innovative research, the work of the Centre will engage closely with non-academic partners to build a community of research and practice. CIRC will undertake research on the past, present and future impacts of climate change. Climate change is widely recognised as one of the leading Global Challenges and CIRC aims to consolidate and extend current climate impacts research strengths across the University and build research capacity. The Centre will co-ordinate Durham’s climate impact work and provide a clearer route for exchange between researchers and other climate impact stakeholders, both in the UK and internationally.
The four other posts in this area are:
  1. Senior Lecturer/Reader in Statistics and Climate Impacts
  2. Professor/Reader in Modelling Climate Impact
  3. Chair/Reader/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Climate Change Law and Governance
  4. Professor/Reader in Vulnerability and Resilience to climate impacts

Reference Number: 2508
Location: Durham City
Position: Type Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Closing Date: 14 April 2013

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